My Today Epistle☝🏿
Do suppose only a man with his or her shroud laid inside the tomb as a dead
In my idea a second without your presence is equal with a thousand times death
Salute lord of the time
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
Alas the world lost a venerable lady named Fatima
قدری بخاطر حسنت بیشتر بمان
Oh Fatima
Only for the sake of your seven years old son imam Hasan
Live a few years more
طفلک تمام چادرتان را تکانده است...
Poor little Hasan (peace be upon him ) has shaken well your besmirched veil
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
آدم باید
ی بابا طاهر
تو زندگیش داشته باشه
Every man needs a papa Taaher in his / her life
که بهش بگه
«گل سرخم
چرا پژمرده حالی؟
And papa Taaher must ask him/her :
Oh my ruby red rose
Why are you so morose
بیا قسمت کنیم
دردی که داری
Let us share our suffering
که تو کوچک دلی
طاقت نداری..
The world all great griefs do not fit into your little heavyhearted body
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
بازخواهدشدگرههایدلم، با یاحسین
Finally my heart cloud will be cleared by calling imam Hussein
At last imam Hussein the headless king heads my life in a way to keep my head above water
Salute lord of the martyrs
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
#سلام بر اول مظلومه ی عالم بانوی بی نشان فاطمه زهرا
Salute Fatima the first lady whose right was trampled under the top dogs feet and yet whose tomb is anonymous
فدک دادم که نامحرم نبیند
I gave the Fadak garden document to the second caliph Omar to avoid
گل رخسارِ در چادر نهانم
A face to face and bilateral negotiation with him and his slaves
ولی نامحرمم سیلی چونان زد
But his alien agent Ghonfoz slapped so bitterly in my face that
که محرم همم نبیند بعد از آنم
From that day on i did not let even my intimates see my black and blue face
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
If the folks try a thousand keys
They can not unlock my little lonely heart's lock
My heart's main key
Is a glance of the venerable lady Fatima
Salute Fatima the anonymous tomb
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
هرچند دیگر خسته ای از زندگانی
Oh Fatima
Even though the false hearted world grew you weary
راهی اگر دارد بمان خیلی جوانی
Live some years more you are a youngish with young
حتی هنوزم با نگاه نیلی خود
Even though imam Ali's opponents made your young eyed face black and blue
غمهای عالم را ز دوشم می تکانی
Still that eyes can shake all the world's sorrows off imam Ali's shoulders
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
ادعای عشق به خدا
The claim of God adoration is not more than an illusion and acceptable
از کسی که سجاده دلتنگ حضور اوست پذیرفتنی نیست
From somebody whose prayer rug misses his/her presence over it
نماز نجوای عاشقانه با محبوب است
Say praying is the warm whispering along with the Almighty
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
تمام اروپایـے ها باید بدانند
Let all the Europe inhabitants know
کہ مادر امامـ زمانــ ما
That lord of the time's mother
اروپایـے است.
Was an Italian girl
چرا تاکنونـ اینــ خبر را بہ آنہا نرساندهـاید؟!
Why are few of European inhabitants aware of this fact
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
هر قهرمان کند به نشان خود افتخار
Every world champion will be proud of his/her medal
زهرا نشانِ خود، به علی هم نشان نداد
But Fatima hid her scars from her husband imam Ali
#سلام بر بانوی بی نشان
Salute the shrine less Fatima
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
در بیان عظمتحضرتفاطمه«س»
همین بسڪه
This is enough in description of Fatima's dignity
خدا درجوابجبرئیلڪه از او پرسید:
That Gabriel asked God about
اینان ڪه تحتِکسا هستند کیستند؟!
The identity of people under the cloak
هرچهار نفر را بهحضرتفاطمه«س»نسبت داد
And God explained every four men relation with Fatima in this way :
و فرمود :↓
[اینان فاطمه و پدرفاطمه
و شوهرفاطمه و فرزندانفاطمه هستند ...]
Under the cloak there were Fatima, Fatima's father , Fatima's husband, and her children Hasan and Hussein
The cloak anecdote
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
#دو_خط_روضه برای بانوی بی نشان
Some sentences in commemoration of Fatima the anonymous tomb lady
چنان مسمار در قلبش فرو رفت
The door's nail pierced Fatima's chest in a way that
که محسن گفت مادر سینهام سوخت
Her never unborn fetus Mohsen complained about his own chest pain
Salute Fatima the young venerable lady
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾