🌺🌺🌺 Juz Twenty Nine quiz 1.  Allah created death and life to... (Clue, Surah Al-Mulk, verse 1 to 5) a. Invite more people to do deeds b. Test people as to which of them is best in doing deed c. Test people to check who is doing best deed more 2. What is Allah's respond against the deniers ? (Clue, Surah Al-Qalam, verses 40 to 48) a. Punish them b. Lead them to astray c. will progressively lead them to punishment 3. Which one is correct?(Clue, Surah Al-Haqqah, verses 1 to 18) a. The throne of Allah is carried by Eight angles b. Quran is advice for believers c. Thamūd and ʿAad never denied the Striking Calamity 4. What is emphasized and repeated in Surah Al-Mursalat? a. Woe, that Day, to the deniers b. Woe to the hypocrites c. Woe to the disbelievers Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls