⚜ Grades and ranks of the Qur'an
⚡️The commander of believers, Imam Ali(PBUH), said: "Certainly the outside of the Qur'an is wonderful and its inside is deep(in meaning), Its wonders will never disappear, its amazements will never pass away, and its intricacies can not be cleared except through itself."
📚 Nahj ul-Balagha, Sermon no.18
✨ Ahl ul-Bayt(the pure household of prophet Muhammad), peace be upon them, based on the verses of Qur'an and the frequent hadith of "Thaqalain", are the equivalent of Qur'an, clinging to one of them without the other is equivalent to abandoning both and attaining complete religion is possible just in the light of adherence to verses and traditions.
📖In fact, Qur'an and Etrat(the pure progeny) are the substance of prophecy and support the continuation of the mission, and they guarantee the guidance of mankind until the Day of Judgment.
📝Quran is the written Islam, and the Ahl ul-Bayt are the speaker Islam.
The Quran is the way, and Ahl ul-Bayt are the leaders.
⚡️Imam Hussain(PBUH) said: "The Qur'an is elegant in appearance and deep in its interior."
📚 Bihar ul-Anwar, Vol.92, P.20
📖 If the Qur'an is a strong divine rope for salvation, then Imam Hussain(PBUH) is the talking Qur'an and the ship of salvation for humanity.
🖊 As Parvin Etisami versifies: "They did not give us any other ship in the deep sea, O my friend!"
🔗 www.fsit.ir
#اینفوگرافیک | سوره «عصر» خلاصه همه معارف قرآن است
🔹نگاهی مهدوی از جمله منظرها به سوره «عصر» است؛ احوال انسانهایی که در آخرالزمان به پیروی از ولی و پیشوا راه تعالی و رسیدن به کمال انسانی را طی میکنند.
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