I want to ask myself a question. What would have been my reaction if I had been imprisoned innocently and tortured injustly? What would have I told God? It's clear, I would have complained to Him. I would have told Him why me? What have I done? You know that I am innocent and I haven't done any wrong. But when the same thing happened to Imam Kazem (as), not only did he not complain, but also he thanked and praised Allah for having given him the chance and having provided him with free time to worship. He said: اللهم انک تعلم انی کنت اسئلک ان تفرغنی لعبادتک، اللهم و قد فعلت فلک الحمد O Allah You surely know that I used to implore you to provide me with free time to worship you, O Allah you did this. For that, to You is all praise. Imam (as) is truly and correctly seeing the half full glass. Because he has a correct understanding of his Most Merciful Lord. Furthermore, he turned the threat into opportunity. These are the lessons in dire need of which we are these days. 1- Trust in Allah 2- Turn the threats into opportunities (There are plenty) 3- Worship Allah more in these quarantine days that we have much more free time.