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برای تبادل نظر به آی دی @Mr_Meem پیام دهید. از شنیدن نظرات شما مخاطبین محترم استقبال می کنیم. مطالب کانال را نشر دهید با نام یا بدون نام آی دی من در نرم افزار ویراستی: https://virasty.com/mr_meem
مشاهده در ایتا
This is a for all of us, beings, to Oppressed people of . we shouldn't let and to kill them without . they must pay for their .
look at how is resisting against coalition's and . it's only possible because they believe in a saviour who will come soon enough and free them and the of all the from imperialism. they believe in .