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John James Ubele
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This is the official channel of John James Ubele.
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The Jewish role in the Black Slave Trade: A Novel Idea for a Drama "...John James Ubele an anti-Zionist political activist and filmmaker from Florida, USA, attended the sixth brainstorming session of the Palestine Screenplay Circle in Mashhad, Iran on December 4, 2024. Ubele presented historical information about the Jewish role in the Black Slave Trade as an important idea for screenwriting for films and shows..." Source: https://farsnews.ir/Hhonar_ir/1734006446454716846 @JohnJamesUbele
⚠️ RE: Jewish economic pressure on White American families I don't know what drove the woman to murder her daughters and commit suicide, but I do know that there's massive Jewish economic pressure on White American families. Sometimes this pressure causes some White parents to self-destruct and kill themselves and sometimes their children. Of course the Jews are very happy when more White people die, because this brings the Jews closer to their goal of wanting to completely exterminate the White race. Wyoming mom shoots her four daughters https://www.krtv.com/news/crime-and-courts/wyoming-mom-shoots-her-four-daughters @JohnJamesUbele
I think the illustrations and text in the attached workbook are very creative. Handala's Return A Children's Story And Workbook @JohnJamesUbele
RE: Kike "...Rabbi Marx "bitterly blamed" them (Eastern European Ashkenazi Jews) for creating a climate conducive to the arrest and lynching of the German Jew Leo Frank in 1913 and 1915 respectively - the only Jew ever lynched in American history. In 1891, the Russian Jews had to ask the reluctant Germans for space in their cemetery to bury an infant; obviously, the two groups did not mix socially. Even mating between them was considered "intermarriage" and was forbidden. According to Mark Rosentraub and Delbert Taebel, "The German Jews even coined a word for their coreligionists, a word based on the fact that many Russian names end in 'ki'. The word was kikes"..." Source: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume 2, pages 64 - 65 https://store.finalcall.com/product/the-secret-relationship-between-blacks-and-jews-volume-2/ @JohnJamesUbele
NY State Bill: Protest with Terror Group's Flag, Go to Jail for 4 Years "...Two Manhattan Democrats, State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal and Assemblyman Micah Lasher are going to introduce this week a bill punishing protesters who display the flags of designated terrorist organizations such as Hamas or Hezbollah with up to four years in prison, the NY Post reported on Monday. Anti-Israel protesters in the city have gained notoriety for waving, drawing, and displaying flags, emblems, logos, and other symbols of recognized foreign terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah..." Source: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/terrorism-news/ny-state-bill-protest-with-terror-groups-flag-go-to-jail-for-4-years/2025/03/03/ @JohnJamesUbele
RE: Trump Administration Efforts To Eliminate Federal Government Jobs To Free Up Money To Send To Israel I thought about this subject over the last three weeks and I did a little math to try and figure out roughly how much money the federal government could save for every 100,000 federal employee positions which the Trump administration eliminates either through buyouts or layoffs. This is what I came up with: 100,000 federal employees x $50,000 average annual salary x 1.5 total employee cost multiplier = $7,500,000,000 total amount of employee costs eliminated @JohnJamesUbele
SUPPORT THE OCCUPYING FORCE: THE LOGIC BEHIND TRUMP’S FOREIGN POLICY March 4, 2025 "...Since Trump took office again, the White House has approved nearly $12 billion in weapons sales to Israel, according to the State Department..." Source: https://theintercept.com/2025/03/04/trump-ukraine-israel-weapons-military-aid/ Please see: RE: Trump Administration Efforts To Eliminate Federal Government Jobs To Free Up Money To Send To Israel https://eitaa.com/JohnJamesUbele/62 @JohnJamesUbele