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The great expectation
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My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 How can we do our best while saying our prayers زنده س ، بصیره ، آگاهه The prayers are like an animate , insightful and a well-informed man یه فعالیت مرده بی روح عمومی نیست ، Saying the prayers in the mass is not an uninspired, tedious and humdrum public activity که همه باهم آنرا انجام بدهند مثل یک یا یک شخصی That we feel obligated to perform it like a personal habit or ceremony هرکسی میدونه باهر کسی چیکار کنه . The prayers themselves know how to guide the mankind through the right path استاد ماست برای رسیدن به The prayers are our experienced supervisors in the path toward God 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾