In 173 lunar Hijri calendar on this day, Seyyed Abdul-Azim al-Hasani, a prominent descendant of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), was born in Medina. A pious scholar of repute, he was fifth in descent from the Prophet's elder grandson and 2nd Infallible Heir, Imam Hasan Mojtaba (AS). He was sent as a missionary to Iran to enlighten the people about the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt. Because of severe persecution of the Prophet's progeny by the tyrannical Abbasid caliph, Mutawakkel, he carried out his activities with precaution, spending the days in fasting and nights in worship. He passed away in 252 AH in Rayy, where his shrine, in what is now the southernmost suburb of the Iranian capital, Tehran, is the site of pilgrimage from all over the world.