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مشاهده در ایتا
In a few years, just sit down
You can see your filling
How old have you been having nightmares at night?!
Don't you see twenty-five years old?!
Omara Baqi, go sit and pray
Practice swimming with your soldiers
They say the world is good when you are not there
They say there is no war, no terrorism
What a good world, when you are not there
No more wars, no more terrorists
The Zionist regime
Why are you not on the map?!
Alarm bell
Warning #Political piety to Tehran's third elected member in the Islamic Shura Council
A man's manners are due to his state
💢 Education of popular supervision: A noble nation, in the face of similar matters, should say:
Mr. Thabeti is a courageous revolutionary who has become a political celebrity for many years by entering the national media, and a large part of your opinion is due to this reason.
My people are also dissatisfied and complaining about the politics of Mr. Haddad Adel, Qalibaf, fundamentalists, reformists, westerners, etc., who fight more for #power than to serve, and we shouted at them for no.
But motivated politicians and revolutionaries and "Rasais, Rafifahs, Thabitis", if you are deprived of Islamic and humane politeness and do not take care of political ethics, you will fall morally like "Ahmadinejads"! And the most important thing is that your right words will be contaminated by #unrighteous behavior and you will make your friends and family unhappy and upset.
❌ Mr. Sabeti! It was a mistake to use the words "kissing and kissing" and calling people impolite names without the word "sir" and reading the intention.
The most disgusting part of your political speech is where you say: "Poor Supreme Leader"!
Brother, do you understand and know what you are saying?! Your ugly, rude and disrespectful tone is wrong. The inductive meaning that: the leadership is closed and has no choice in the presence of the people around it, is another mistake.
Really, but the front of the oppressed of the world is trapped in a camp with no way out? Who said that you have known this divine and universal personality under the pretext of #defense and cover your flaws behind them!
Mr. Sabeti! Apologize bravely and politely criticize your opponents.
We will not allow our officials to make mistakes
💢 The global commander of the fight against arrogance
The conflict between Iran and America #Political fight or religious jihad and rational struggle?!
You can see the stature of a wise, brave, intelligent commander, knowing the enemy, trusting in God, relying on the Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon him, and relying on the emotional and practical support of the entire Iranian nation and the resistance front, in the pictures that he is constantly fighting for the destruction of American arrogance - like Imam Khomeini - and in all aspects of his blessed personal and social life. The ship of the revolution moves forward with the mission and strategy of #destroying-arrogance, with strength, precision and a road map. Its social flow and wave generation, its public support and guidance, its rational opposition and agreement, is based on this and it continuously persuades the minds of Iranians and the free people of the world and their emotions are overflowing with love and all-round political, cultural, social, economic positions and public and private behaviors in the media and Its positive and negative actions at the domestic and international levels are to the extent of destroying global arrogance and cruel American civilization, and nothing else.
❓ What is the ratio of Maba to the orders of the commander?
Dear people of Iran; Get your dignity, honor and happiness in this world and the hereafter by obeying this commander (unparalleled, wise, scholar
Purity of intention, correct behavior, disinterestedness, gratitude will guarantee the material and spiritual blessings of God.
🔵 Government officials: Obedient to the order, strive to destroy arrogance and the front of global evil, which leads to all-round independence, national security, public welfare, social creativity and intellectual and behavioral rationality of Iranians to be followed by the world.
Therefore, political parties, groups and personalities should not deceive the people with the name of secret negotiations with the United States under the pretext of ending the #political fight, because the commander of the global resistance front against the culture and civilization of arrogance with the support of tens of millions of Iranians, does not want to deal with the United States, even in the movement of the nation, with the permission of the authorities in the fight against arrogance. to give
↩️ Although in the past years and in the present and future, he has behaved with maximum or minimum flexibility with the people's elected officials, and in some cases with a low speed and in other times with a high speed, he has led the global Iranian caravan towards conquering the peak of the destruction of the American civilization, but in reality, he is fighting with a cruel system. And the arrogant people of the world have not neglected and failed for a moment and by using all the material and spiritual facilities and human resources, they have guided and guided the officials to this matter whether they wanted it or not.
🔻 Final word: Due to reason and Sharia, every Iranian and every jihadist is a resistance front and every free human being; by exposing all kinds of oppressive American systems in all cultural, social, economic, political, military, media, health, medical and... Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei's leadership is for the destruction of global arrogance and it is clear that all these systems should be removed from our personal, social and governance life, and our trust, cynicism and hatred towards the scientific and practical gift of the humiliating western culture and civilization is necessary.
🔻 #The destruction of Israel is an important part of the plan to destroy the arrogance of the world, which will be realized as soon as possible on the level of the global resistance front, God willing, with the accurate understanding of the commander and correct action to the command