# Samari on Facebook 2
While gritting his teeth and handing the books from one hand to the other, Haider Mashtet said: I told that idiot that it is impossible for the Iranian sheikhs to eat even more for our claim, they don't care, they don't do anything, with their arguments, which of course are right, they mocked Ahmad Hamboshi and the whole system of Zahoor and Yemeni. Their words were burying me alive. I don't know how this Ahmad Basri, whom I should call a visual idiot, dared to accept all his claims, and I, the ignorant one, blindly accepted Ahmad Hamboshi's rhetoric and promises, and I am helping
him.Don't give me a single penny until the work is done, I won't do anything for him anymore, he has cheated me with a Yemeni title, and I will kill him and he will kill me.
Heydarmashtat was talking to himself like a crazy person and did not understand at all how he got to his place of residence, which was a small suite near the Holy Shrine.
Heydar Mashtet was about to enter the inn when a man called him: Mr. Heydar Mashtet?!
Haider turned towards the man who was wearing a suit and said: Please, your order?!
The man came forward a little and said: I have been drawn here by the smell of Imam Zaman, the world has been waiting for his appearance for years, they told me that the Imami Zahoor resides
here.Haider stared at the middle-aged man in front of him, as if he were analyzing the issues to see if he should trust him or not. When the man took a step forward and said, "I have worked hard for years and have set aside a sum of money for the future of my children. It is true that in the eyes of the people, this sum of money is a huge amount, but to present it to the Imam of my time, it is nothing more than a pile of straw. I would sacrifice all my life and wealth for his one glance."The smell of money that reached the nose of Haider Mashtet put aside all thoughts and suspicions and he remembered how many simple people gave their property to them as if they were happy to help the absent Imam appear, but it seemed that this upcoming hunt was fatter and fatter, so Haider smiled and said: Everything you heard is true, brother! Here is a sign from the Imam of the time, may God bless you, the Imam of the time asks the nation for help more than ever, and unfortunately, most of those who claim to help the Imam have given their hearts as a pledge of money and gold, and they only claim to help, and there are few people like you who give so generously of their property in the way of their Imam.
Haider opened his fists and called that man to his
side.As he came forward, the man smiled and said: "You speak Persian too, but you spoke beautiful words and came forward, and suddenly Haider noticed the handcuffs that the man put on his hand. He wanted to protest, and the man said: "Excuse me, Mr. Haider Mashtet, O Yemeni Zahoor, we have to receive you in prison. Haraf locked the bracelet and guided Haider to the end of the alley, where the police car was waiting for them.
📝 By: T_Hosseini