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💚 اسلام واقعی و بدون تعصب به زبان انگلیسی 🕊لینک کانال محتوای تبلیغی @resane_truth @b_a_1400 🆔
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🍂We are in the desert and I am writing this on the back of a baby camel named Jufie. Imam Hossein is very kind. He has several children himself. A few big children, and all of his sons are named Ali. Ali Asghar is the youngest of them all. His laugh is so beautiful that it makes your heart stop. Ali Asghar's mother's name is Robob. She loves her son very much and always hugs and kisses him. Roqaya is Imam Hossein’s daughter. She is a little younger than me and we are very good friends. She is also very kind and talks so sweetly. 🍂It’s getting dark and we are going to put the camels to sleep and rest somewhere. I am going to help. I will write more about our trip in my diary later. 🥀با ما در هیئت مجازی به زبان انگلیسی خادمان حضرت رقیه همراه باشید👇👇... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
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🥀با ما در هیئت مجازی به زبان انگلیسی خادمان حضرت رقیه همراه باشید.... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
🍁Hazrat Muslim is a martyr who gave his all for Imam Hussain. He himself was martyred and his two sons were martyred. 🍁 At the ghariban night Hazrat Zainab saw that one of these little girls was missing. She saw two small feet outside of behind a bush and put the bush aside. 🍁She saw that Hazrat Muslim's daughter Hamideh died under the feet of these horses. Muslim's wife did not reach Medina and died. 🥀با مادر هیئت مجازی به زبان انگلیسی خادمان حضرت رقیه همراه باشید ...... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
🍂O rescue ship: 🍂 Life of Moslem is devoted to you 🍂 Don't Come here, cousin 🍂 go back and don't come because of me 🥀با ما در هیئت مجازی به زبان انگلیسی خادمان حضرت رقیه همراه باشید....... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
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💐اینجا مثل آب خوردن انگلیسی حرف بزن .... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a @realislam
Please explain it again; you've lost me. لطفاً دوباره توضیح بده نفهمیدم چی گفتی. ___ وقتی استفاده میکنیم که حرفای طرف مقابل مبهمه و و یجورایی گیج شدیم . https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
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🌺In the name of God🌺 making question sentence ساختن جمله سوالی 💐there is to be Verb 👇 am/is/are 😃🤓 ✅change the position mother is cooking dinner. 👉, Is mother cooking dinner? 😋 he is writing a book. Is he writing a book? ✅No to be verb 👉 use do/does Daniel watches Tv. does daniel watch Tv? we cook lunch. do you cook lunch? 🌷اینجا آموزش زبان انگلیسی رایگانه.... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
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🥀با ما در هیئت مجازی به زبان انگلیسی خادمان حضرت رقیه همراه باشید.... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
🥀Imam Hussain's message is a message to save the world.🥀 🥀با ما در هیئت مجازی به زبان انگلیسی خادمان حضرت رقیه همراه باشید.... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
🍂Today we need to introduce Hussain bin Ali (pbuh)to the world,the world which is suffering from oppression, corruption,and malevolence and vice needs to know the Hussaini spirit of being free and freedom. 🍂Today,the hearts of the people of the world,the youth and the innocent nations beat for a such truth. 🍂If imam Hussain (pbuh)is introduced to the world. it is actually Islam that has been introduced and the Quran which has been introduced. 🍂Today, they use hundreds of tools to propagandize against islam and Islamic teachings. Against this hostile move made by the camp of unbelief and arrogance,it is the movement of introducing imam Hussain that can single _handedly resist, stand firm. and introduce the truth of islam and Quran to the world. The logic of Hussain Bin Ali(pbuh)is the logic of defending the truth and resistance against opressin , transgression deviation and arrogance. this is the logic of Imam Hussain. 🍂Today the world needs this logic. Today the world is witness to the rule of unbelief , arrogance and corruption. The world is witness to the rule of opressin. 🥀Imam Hussain's message is a message to save the world.🥀 🥀با مادر هیئت مجازی به زبان انگلیسی خادمان حضرت رقیه همراه باشید..... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
💐The letters of Marieh. نامه های ماریه 🥀با ما در هیئت مجازی به زبان انگلیسی خادمان حضرت رقیه همراه باشید.... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
🥀The second part 🥀 )) السلام علیک یا اباعبدالله الحسین )) 🍂This is the second letter I am writing for you. Hopefully Gandom will get it to you. Some new people have joined us on our way home. My father knows some of them, but not the others. Imam Hossein gave speeches for the people at every town and village we reached on the way. He says such beautiful things. He tells the people to be strong, and not to listen to the things Yazeed says. Yazeed is very bad person. He also asks the people not to leave him alone, and to help him. 🍂The weather is really hot. My father says some people have come from Kufa and have told Imam Hossein not to go there. the people of Kufa are used to breaking their promises. But Imam Hossein said no, I made a promise and I have to go and help them. 🥀با مادر هیئت مجازی به زبان انگلیسی خادمان حضرت رقیه همراه باشید....👇👇 https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
🍂Today, when we had stopped in a village, I played with Ruqayya again. She took me to Lady Robob’s tent. Little Ali Asghar was sleeping, and Lady Robob carefully took him out of the cradle and put him on my feet. He smells so good and I love to hug him all the time. Lady Robob takes very good care of Ali Asghar. At night, she covers him in a thin sheet, so that he isn’t bothered by the sharp bite of mosquitos and maybe even bees. After that we went outside and played. The other kids and I stacked up stones and built a house. Ruqaya’s uncle’s name is Abbas, and he is a very kind man. He came and told us to be careful so that the desert thorns don't poke our hands and feet and injure us. I played a lot today and I can't write anymore. I will write more for you again later. 🥀بامادرهیئت مجازی به زبان انگلیسی خادمان حضرت رقیه همراه باشید...... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
51.04M حجم رسانه بالاست
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🥀با ما در هیئت مجازی به زبان انگلیسی خادمان حضرت رقیه همراه باشید.... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
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🥀با ما در هیئت مجازی به زبان انگلیسی خادمان حضرت رقیه همراه باشید.... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
(( السلام علیک یا ابا عبدالله الحسین)) 🍂A person who values thinking is wise. Why? Because, sometimes the decisions we make can be very important. Decisions can change the eternity that awaits us. Half of Omar Sa’d’s army was under Hur’s control. He was one of the owners of Arba’; a quarter of Kufa was under his rule. 🍂 Know what this person's position is, what he had. They say that when he went to Imam Hussain’s army, no one believed that he had switched sides. His comrades thought that he had gone to battle Hussain single-handedly. He went forward, jumped off of his horse, took off his boots, and threw them around his neck; then expressed his regret. 🍂Hur himself quotes a strange phrase there, where he says: I was constantly going back and forth between heaven and hell. There was something in my heart, someone said, don't go, there are thirty thousand people here, and all of them pray towards the Qiblah and are Muslims. The Muftis have also given a ruling that Hussein ibn Ali is a foreigner and has left the religion, so spilling his blood is permissible. Kill him. I have everything I need in my position in Kufa. 🍂 I went back and forth between heaven and hell, and finally, I chose heaven. 🥀با مادر هیئت مجازی به زبان انگلیسی خادمان حضرت رقیه همراه باشید...... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a
(( السلام علیک یا ابا عبدالله الحسین )) 🍂You are free if stand in the army of Hussain 🍂If you want to be like Hur, call his name, Hussain 🍂Muharram is the remedy for my broken heart, Hussain 🍂As long as I live my hope is in the flag of Hussain 🍂The secret of creation, of the world, is Hussain 🍂If your heart is pounding, call his name, Hussain 🍂My love for you is greater than the world, Hussain 🍂Until the day of judgement, I will call your name, Hussain 🥀بامادر هیئت مجازی به زبان انگلیسی خادمان حضرت رقیه همراه باشید...... https://eitaa.com/joinchat/972554658Ca091faa91a