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با عطر اسپرسو و بوی کاه پذیراتون هستم. ☕📜 ریوجی می‌شنود‌: https://daigo.ir/secret/2399342596 طنین هجویات روزانه + پاسخ پرسش هاتون: https://eitaa.com/storerome
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https://eitaa.com/soulhome/2154 واقعا بامزه بودند😂😄
Why Don't We - 8 Letters - 320 - HamyarAhang.Com.mp3
I can't talk about its beauty. I'm just best to shut my mouth and let the music talks but, oh dear, but its rythm and its lyric is going through my veins that's why I'm flying right at this moment of Day. "If all it is is eight letters Why is it so hard to say?! If all it is is eight letters Why am I in my own way?! Why do I pull u close? And then ask u for space If all it is is eight letters Why is it so hard to say?! When I close my eyes It's u there in my mind When I close my eyes..." 01:37
I went everywhere u'd put your foot there. I walked all the roads, I got on the buses of your home each and every time I had to catch a bus. I was waiting for ya hopelessly to enter. I used all my power to find u in everything I had to be in touch with. I strived and made quite a bit attempt to find u, to put an end, but u were unreachable; More than I'd been capable to imagine. I still am suffering. I bitterly felt such a loser I was. I couldn't find it in myself to convey them through words but... Did I deserve all the hell u gave me?!
I'm breaking down.
Why r u as cheerful? Why smiling whole time?! -May well due the call I had?!(((:
میان ناشران عمومی، شلوغ‌ترین غرفه، غرفه‌ی نشر چشمه بود(((: میان امیرکبیر و قدیانی و علمی‌فرهنگی و سوره و کلی دیگر از ناشران برتر، شلوغی چشمه به طور واضحی مشهود بود، به نحوی که رفیقِ جان ماهم که با این نشر آشنایی نداشت، به حدت زیاد دچار شگفتی شده بود. البته سه چهارم کارت بنده در تالار کودک و نوجوان خالی شد، و هیچ کتابی از نشر چشمه به تهیه نرسید ولی به طور جمعی به عنوان اولین تجربه، بس معرکه به ثبتِ ذهن رسید.
کتابخانه‌ی خیابان نوزدهمـ
و نیز باید افزود به هنگام بازدید از غرفه‌ی نشر چشمه، دچار فورانی از احساسات تعلق شدم که تا به اکنون احتمالا کمتر از انگشتان یک‌دست چنین حس نزدیکی به یک گروه از جامعه را تجربه نموده‌ام. قرابتی ذهنی که به جنس دغدغه‌مندی و خط فکری مشابه بازمی‌گشت. و نظیر آن تعلق را جز در چنین جوامعی، از این سبک، یافت نکرده‌ام. شاید دلیل تهیه نکردن کتاب از چشمه، شدت تحیر پیچیده در تنم بوده باشد.
Nop, In all honesty, I don't know how, but I'd like to know, I'd definitely wanna discover more and more.
She said That would be me singing from my heart, the whole lyric and its rythm and tone. *She knows me better than who they should. ~~~~ Honey, ur familiar like my mirror years ago Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door To the strand a picnic plan for u and me A rope in hand for your other man to hang from a tree! ✓
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