My Today Epistle☝🏿
How can we do our best while saying our prayers
#نماز زنده س ، بصیره ، آگاهه
The prayers are like an animate , insightful and a well-informed man
#نماز یه فعالیت مرده بی روح عمومی نیست ،
Saying the prayers in the mass is not an uninspired, tedious and humdrum public activity
که همه باهم آنرا انجام بدهند مثل یک#مراسم یا یک#عادت شخصی
That we feel obligated to perform it like a personal habit or ceremony
#نماز هرکسی میدونه باهر کسی چیکار کنه .
The prayers themselves know how to guide the mankind through the right path
#نماز استاد ماست برای رسیدن به#خدا
The prayers are our experienced supervisors in the path toward God
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾