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تحولات جهان اسلام
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کانال خبری - تحلیلی » تحولات جهان اسلام « Islamic World News آدرس سایت : www.ISWNews.com آدرس هورسا: https://www.hoorsa.com/iswnews آدرس تلگرام: https://t.me/iswnews ارتباط: @Mirza_7
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تحولات جهان اسلام
🔸 خروج آمریکا از سوریه ؛ کردهای سوریه ماهیت واقعی آمریکا را درک کردند؟! کردهای سوریه می گویند آمریک
. Evacuating ; Do Understand True Identity of USA? Syrian Kurds say USA has left them alone and stabbed them in back! Unfortunately Syrian Kurds did not know or did not want to know that USA in general never supports any nation completely and it always leave them alone in crisis based on their exploitation and imperialism identity; US only stays in coalition until they have benefits unless leaves friends. This policy has been done several times by USA about nations and states of specially west of Asia and understanding it is not a difficult task unless blind! Full article here: http://www.english.iswnews.com/4223/usa-evacuating-syria-do-kurds-understand-true-identity-of-usa/
’s Story Lies from top to bottom! Even when the Israelis are clearly telling lies, much of the media and chattering class has been willing to forgive them their trespasses no matter what they do or say. The whopper level lies about Israel are that it is a democracy & US’s best friend and ally. It is neither. It has more than 50 laws that discriminate against Arabs, is now self-defined as a “Jewish state,” & it has recently legalized banning non-Jews from residential areas and towns. It also occupies Palestinian territories where the original inhabitants have no rights but martial law. And the Jewish state has never been an US ally in practical terms as it is under no obligation to support Washington under any circumstances even though a . Air Force general has declared that his troops are prepared to die for Israel... Written by Philip M. Giraldi, former CIA officer & Executive Director of the Council for National Interest http://www.english.iswnews.com/4753/israels-story/
تحولات جهان اسلام
🔸 تاریخچه مداخلات آمریکا در کشورهای آمریکای جنوبی 👈 از سال ۱۸۴۶ تا ۱۹۹۶ برای مشاهده اینفوگرافیک با
🔸 History of #US. Interventions in Latin #America; Review From 1846 to 1996 Read here: http://www.english.iswnews.com/4763/history-of-u-s-interventions-in-latin-america-review/
Officially Labels ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’ The Supreme National Security Council of Iran has, in a statement, designated the US regime a “State Sponsor of Terrorism” and its Central Command () a “terrorist organization”. Read here: http://www.english.iswnews.com/5152/iran-officially-labels-us-state-sponsor-of-terrorism/
Noisy Iraqi Operation Supported by #US Coalition Against #ISIS North of Saladin + Video and Images ISWNews Analysis Group: Iraqi forces launched an operation named “Black Soil” in the Zur Kan’us area northeast of Saladin province with heavy US-led coalition air support against ISIS remnants in the area. http://www.english.iswnews.com/7167/noisy-iraqi-operation-supported-by-us-coalition-against-isis-north-of-saladin-video-and-images/
#US #Syria Trump: Time to Leave Syria! "The delusion of USA supporting Kurds is not limited to this time only. In previous decades this group has been deceived several times and everytime anyone (USA, Europe and Israel) promised them anything, they were betrayed and due to their mistakes they suffered high casualties." https://www.english.iswnews.com/7570/trump-time-to-leave-syria/
13.05M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
Millions of mourners flooded in streets for funeral of Qasem and and companions. Young and old were packed shoulder-to-shoulder in the streets. Surely will face a Harsh response from this people. The big is about to come! https://twitter.com/A7_Mirza/status/1214119880439615489 امروز میلیون ها ایرانی به خیابان های تهران سرازیر شدند و پیکر پاک حاج قاسم و یارانش را تشییع کردند. پیر و جوان شانه به شانه در کنار یکدیگر... مطمئنا آمریکای تروریست پاسخ سختی از این مردم دریافت خواهند کرد. در راه است! ✅ @iswnewshttps://iswnews.com/25843
Remember this image! Beginning of an End, a moment of major shift in balance of power in the Middle East. *A clock, when it was knocked off the wall and stopped at 1:34 AM, recorded the moment the first Iranian missile landed on Ain Al Asad. این تصویر را به خاطر بسپار! آغاز یک پایان، لحظه‌ی تغییر عمده در موازنه قدرت در غرب آسیا. *ساعت روی دیوار، در ساعت 1:34 بامداد متوقف شد، و لحظه‌ی اصابت اولین موشک ایرانی به عین الاسد را ثبت کرد. https://twitter.com/A7_Mirza/status/1479574565718093824https://eitaa.com/joinchat/134742021C10aa5fa2c9
Sadly, dark days lie ahead for the Syrian people. I hope I'm wrong, but with the presence of various terrorist groups with different ideologies in , the occupation and exploitation in the east, and in the south, the reality on the ground suggests otherwise.