بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
📌 Today, by seeking power from Allah and with the help of The master of time, we announce the start of the English branch of Fosselat channel.
📍The content of this channel is prepared by the professor of Quranic sciences, Mr. Sheikh Ali Rajabi, and also translated into English by the religious expert, Mr. Ali Jafarabadi Ashtiani.
✨ The address of Fosselat channel in English on Telegram:👇🏼
🔗 https://t.me/FSLT_ENG
📍 It has been created for those who do not have access to Telegram. Thank you for your cooperation.
📌 The content and goals of the channel, which is carried out in a specialized manner under the supervision of Professor Mr. Shaikh Ali Rajabi, are as follows:
1. Quran
2. Nahj Ul-Balagha
3. Sahifah Sajjadiah
4. Belief in the promised saviour(Mahdism)
5. Sexual health and education
6. Answers to religious doubts and issues
⚜Heavenly admonition, a heaven of admonition
✨Imam Baqir(peace be upon him) said: Four of the prophets spoke in four words:
📚Source: Mawa'edh ul-Adadiya, P. 235
1⃣ Prophet Moses(pbuh) said:
Whoever cuts with his bad friend is as if he has acted according to the Torah.
2⃣ Prophet David(pbuh) said:
Whoever refrains from lust is as if he has followed the Psalms.
3⃣ Prophet Jesus(pbuh) said:
Whoever is satisfied with God's destiny seems to have followed the Gospel.
4⃣ Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said:
Whoever keeps his tongue is as if he acted according to the Quran.
✒️Supervisor: Mr. Sheikh Ali Rajabi
🖋Translator: Mr. Ali J. Ashtiani
🔗 http://iqna.ir/00Hb34
🔎 www.fsit.ir
Heavenly admonition.jpg
⚜Heavenly admonition, a heaven of admonition
✨Imam Baqir(PBUH) said: Four of the prophets spoke in four words...🔻
📌 The high-quality file👆🏼
✒️ Supervisor: Mr. Sheikh Ali Rajabi
🖋 Translator: Mr. Ali J. Ashtiani
🔗 http://iqna.ir/00Hb34
🔎 www.fsit.ir
هدایت شده از Fosselat
Jesus in Quran.jpg
✨ The Word and the Spirit of God in Qur'an
📌 This infographic reviews a reflection of the verses of the Holy Qur'an from the beginning of Jesus Christ's life(PBUH).
🖊 Written by:
Mr. Sheikh Ali Rajabi
✒️ Tranlated by:
Mr. Ali J. Ashtiani
#Infographic #Photo
Look through this research on Iqna websit: 👇🏼
🔗 https://iqna.ir/20Ed1N
⚜The infographic of "Jesus Christ(PBUH) in Quran" was given as a present to Vank cathedral in Isfahan
✨The Quran's point of view about Jesus Christ(PBUH) is the title of this infographic that was prepared in 3 languages: Persian, Arabic and English by the beginning of the new year and the birth anniversary of Jesus(PBUH).
📍 This document was delivered to the director of the cathedral's museum during a missionary trip to Isfahan province, in the last week of January of this year(2024), by Professor, Mr. Ali Rajabi, during his visit which was welcomed and praised by the director of this museum for his permanent researchs such as this gifted infographic, and he expressed his happiness.
🔗 http://iqna.ir/00HbIl
🤲🏼The Night Prayers of
Imam Hadi(PBUH)
✨Imam used to turn to God
at nights and spend the night bowing and prostrating with humility, and there was no barrier between his bright forehead and the ground except pebbles and dust, and he was constantly praying to God, saying:
O Lord! A sinner has come upon you, and a poor has turned to you; don't make his efforts useless and take care and have mercy on him
and forgive his mistakes.
📚 Source: A-Ddurar Ul-Nadhim, P.200
O my God!
مُسیءٌ قَدْ وَرَدَ
1. A sinner has come to you
وَ فقیرٌ قَدْ قَصَدَ
2. A poor has intended for you
لا تخیِّبْ مَسْعاهُ
3. Don't let his efforts go
وَ ارْحَمْهُ
4. And have mercy on him
وَ اغْفِرْ لَهْ خَطاهُ.
5. And forgive his sins.
🖋Academic Supervisor: Professor, Mr. Ali Rajabi
✒️Translator: Mr. Ali J. Ashtiani
🔗 www.fsit.ir
✨Imam Kazim(PBUH) addressing Hisham said:
Luqman, the Wise said to his son: "...O my son! The world is a deep sea, which many have drowned in it; therefore:
1. Your ship[for salvation] should be piety of Almighty God,
2. Your cargo should be faith in Him,
3. The sail of your ship should be the trust in Him,
4. Its skipper should be the wisdom,
5. Its guide should be the knowledge,
6. And its rudder should be the patience."
📚Book "Gifts of Intellects", P. 386
🖋Research by: Professor Mr. Ali Rajabi
✒️Translated by: Mr. Ali J. Ashtiani
🔗 www.fsit.ir
⚜ Grades and ranks of the Qur'an
⚡️The commander of believers, Imam Ali(PBUH), said: "Certainly the outside of the Qur'an is wonderful and its inside is deep(in meaning), Its wonders will never disappear, its amazements will never pass away, and its intricacies can not be cleared except through itself."
📚 Nahj ul-Balagha, Sermon no.18
✨ Ahl ul-Bayt(the pure household of prophet Muhammad), peace be upon them, based on the verses of Qur'an and the frequent hadith of "Thaqalain", are the equivalent of Qur'an, clinging to one of them without the other is equivalent to abandoning both and attaining complete religion is possible just in the light of adherence to verses and traditions.
📖In fact, Qur'an and Etrat(the pure progeny) are the substance of prophecy and support the continuation of the mission, and they guarantee the guidance of mankind until the Day of Judgment.
📝Quran is the written Islam, and the Ahl ul-Bayt are the speaker Islam.
The Quran is the way, and Ahl ul-Bayt are the leaders.
⚡️Imam Hussain(PBUH) said: "The Qur'an is elegant in appearance and deep in its interior."
📚 Bihar ul-Anwar, Vol.92, P.20
📖 If the Qur'an is a strong divine rope for salvation, then Imam Hussain(PBUH) is the talking Qur'an and the ship of salvation for humanity.
🖊 As Parvin Etisami versifies: "They did not give us any other ship in the deep sea, O my friend!"
🔗 www.fsit.ir
⚜ Grades and ranks of the Qur'an ⚡️The commander of believers, Imam Ali(PBUH), said: "Certainly the
🌟Iman Hussain(PBUH) said: "The Book of Allah is on four types:
1. The statement is for all people
2. The signs and tips are for the noble ones
3. The maxims are for the specific beloveds
4. And the verities are for the prophets."
📚Jame' al-Akhbar, Ch.21, P.47
📚Balagha tul-Hussain, P.227
📚Bihar al-Anwar, V.92, P.20
📚Nahj ul-Karamah: P.183
🖋Research: Prof. Mr. Ali Rajabi
✒️Translate: Mr. Ali J. Ashtiani
🔗 www.fsit.ir