My Today Epistle☝🏿
#سلام امام زمان
Salute lord of the time
دست من گیر
Give me a hand
که این دست همان است که من
Because my hands are the same hands that i
سالها از غم هجران تو بر سر زده ام
Beat them on my chest and head in the years of your absence regretfully
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
#سلام بر اول مظلومه ی عالم بانوی بی نشان فاطمه زهرا
Salute Fatima the first lady whose right was trampled under the top dogs feet and yet whose tomb is anonymous
فدک دادم که نامحرم نبیند
I gave the Fadak garden document to the second caliph Omar to avoid
گل رخسارِ در چادر نهانم
A face to face and bilateral negotiation with him and his slaves
ولی نامحرمم سیلی چونان زد
But his alien agent Ghonfoz slapped so bitterly in my face that
که محرم همم نبیند بعد از آنم
From that day on i did not let even my intimates see my black and blue face
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
هر قهرمان کند به نشان خود افتخار
Every world champion will be proud of his/her medal
زهرا نشانِ خود، به علی هم نشان نداد
But Fatima hid her scars from her husband imam Ali
#سلام بر بانوی بی نشان
Salute the shrine less Fatima
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾