📌 طولانی شدن غیبت... 📋 + برنامه‌ات برای ایام بعد از ولادت امام زمان چیه؟ - حالت خوبه؟! روزهای بعد از عید چه اهمیتی داره؟! - بعد نیمه‌شعبان تازه کار ما شروع می‌شه. اصلاً یکی از دلایل طولانی‌شدن غیبت همینه که کار برای امام زمان رو تو نیمه‌ شعبان خلاصه کردیم. ✍️ + What are your plans for the days after the birth anniversary of Imam Mahdi? - Are you alright? Why should we have plans when the ceremony is finished? + Our job starts just after the ceremony is finished. It's not just enough to celebrate our Imam's birthday. We have to clear the barriers on his way so his reappearance will happen. The big reason why his reappearance has been delayed is that we think working for him is only on his birthday (Mid Shaban). 📖 ۹ ؛ ویژه ✅ واحد مهدویت مصاف (مهدیاران) @Mahdiaran