Not familiar with coding and computational thinking? To put it simply, it is a field of expertise that involves describing issues the way a computer would. In order to discover underlying process patterns, students who acquire this way of thinking are urged to reduce large problems down into smaller difficulties. Also, children who start programming learn that failure is temporary and need not be discouraging or a barrier to further growth. Children can get the inspiration they need to overcome challenges in their programming from even minor victories. This tenacity builds a child's grit over time and is one of the most significant predictors of their future success in school and in the workforce. Your child can acquire a growth mindset through coding, which is a way of thinking about learning that allows for improvement, adaptation as necessary, and resistance to discouraging failures. What better attitude could a young person develop? Enroll at Larax Academy and book a free session for your kids! Eitaa ID: @Laraxacademy