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Islamic Pulse
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Unveiling the belief system, jurisprudence, social/political issues, philosophical/theological foundation, Pure Islam
مشاهده در ایتا
🎦 The Great Divine Revolution of The Messenger of Allah (S) | CubeSync What was the great divine revolution that was brought by the Messenger of Allah, the holy Prophet Muhammad (S) under the orders of the Almighty Allah? And what attributes were well-known regarding the Messenger of Allah (S), even before the official divine proclamation of his eminence's divine Messengership? In what year and with what verse of the holy Qur'an did the Almighty Allah command the Messenger of Allah (S) to officially begin his Prophethood? And what are some fundamental characteristics of the great divine revolution that was brought about by the Messenger of Allah (S) at the command of the Almighty Allah? What fundamental phrase was the Messenger of Allah (S) commanded to announce by the Almighty Allah, and what were some of the repercussions of that divine phrase? Do we live in a Modern Age of Ignorance, and if so, how does it compare to the infamous Age of Ignorance that preceded the Messenger of Allah (S)? What divine religion is at the forefront of defending Truth and Justice in the face of global tyranny and oppression? And finally, what needs to be done, if humanity is to attain true prosperity and true salvation, both in this world and the Hereafter? Sayyid Shahryar answers in this episode of CubeSync, and speaks about "The Great Divine Revolution of The Messenger of Allah (S)". Our condolences to the believers all across the world, wherever you are, upon the demise anniversary of the Seal of Prophethood, the divinely appointed Messenger of Allah, the holy Prophet Muhammad (S). Peace and salutations be upon you, O' Messenger of Allah (S)! Peace and salutations be upon you, O' Prophet of Allah (S)! Peace and salutations be upon you, O' most beloved by Allah! Peace and salutations be upon you, O' Allah's Light that spreads luminosity! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ Muhammad ibn Abdullah (S)! Duration: 07:51 Islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 The Peace Treaty That Broke The Oppressor | Imam Hasan ibn Ali al-Mujtaba (A) | CubeSync How did the famous and historical peace treaty that occurred between Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (A) and Muwaiya, break the oppressor of that era? And who was the one who put forth this peace treaty and with what conditions? Why did Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan rebel against the rightful Caliph of the Muslims, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A)? According to what criteria was Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (A) the rightful Caliph of the Muslims? What is an interesting thing that Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (A) wrote to Muawiya in a letter addressed to Muawiya? And what is an interesting thing that Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (A) said to the people who pledged allegiance to him? And finally, what were some of the conditions that Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (A) placed upon Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan in the peace treaty, and what does this say about the sheer power of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (A)? Sayyid Shahryar answers in this episode of CubeSync, and speaks about "The Peace Treaty That Broke The Oppressor". Our condolences to the believers all across the world, wherever you are, upon the martyrdom anniversary of the grandson of the Messenger of Allah (S), the 2nd divinely appointed Imam, Imam Hasan ibn Ali al-Mujtaba (A). Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ son of the Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ son of the Commander of the Believers! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ son of Fatima, the Luminous! Peace and salutations be upon you, O' Allah's Light! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ Hasan ibn Ali (A)! Duration: 12:01 Islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 The Wali Ahad Deception | Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Redha al-Murtaza (A) | CubeSync What were the socio-political and economic conditions of the Abbasid empire at the time of the Abbasid Caliph Harun al-Rashid? In what two major parts was the Abbasid empire separated into, what were their respective capitals, and who were appointed as their respective governors? What internal revolts and uprisings were destabilizing and weakening the Abbasid empire from within during the reign of the Abbasid Caliph Mamun al-Rashid? How did Mamun al-Rashid protect his quickly crumbling throne? And finally, what was "The Wali Ahad Deception" and how does Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Redha al-Murtadha (A) play a role in it? Sayyid Shahryar answers in this episode of CubeSync, as he speaks about Mamun al-Rashid, Imam al-Redha (A), and "The Wali Ahad Deception". Our condolences to the believers all across the world, wherever you are, upon the martyrdom anniversary of the grandson of the Messenger of Allah (S), the 8th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Redha al-Murtadha (A). Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ son of the Messenger of Allah (S)! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ son of the Commander of the Believers (A)! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ son of Fatima, the Luminous (A)! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ Wali of Allah! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ pillar of religion! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ Ali ibn Musa (A)! Duration: 11:08 Islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp