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همایش اخلاق و بلایا
13 دنبال‌کننده
15 عکس
1 ویدیو
1 فایل
همایش بین المللی اخلاق، الهیات و بلایای فراگیر (دانشکده الهیات و ادیان دانشگاه شهید بهشتی _ ۳۰ تیرماه ۱۳۹۹ )
مشاهده در ایتا
The First International Online Conference on “Ethics, Theology and Pandemic Diseases (Focusing on the Coronavirus Outbreak)” The Main Aims: a) Analyzing religious and moral challenges caused by the spread of the coronavirus disease b) Strengthening social tolerance and calming the community c) Helping the national health systems and governmental institutions in regulating and guiding the society in crisis situations d) Analyzing contemporary man’s morality and religiosity in the post-corona period
Conference Topics: A: Topics in Ethics 1) Medical ethics and the challenges of the coronavirus disease  Ethical assessment of the operation of health care systems  Ethical norms governing the interaction of the patient and the physician  The role of health ministries from a moral point of view  Moral duties of the WHO in the face of global diseases  Moral conflicts in the practices of medical staff  medical staff’s family relationships issues during their long health care services  Care ethics and pandemic disasters  Healthcare prejudice and it’s moral legitimacy in the coronavirus crisis 2) Political ethics and the duties of governments in the face of epidemic disasters  Ethical evaluation of the governments’ political action in face of the coronavirus crisis based on virtue ethics, deontological ethics and utilitarianism.  Ethical legitimacy of political sanctions during this crisis  The nation-state's mutual trust and its role in managing the coronavirus crisis  Transparency, honesty, and neutrality of the media and the health systems in providing statistics during the disaster  The role of mass media in relation to society’s psychological mentality during the pandemic disaster. 3) Ethics, pandemic diseases and socio-economic issues  The ethics of authoritative obedience amid the Corona crisis  The moral relationships among family members during the home quarantine period  Moral strategies to increase the social patience  Self-sacrifice in face of the Coronavirus outbreak  Ethics of consumption and the economic consequences of the spread of Coronavirus  Poverty, unemployment, and the moral imperatives of the production system during the corona and post-coronavirus period B: Theological Topics 1) Pandemic disasters and religious lifestyle  Ethics, jurisprudence concerning the new ways of mourning  Possible conflicts between the religious practices and the medical obligations  Thinking religiously on suffering and death in quarantine situation  The role of pandemic disasters in eliminating the negligence and in reviving the remembrance of God  Spiritual and mystical approaches to pandemic diseases  The psychology of religious opinions in the context of coronavirus conditions 2) Pandemic disasters and theological reflections  Religious traditions and the past pandemic disasters  Religious consolation in face of pandemic disasters  Theology and the problem of Evil during pandemic disasters  Eco-theology and pandemic disasters  Theology of hope and pandemic disasters  The conflict or non-conflict of the Human activity with divine’s in solving pandemic disasters  Religious intercession during the global disease  Pandemic disasters and the Apocalypse
Important Dates Abstract submission deadline: 19th May 2020 Full paper submission deadline: -19th June 2020 Online conference date: 5th July 2020 Website: ethicsconf.sbu.ac.ir Email: ethicsconf@sbu.ac.ir Contact number: 021-22431785
‏عکس از ف وجدانی
📑دانشکده الهیات و ادیان دانشگاه شهید بهشتی با همکاری بیست نهاد ملی و بین‌المللی، در تیرماه سال جاری برگزار میکند: همایشی بین المللی با عنوان 🔸اخلاق، الهیات و بلایای فراگیر (با محوریت بیماری کرونا)🔸 وبسایت همایش: (ethicsconf.sbu.ac.ir) ایمیل همایش: (ethicsconf@sbu.ac.ir) آدرس کانال همایش در پیام رسان ایتا:‌ (@ethicsconf) 🔰میزمعارف @mizemaaref
‏عکس از R Dehghan
‏عکس از R Dehghan
‏عکس از ف وجدانی
‏عکس از R Dehghan
‏عکس از ف وجدانی
‏عکس از فاطمه وجدانی
‏عکس از فاطمه وجدانی
‏عکس از فاطمه وجدانی
‏عکس از فاطمه وجدانی
✅ همایش بین المللی اخلاق، الهیات و بلاياي فراگیر تمدید شد. مصاحبه خبرگزاری ایسنا با دبیر علمی همایش 👇👇
با سلام به اطلاع کلیه اساتید و پژوهشگران فرهیخته و ارجمند می رساند: اولین همایش بین المللی "اخلاق الهیات و بلایای فراگیر" به همت دانشکده الهیات و ادیان دانشگاه شهید بهشتی در روزهای 18، 19 و 20 شهریور ماه با حضور سخنرانانی از ایران و چند کشور جهان برگزار می گردد. عناوین و برنامه سخنرانی های همایش در جدول فوق تقدیم حضور شده است لینک حضور در همایش https://www.sbu.ac.ir/webinar/Pages/default.aspx
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