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پیج فارسی: @roshangarii پیج اینستاگرام: https://www.instagram.com/enlightenment40/ پیج عربی: @altanwir40 ترجمه فارسی پستها فقط در کانال ایتا قرار میگیرد.
مشاهده در ایتا
They said we killed general Suleymani because he had killed some american occupiers in Iraq😒. Now so far He has killed more than 100000 americans😣. The biggest in american history😱. We managed corona perfectly!😏 So far more than 97000 american fatalities. The biggest american fatalities. Beware of God's revenge✌. 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
He was only a child, when his house was set on fire His father was later killed. At the time, colored Americans did not have the right to share Schools, universities, and even drinking fountains in the US. He had suffered a lot and had become a member of a group that believed "White is the devil". But this was until he went to Hajj pilgrimage and saw that among Muslims; There is no distance for Being white or black; with any skin color, race and social status. It was then that he realized that people being socially categorized is due to their polytheism. So believed in the equality of all human beings. Being an American Muslim leader and anti-racist activist, He was shot dead by 15 bullets by 3 gunmen during a speech. May His soul rest in peace American Muslim leader..... Victim of racism... Who was Malcolm X? ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌ 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
Do you know why BBC doesn't teach american protestors how to make Molotov? No media teached them how to confront tear gas? Does not persuade them to attack police station and security bases? Do you know WHY? Bcs they don't hv CIA. They teach these only to CIA mercenaries in other countries. 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
🚩 My Dr. genius and A physician who chaired the Society of Rheumatism and Head of Sinai Hospital in , which left the presidency after seeing the crimes. He went to and dedicated himself to the free treatment of patients Finally, in November 2000; Israel hit his office with missiles; which caused his martyrdom. The life story of this real man can be found in the "Olive Blossoms" documantary. https://www.telewebion.com/episode/2293657 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
🚩 lovers and brave people who left and And rushed to to help the Palestinians and propagate their voice to the world. And on this, they sacrificed their lives. According to : Whoever is killed for the liberation of Palestine is a . And keeping the memory of the martyrs alive is no less than martyrdom So introduce each of these to others. Every drop of their blood will awaken thousands of people Publish the clips of these martyrs from the documentary : https://www.telewebion.com/episode/2296893 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
My hero Concepcion Picciotto A woman who sat in front of the White House for 35 years in support of Palestine Indeed, She is a real Muslim in deed. It's really beautiful.. Tears deserve to be shed for all this endurance.. Three resistance symbols that stayed in front of the White House for years in support of the Palestinian people. ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️ https://www.telewebion.com/episode/2286008 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
هدایت شده از روشنگری عبری
What does not tell you from : The end of the in the : The last commandments of to : And the spake unto Moses, saying, You will die and join your fathers. After you, this people will betray me in the Promised Land and worship the alien gods and forget me; And will break my covenant with them. Then my anger flares up against them; I will leave them and turn my face away from them to be destroyed. (Deuteronomy: 31) ישראל לא מספרת לך על התורה: סוף היהודים בארץ המובטחת: ואז אלוהים אמר למשה "אתה תמות ותצטרף לאבותיכם." אחריך, האנשים האלה יבגדו בי בארץ המובטחת, יעבדו לאלים הזרים וישכחו אותי וישברו את הברית שכרתתי איתם. אז יתחולל כעסי נגדם, ואעזוב אותם, ואפנה מהם, כדי שהם יאבדו. " (תורה ללא עיוות) 👉 @modeut40 🚩
before regime establishment (1940 s). occupied all neighboring countries like a cancerous tumor. Result:war, poverty.... 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
هدایت شده از کانال روشنگری‌🇵🇸
🚩الطفلة اليمنية في طريقها لجلب الماء الى البيت ، قُتلت برصاص القناص السعودي ، أخوها الأكبر وهو يسحب جثمانها الى البيت ...😭 🚩Young Yemeni Girl while taking home some water is shot by Saudi wahabi sniper!. His brother is trying to take her corpse home!!! 😭 🚩دختر خردسال یمنی در راه آب آوردن به خانه توسط تک تیرانداز سعودی کشته میشود! برادرش در حال کشیدن پیکر او به سمت خانه است! 😭 ____________ 👉 @roshangarii 🚩
🔺 Who is a ? Do you know what is called someone who assassinates? Yes! Terrorist! ! ! regime has assassinated all nuclear and keeps saying: is terrorist and has endangered the region! This is called post-crime 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
Scientists assassinated by The state of Israel openly assassinates the scientists all over the , And then calls them terrorists, and names his crime for the naive self-defense. Isn't such a regime the sole world's cancer tumor? 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
The shortest jokes in the world: America the cradle of democracy France the motherland of freedom Free world Free circulation of information.
There is a massive differences between Zionism and Judaism. If you don't know it , maybe you should form questions instead of uneducated opinions. 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
O'Ali, If I say you're superior to Jesus Christ, my religion cannot accept it! If I say he's superior to you, my conscience won't accept it! I don't say you're God! ...So, tell us yourself, o'Ali: Who are you !? 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
If you stand with ISRAEL Give them your land اگه کنار اسرائیل میایستی، پس سرزمین خودتو بهش بده👌👌👌 🔴حرف حق🔴 "Dr. rezaee" 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
🎥 Another Sayed came to the field..... Whenever a great man is absent, another man will take his place. This is just the beginning of our work with Israel 🎥 سید دیگری به میدان آمد..... هرگاه شیرمردی غایب شد جوانمرد دیگری جایش را خواهد گرفت. این تازه شروع کار ما با اسرائیل است... 👊👊👊👊✊✊✊✊ 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃