Peace be Upon Ibrahim♥️
سلام بر ابراهیم
Part 32🌿
🌱It was around the year 1975. One Friday morning, we were playing when three strangers approached us and said, “We’re from the kids of West Tehran. Who is Ibrahim Hadi?”
☘تقريباً سال 1354 بود. صبح يک روزجمعه مشغول بازي بوديم.سه نفرغريبه آمدند و گفتند: ما از بچه هاي غرب تهرانيم،ابراهيم هادي کيه!؟
🌱They then challenged us to a game for 200 tomans. A few minutes later, the game began. Ibrahim was playing alone against all three of them, but he ended up winning!
☘بعد گفتند: بيا بازي سر 200 تومان. دقايقي بعد بازي شروع شد.ابراهيم تک وآنها سه نفر بودند، ولي به ابراهيم باختند!
🌱Later that same day, we went to a neighborhood in South Tehran, where we placed a bet of 700 tomans. It was a good game, and we won very quickly. When it came time to collect the money, Ibrahim noticed that they were trying to borrow money to pay us.
☘همان روز به يكي از محل ههاي جنوب شهر رفتيم. سر 700 تومان
شرط بستيم. بازي خوبي بود و خيلي سريع برديم. موقع پرداخت
پول، ابراهيم فهميد آ نها مشغول قرض گرفتن هستند تا پول ما را
جور كنند.
🌱 Suddenly, Ibrahim said, “Hey, let one of you play me one-on-one. If you win, we won’t take our money.” One of them stepped forward and started playing. Ibrahim played so poorly that he lost! They all left happily with their winnings.
☘يكدفعه ابراهيم گفت :آقا يكي بياد تكي با من بازي كنه.اگه برنده شد ما پول نم يگيريم. يكي از آ نها جلو آمد و شروع
به بازي كرد. ابراهيم خيلي ضعيف بازي كرد! آنقدر ضعيف كه حريفش برنده شد! همه آ نها خوشحال از آنجا رفتند.
🌱I was really angry and asked Ibrahim, “Why did you play like that?!” He looked at me in surprise and said, “I didn’t want to embarrass them! They didn’t even have a hundred tomans between them!”
☘من كه خيلي عصباني بودم به ابراهيم گفتم:آقا ابرام، چرا اينجوري بازي كردي؟! باتعجب نگاهم كرد وگفت: می خواستم ضايع نشن!همه آن هاروی هم صد تومن تو جيبشون نبود!
🌱The following week, those same kids from West Tehran returned with two of their friends. They challenged Ibrahim to a game for 500 tomans.
☘هفته بعد دوباره همان بچه های غرب تهران با دو نفر ديگراز دوستانشان آمدند. آنها پنج نفره با ابراهيم سر 500 تومان
بازی کردند.
To be continued....😊
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