📸 "How can one who hears you trust you? One who unknowingly lies is more excused than one who knowingly lies, while lying [in general] is not excused at all."
#HazratIsa #IsaIbnMaryam #Jesus #FreePalestine #Gaza #palestine #GazaHoloucast #GazaGeniocide #Gaza_Genocide #fakenews
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📸 "Allah is also the Hearer of prayers, the Warder-off of anguishes, the Raiser of ranks..."
#ImamHusayn #FreePalestine #GazaHoloucast #GazaGeniocide
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📸 "They replied, "In Allah we trust. Our Lord! Do not subject us to the persecution of the oppressive people."
#TheHolyQuran #FreePalestine #GazaHoloucast #GazaGeniocide
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📸 "As for those who disbelieve, they are the guardians of one another. And unless you [believers] act likewise, there will be great oppression and corruption in the land."
#TheHolyQuran #FreePalestine #GazaHoloucast #GazaGeniocide
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📸 "Allah is the suppressor of the tyrants."
#ImamHusayn #FreePalestine #GazaHoloucast #GazaGeniocide
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📸 "Be an enemy of the oppressor and helper of the oppressed."
#ImamAli #NahjAlBalaghah #Enemy #Oppressor #Helper #Oppressed #FreePalestine #GazaHoloucast #GazaGeniocide
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📸 "And We wanted to confer favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritors"
#HolyQuran #Oppressed #Inheritors #Palestine #FreePalastine #Gaza #GazaHoloucast #GazaGeniocide
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📸 "One who starts a morning in a condition that they do not make efforts regarding the affairs of the Muslims, is not one of the Muslims."
#HolyProphet #Muhammad #ProphetMuhammad #BiharAlAnwar #Gaza #Palestine #freePalestine #GazaGenocide #GazaMassacre #GazaHoloucast
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📸 "Remember when you had been vastly outnumbered and oppressed in the land, constantly in fear of attacks by your enemy, then Allah sheltered you, strengthened you with His help, and provided you with good things so perhaps you would be thankful [to Him]."
#HolyQuran #Outnumbered #Oppressed #Allah #Enemy #Shelter #Strength #help #Palestine #FreePalastine #Gaza #GazaHoloucast #GazaGeniocide #GazaMassacre
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📸 "Woe unto you, O’ servants of evil! For the sake of this base world and ruinous lusts you give up the realm of Heaven and you forget the horror of the Day of Resurrection."
#ProphetIsaibnMaryam #TuhafalUqool #Servants #Evil #Ruinous #Lusts #Realm #Heaven #Horror #Resurrection #Palestine #FreePalastine #Gaza #GazaHoloucast #GazaGeniocide #GazaMassacre
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📸 "A person who hears the voice of a man who calls out to the Muslims for help, but if the Muslim does not respond, they are not a Muslim."
#HolyProphet #Muhammad #ProphetMuhammad #BiharalAnwar #Muslims #Respond #Help #Palestine #FreePalastine #Gaza #GazaHoloucast #GazaGeniocide #GazaMassacre
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