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به جامعه پویای یادگیری زبان انگلیسی ما در ایتا بپیوندید. از ارتباط با ما برای پرسش‌ها، بازخوردها یا پیشنهادات خود لذت ببرید - ما از شنیدن فراگیرانمان لذت می‌بریم! https://eitaa.com/jaridehenglish @Esmaeiles4jarideh. ۰۹۳۸۳۴۳۳۵۰۶
مشاهده در ایتا
سلام به دوستان و همراهان جان یک تکلیف برای شما دوستان: The capacity... فایل بالا را برام بخونید و بفرستید. به آیدی زیر بفرستید. @Esmaeiles4jarideh
یعنی ۷۱۰ نفر یک نفر نمیتونه مطلب بالا را بخونه 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Nighty night
سلام و شب بخیر از من به شما دوستان و همراهان جان زمانی شما مطلبی را یاد می گیرد که در گفتمان شرکت کنید و بفهمید که چه جاهایی ضعف دارید و چه جاهایی قوی هستید. ضعف برطرف و قوت برجسته تر کنید. منم زمانی که شروع کردم با ترس و لرز بود دست و پامو گم می کردم اگه ادامه نمی‌دادم الان هیچی بلد نبودم. تا زمانی که خودتان را در صحنه قرار ندید هیچ گاه یاد نمی گیرید.
این همه زمان آزاد دارید مطالب را میخوانید ولی آیا اینقدر برای شما سنگین است یه جواب. زمانی چیزی ارزش پیدا می کنه که ما بابتش هزینه کنیم. اینم همینطور هست.
مژده بزودی ۱۰۰ فعل کاربردی برای شما آماده میشه و در کانال خبر رسانی میشه.
اگه کسی ۲۰ تا فعل بلد باشه براحتی می‌تونه گلیم خودشو از آب دربیاره
حالا ۱۰۰ تا با نمونه های متنوع در کنار فایل pdf
در نظر بگیرید کسی ۱۰۰ فعل یاد بگیره چقدر می‌تونه صحبت کنه. برای هر فعلی میانگین ۱۵ جمله در نظر گرفته شده چقدر زیاد جمله یاد می گیرید.
اگه برنامتون واقعا یادگیری زبان است چشم از کانال برندار.
یادگیری ۱۰۰ فعل پرکاربرد
فقط یک نفر از دوستان زحمت فایلو کشید که ازشون سپاسگزارم. ایشون برای یادگیری خودشون ارزش قائل هستند.
هدایت شده از 🦋
هدایت شده از 
آموزش زبان انگلیسی از پایه. سن: از ۳ الی ۱۴ سال. زمان شروع آموزش: از روز پرداخت هزینه. مدت زمان آموزش 40 روزه. آموزش حروف الفبای انگلیسی. آموزش رنگها. آموزش اعداد از یک تا ۱۰۰. آموزش معرفی خود. آموزش .... به صورت آفلاین و آنلاین. کتاب برای آموزش my first handwriting book هست. "(کتاب هم رایگان به صورت PDF برایتان فرستاده میشه اینم هدیه من به شما)" شهریه اصلی ۴۹۰ هزار تومان است با تخفیف ۳۹۹ هزار تومان. شماره کارت جهت واریز هزینه: 5047061082219219 لطفاً بعد از پرداخت حتماً پرداختی به آیدی زیر فرستاده شود. بعد از پرداخت اطلاعات زیر لازم است. 09383433506 نام: نام خانوادگی: شماره تلفن: سن: تابستان تموم میشه و برای فرزندت هیچ کاری نکردی تا وقت هست بجنب بعدش پشیمانی سودی ندارد. قیمت هم از فردا به قیمت اصلی بر می گرده. برای اطلاعات بیشتر به آیدی زیر مراجعه کنید. @Esmaeiles4jarideh https://eitaa.com/jaridehenglish
Don't be afraid to make mistakes. It's better than to do nothing and learn nothing and not evolve. Your mistake is your greatest opportunity and if somebody is making fun of you because you made a mistake, don't go down because of it. If you say, "so what?" to their face. If you say, "Yeah, so what?" they are powerless. They are powerless. "Yes, I messed up. Tomorrow it will be another day. Next year will be another year. It is my mistake. Not yours. You have your own." - Salma Hayek
Don't be afraid to make mistakes. It's better than to do nothing and learn nothing and not evolve.
🔻What's eating you? چرا ناراحتی؟ 🔻Don't take it out on me. ناراحتیتو سر من خالی نکن. https://eitaa.com/jaridehenglish راه ارتباطی با آیدی من @Esmaeiles4jarideh
The voting will be held at close to 59,000 polling stations in more than 95 states, and over 61 million people are eligible to vote in the election, according to authorities. Voting for Iran's 14th presidential election started on Friday, months after President Ebrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash last month. https://eitaa.com/jaridehenglish راه ارتباطی با آیدی من @Esmaeiles4jarideh
Nearly 59,000 polling stations set up for Iran's 14th presidential election Source: Xinhua Editor: huaxia 2024-06-28 05:27:45    TEHRAN, June 27 (Xinhua) -- Spokesman for Iran's Constitutional Council Hadi Tahan Nazif said on Thursday that nearly 59,000 polling stations have been set up in more than 95 states for the country's 14th presidential election, scheduled for Friday. He made the remarks at a press conference in the Iranian capital Tehran, while elaborating on the details of the upcoming election and voting process. Nazif stressed that following the "painful" death of former President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash on May 19, the entire preparatory process of the snap election was completed in close to 40 days, which shows the "strength and power" of the country's Islamic establishment. He said election observers, including those of the Constitutional Council, would be present at all polling stations inside the country and abroad to supervise the voting process according to law. He stressed that the Iranian Interior Ministry would be the official reference for announcing the election results, advising the candidates and their fans against any hasty speculation following the voting process. Iran's 14th presidential election, initially set for 2025, was rescheduled following Raisi's unexpected death. Initially, six candidates, including Amir-Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi, the current vice president, Alireza Zakani, the mayor of Tehran, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, the parliamentary speaker, Saeed Jalili, the former top negotiator for nuclear talks, Mostafa Pourmohammadi, a former interior minister and justice minister, and Masoud Pezeshkian, a former health minister, were qualified to enter the race. But Hashemi and Zakani, two principlist candidates, withdrew from the race in favor of Qalibaf and Jalili, who are also in the principlists' camp. In remarks on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Iran's Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi said that over 61 million Iranians are eligible to vote on Friday. https://eitaa.com/jaridehenglish راه ارتباطی با آیدی من @Esmaeiles4jarideh
❇️Nearly 59,000 polling stations set up for Iran's 14th presidential election. (Source: Xinhua). TEHRAN, June 27 (Xinhua) Spokesman for Iran's Constitutional Council Hadi Tahan Nazif said on Thursday that nearly 59,000 polling stations have been set up in more than 95 states for the country's 14th presidential election, scheduled for Friday. He made the remarks at a press conference in the Iranian capital Tehran, while elaborating on the details of the upcoming election and voting process. Nazif stressed that following the "painful" death of former President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash on May 19, the entire preparatory process of the snap election was completed in close to 40 days, which shows the "strength and power" of the country's Islamic establishment. He said election observers, including those of the Constitutional Council, would be present at all polling stations inside the country and abroad to supervise the voting process according to law. He stressed that the Iranian Interior Ministry would be the official reference for announcing the election results, advising the candidates and their fans against any hasty speculation following the voting process. Iran's 14th presidential election, initially set for 2025, was rescheduled following Raisi's unexpected death. Initially, six candidates, including Amir-Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi, the current vice president, Alireza Zakani, the mayor of Tehran, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, the parliamentary speaker, Saeed Jalili, the former top negotiator for nuclear talks, Mostafa Pourmohammadi, a former interior minister and justice minister, and Masoud Pezeshkian, a former health minister, were qualified to enter the race. But Hashemi and Zakani, two principlist candidates, withdrew from the race in favor of Qalibaf and Jalili, who are also in the principlists' camp. In remarks on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Iran's Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi said that over 61 million Iranians are eligible to vote on Friday. https://eitaa.com/jaridehenglish راه ارتباطی با آیدی من @Esmaeiles4jarideh