Second End-Term Examinations.pdf
Second End-Term Timetable .pdf Please pay attention to the following points: 1- All classes of grades 1 to 6 will be held till May 11, 2022 and Grades 7 to 12 Will be held till May 18, 2022. 2- During Exams all classes will be off. 3- Pay attention to the date of each exam. 4- All students should be present at school at least 10 minutes before exams. 5- All exams will be held in person. 6- If students miss any exam, they will not be able to retake it. 7- Quran and P.E. examinationd for all grades and English Reading and Art for grades 1 to 6 will be taken Oral/Practical. 8- The total mark for the second term is out of 100, (10 for Class Activities, 20 for Mid-Term, and 70 for the second term examination.) 9- It is mandatory to use a blue pen for the exams. 10- Having cellphone is forbidden and considered cheating. (in case teachers allow students to use calculator, students should bring a simple one). 11- 30 percent of questions are from the first half of the book (first term) and 70 percent from the second half (second term). Education Department Girls Shift Savior International Schools