❤️Four Principles for Increasing Love in Life
👉🏼 Part Four
The fourth way to increase love is to love a common beloved. One can love another person deeply when his/her own selfishness has become greatly diminished. Having a common beloved can diminish selfishness in the hearts of spouses. When you are both immersed in love for Imam Husayn (as), your behavior with your spouse will be corrected to a great extent. Because in addition to the love you have for him/her, you will also love your spouse since he/she is someone who loves your beloved very much.
🔲 What tools has God given us for us to be able to control our minds?
🔲 One of the benefits of fear is that it helps us to focus our thinking.
👉🏼 #ControllingMyMind (19)
➖Today, causes of scattered thoughts and not being able to control one’s mind have increased in the world. The media with all its various kinds of entertainment keep a human being’s mind occupied at all times. So, we need to be able to control our mind.
➖A person who can’t control his mind, automatically thinks negative thoughts. He will suffer from many mental and emotional problems. But, these diseases and weaknesses are so widespread among people that they are not considered to be bad! Some people have so many negative thoughts that you have to distract them and say, "You are thinking again! Look here!" to stop them.
➖Psychologists try to create a strength in people using different tools and techniques so that a person can control his/her mind. But, they do not have the true means for people to be able to do so. They do not know of something so great and magnificent that it can attract a human being’s attention to this extent!
➖But in the Qur'an and our religious culture, we have matters that we can pay careful attention to in order to increase our ability to control our mind. These are subjects such as: God, Resurrection Day, Heaven, Hell, etc.
➖Thinking about Hell has this effect that it can strongly attract our attention and give us the will to control our mind. It has been said about the believers, “A believer is not corrected except by fear.” [Kafi, vol. 2, p. 71] This is because one of the properties of fear is that it brings concentration.
➖Another subject to pay attention to is the intense love that the Imams (as) have for us. The Imam of the Time, Imam Mahdi (aj), loves us very much, even more than our parents! Why does the Imam look at the file of our deeds every week and if he sees a sin, he asks for our forgiveness? It is because he is truly concerned about us.
➖The easiest subject to pay attention to is "Imam Husayn (as)," because he attracts our attention to himself. Of course, Imam Husayn (as) has made a great expenditure for us to be able to deeply pay attention to him.
11.49M حجم رسانه بالاست
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🎬Films: A tool for human beings’ growth
🔻Films help people experience things they don’t usually experience.
Selfishness is not always bad.
Selfishness is not always bad. Usually in the first stage, one must selfishly resist Satan’s temptations. One can even worship God selfishly, because all that is to our benefit depends on worshiping God, and all of Satan’s temptations are to our detriment. In the next stage, one must overcome this selfishness and serve God with love.
✅ @PanahianEN
🔴 Before teaching your child to pray, tell him/her the stories of the life of the Prophet (s).
🔻The first step to introducing religion and even religious beliefs, is to know the dear Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) himself. Those who believe in the principles of religion but are not familiar with the dear Holy Prophet of Islam (s) cannot establish a correct and loving relationship with religion.
🔻Before teaching your children to pray, tell them stories about the life of the Prophet (s) so much that the Prophet becomes appealing to them and they like him. After this say, “The Prophet Muhammad (s) prayed like this.” Then, he or she will like praying. This is the wisest way to penetrate and influence people’s souls.
Consider if there is a person who is very dear to you. You believe in his wisdom, inner purity, and kindness very much. You are sure that he will never be disloyal to you. He always has a good behavior. He is extremely affectionate to you. He is a lovable person. He has a very nice voice and is likeable. If such a person is friends with you and one day asks you for something small, won’t you carry out his request?
🔻If the Prophet (s) himself has a place in our hearts, even the hardest religious orders will be very easy for us. Whenever you see that religiosity is difficult for you, that spirituality does not make you happy, that God is not dear and honorable to you, or that the Resurrection Day is insignificant in your eyes, know that you should read more books about the Prophet's biography. One of these books is "Sunan al-Nabi" by Allamah Tabatabai.
🌸Congratulations on the anniversary of the birth of the Holy Prophet of Islam (s), the kindest person to everyone!
31.08M حجم رسانه بالاست
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🔴 The ones who showed animosity toward the Prophet (s) claimed to be religious!
🔴Ayatollah Bahjat's advice to Ali Reza Panahian after he had married the new couple
When we asked Ayatollah Bahjat (ra) to give us some advice after he had married us, he said, “I will give you some advice, but when I advise the husband, the wife should put her hands over her ears and not hear what I say. And when I advise the wife, the husband should put his hands over his ears and not hear the advice that is for the wife.”
Then he said, “So which of you will be first?”
I saw that he was serious, so I moved my hands toward my ears.
He said, “It is alright if you don’t put your hands over your ears, but try not to repeat the advice that is for your wife to her in the future.”
A couple should not constantly repeat words of advice to each other and keep offending each other.
The result that comes from repeating certain issues or reminding a spouse of his/her faults will be nothing but bringing a coldness to their relationship.
Today in our society, young couples are taught how to get their rights legally if their spouse has a problem in his/her behavior!
📘 Should children be polite or comfortable in front of their father?
📘Should children be polite or comfortable in front of their father?
In fact, children should be both polite and comfortable in front of their father. It is a combination of these two. Sometimes a child should be polite in front of his or her father, very strictly polite! And, sometimes a child should be comfortable with his or her father. Pay attention to this interesting combination in Imam Sajjād’s (as) words. Imam Sajjād (as) said, “O God, in front of my parents make me like a servant in front of a strict ruler. Meanwhile, make me kind to them like a mother who is kind to her baby.” Think about how a servant behaves in front of a strict ruler and how he obeys him fearfully. The Imam (as) asks to be made humble like this in front of his parents so that he will obey them fearfully. With this beautiful phrase from Imam Sajjād (as) everything has become clear. If you obey your father fearfully very much, he will say, “I love you my dear. Don’t be so strict with yourself. Be comfortable my dear!” But, if you become too intimate with your father and get out of balance in being kind to your father, naturally he will feel humiliated and say, “But I’m your father, not your son!” Therefore, the combination of these two is beautiful and not one of them by itself.
You should learn to work with these combinations and bring these opposites together. For example, you should learn to smile when you are sad. Being able to combine these opposites makes a person grow. It is in the same way with regards to our behavior toward the Almighty God too. Do we have to be polite in front of God, or should we behave in any way that we want? Sometimes we can be comfortable, not think about special rituals, and say whatever we want. But sometimes we should be polite. And that is a very strict and precise politeness. The combination of these two is very beautiful. So, one should sometimes behave very politely when talking to Him. And the peak of our politeness in front of God is when we are praying. On the other hand, sometimes you can comfortably say whatever you want to God.
🔻From the Book, “How to Pray a Good Prayer” by Ali Reza Panahian
👉🏼 This book is available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle edition.
🌸Worshiping by behaving well with one’s family
The main path for getting close to God, the Almighty, is by way of the family. This means interacting with the same, repetitive people whom you see every day and to whom you may find it hard at times to continuously show affection.
Have you heard how some people say worshiping is nothing other than helping people? But perhaps it would be more correct to say that worshiping is nothing other than serving one’s family! We think we are doing something very special when we behave well with others who are not repetitive for us and with people whom we are not in touch with every day. Therefore, we unburden our conscience by thinking we are behaving well in society. But behaving well must first start with the family.
28.61M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🥀 Don’t get used to being in a bad mood!
🔲 The best place to practice neglecting extraneous thoughts is in prayer.
🔲The hardship of death is due to our attention being detached from the things we love in this world.
👉🏼 #ControllingMyMind (20)
➖One aspect of controlling our mind is to be able to divert our mind from things that we naturally pay attention to. Of course, this is very difficult, because there are many subjects that attract a person’s attention.
➖The best place to practice neglecting extraneous thoughts is in prayer. It has been narrated, "When you start praying, ignore the thoughts that come to your mind. Put aside worldly thoughts and false imaginations." When such an order is given, it means that it is possible for one to get rid of these extraneous thoughts. [Mustadrak al-Wasa’il, vol. 4, p. 113]
➖People are selfish. When they are in pain or a tragedy befalls them, they do not think of anything else! Therefore, it has been said that we should be careful that Satan does not take our faith at the time of death, because that moment is the peak of a person’s distress.
➖When a person is dying, Satan tempts him and says, "Look, God is taking your life. God is doing this!" Satan wants to make him irreligious at the moment of death. He wants to create a feeling of enmity toward God.
➖Interests, which you pay attention to in the world and think that it doesn’t matter, will come to your mind at the time of death and become big and important for you. Thus, you will feel that you cannot be separated from them!
➖The hardship of death is due to our attention being detached from the things we love in this world. It is a horrible moment. However, those who mourn for Imam Husayn (as) have a great asset in this difficult moment. There is a subject that whenever they think of it, they forget themselves. That subject is Imam Husayn (as).