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مشاهده در ایتا
Grand Ayatollah Khamenei's advice: In my opinion, this (CoronaVirus) is not a very grave calamity and there have been graver ones. I myself have witnessed instances of these calamities. The people can eliminate many problems by praying, by supplicating, by relying on the immaculate Imams (greetings be upon them) and asking them to intercede on their behalf and by referring to the Holy Prophet of Islam. This is another word of advice that I have for you. If you want a specific dua, I advise you to read the 7th Dua of Sahifa al-Sajjadiyyah which is also in Mafatih al-Jinan.
Dua 7 Sahife-Karimi.mp3
The Seventh Dua of Sahifa Sajjadiyah recited by brother Mahmud Karimi
The English Translation of the seventh Dua of Sahifa Sajjadiyah: O He through whom the knots of detested things are untied! O He through whom the cutting edge of hardships is blunted! O He from whom is begged the outlet to the freshness of relief! Intractable affairs yield to Your power, means are made ready by Your gentleness, the decree goes into effect through Your power, and all things proceed according to Your desire. By Your desire they follow Your command without Your word and by Your will they obey Your bans without Your prohibition. You are the supplicated in worries and the place of flight in misfortunes; none of them is repelled unless You repel, and none is removed unless You remove. Upon me has come down, My Lord, something whose weight burdens me and upon me has fallen something whose carrying oppresses me. Through Your power You have brought it down upon me and through Your authority You have turned it toward me. None can send away what You have brought, none can deflect what You have turned, none can open what You have closed, none can close what You have opened, none can make easy what You have made difficult, none can help him whom You have abandoned. So send your peace and blessings upon Muhammad and his Household, open for me, my Lord, the door of relief through Your graciousness, break from me the authority of worry by Your strength, confer the beauty of Your gaze upon my complaint, let me taste the sweetness of benefaction in what I ask, give me from Yourself mercy and wholesome relief, and appoint for me from Yourself a quick way out! Distract me not through worry from observing Your obligations and acting in accordance with Your prescriptions. My capacity has been straitened, my Lord, by what has come down on me, and I am filled with worry by carrying what has happened to me, while You have power to remove what has afflicted me and to repel that into which I have fallen. So do that for me though I merit it not from Thee, O Possessor of the Mighty Throne!
Congratulations to Imam of the time (af) and all of his followers on the birth anniversary of Amirul Mumineen (as)
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
Beautiful.. Iranian doctor, nurse, clergymen and patients at Hospital's Coronavirus Isolation Ward celebrate the birth anniversary of Amril Mumineen (as).
Heartfelt condolences on the demise anniversary of Sayida Zainab(sa) to our master, Imam Mahdi (af) and to you, the followers and devotees of Alulbayt (as) Holy Prophet(s): Whoever weeps for Sayida Zainab will receive the reward of weeping for both Imam Hassan (as) and Imam Hussain(as).
What else should the parents know about Corona days? We need to quarantine our family from the worrying news as well. 🚫We should not keep reading, listening to and watching the corona news all day and night. We all have learnt about the coronavirus, its symptoms, and the necessary measures to tackle the coronavirus. Then I don’t understand why should we check the corona news every now and then🧐? This will not only be of no help but also presents us and our family with stress and disappointment. And you know that stress weakens the immune system and people with high stress are more likely to develop an illness. Hence, instead of keeping track of stressful news, try to enjoy your time with your family and have fun with them.😊
Kinder Than Parents
+ Again I'm here to talk about CoronaVirus. - But you said that we already have enough information about Corona and no need to follow corona news. + Yes, you are right. And that's why I'm going to tell you things that are rarely found in other Corona news. So stay tuned. Well, we need to teach our children to wash their hands properly and to observe hygiene rules. However, we should not be obsessed with cleanliness specially for the kids under 10 because, fortunately, for them the prospect of getting corona is next to zero. If you are so obsessed with cleanliness, then you will have a generation with obsession (وسواس) in 10 to 15 years and they will suffer from many problems and behavioral disorders in their lives. What we have to do is to disinfect and secure the home environment and then the kids must be free in this secure zone. Let them play and you too try to have fun like the good old days.
I'm back again to have a short but hopefully beneficial discussion. Since the kids cannot leave the house and play witht their peers, they get terribly bored these days. So we need to help them and cheer them up. Now the main question is what should we do? We said that watching TV or any other screen for a long time is detrimental to their physical and mental health. So TV or Video games are not a wise choice. The best thing is to PLAY GAMES. This is the best thing I can prescribe. There are so many benefits in games. Contrary to TV, games (not video games) improve the children's both physical and mental health. The Holy Prophet (S) is quoted as saying, "The child's playfulness in his childhood causes the increase of the intellect in his adulthood". Now the next question is what games? (Because many of us don't know many games) Well, there are so many games that can liven up your house. One of the best is the traditional family games. This will cause the family reunion, will transmit your traditional culture and heritage, will build a strong bond between the children and their family members, etc. I think that is enough for today. I warmly welcome your comments and suggestions. It is very good to tell us about your traditional games and I will share them with others here. My Id in all Messengers: @Abd_Bahrani
#prayers #religious_affairs
An arduous yet rewarding task.
When you 👊force your child to wear a shirt; 👊force him/her to get in the car; 👊force him/her to do his works the way you like.... The child ♦️learns that the relations are based on force ♦️and gradually starts opposing you in eating, answering the call of nature, etc. ♦️and stops being cooperative. 👉Because you haven't taught him/her cooperation
A game for children of 7 to 15 years old Name: Nail in Bottle What you need: Each player will need the following: ✅A long piece of string or a long piece of thin and flexible rope ✅A fastener nail or anything with about the same length and width ✅A bottle How to play: 1️⃣Tie one end of the string around the base of the nail 2️⃣Give the other end of the string to the each player 3️⃣Have each player try to lower the nail into the bottle beyond the bottleneck using their hands.
I want to ask myself a question. What would have been my reaction if I had been imprisoned innocently and tortured injustly? What would have I told God? It's clear, I would have complained to Him. I would have told Him why me? What have I done? You know that I am innocent and I haven't done any wrong. But when the same thing happened to Imam Kazem (as), not only did he not complain, but also he thanked and praised Allah for having given him the chance and having provided him with free time to worship. He said: اللهم انک تعلم انی کنت اسئلک ان تفرغنی لعبادتک، اللهم و قد فعلت فلک الحمد O Allah You surely know that I used to implore you to provide me with free time to worship you, O Allah you did this. For that, to You is all praise. Imam (as) is truly and correctly seeing the half full glass. Because he has a correct understanding of his Most Merciful Lord. Furthermore, he turned the threat into opportunity. These are the lessons in dire need of which we are these days. 1- Trust in Allah 2- Turn the threats into opportunities (There are plenty) 3- Worship Allah more in these quarantine days that we have much more free time.
Happy New Year #religious_affairs
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
و ما ارسلناک الا رحمة للعالمین We sent you but a mercy for the worlds We'd like to extend our happiest congratulations on the Bi'thah of the holy Prophet (s) to everyone. . He brought peace, justice, knowledge, equity, mercy and grace for the whole world. He fought for the human rights and brought equity for women, non-Arabs, and the colored people and taught the people that men and women of different races, colors and languages are alike in Allah's view and no one enjoys superiority over others except by piety. He taught his people about animals rights and forbade bothering and torturing them. Everyone regardless of his wealth and social class was welcomed in his presence. And no one enjoyed any privilege over others. I hope we can be good followers for him. And if we want the same society back we need to bring his successor, i.e. Imam Mahdi (af), back. .
Asalaamu Alaykum respected parents! I hope you and your families are doing well. These days most of the parents are looking for ways to entertain their kids. I formerly suggested the traditional games. Now I want to touch on an important point in regards with games. Daily activities can be very exciting for children. Thus we can turn the daily activities to extremely exciting games. I'll give you a few examples. 1️⃣ After washing the clothes and before folding them and putting them back in the drawers you can throw them at each other for some minutes; a very fun and safe game. 2️⃣ Setting table can also be an interesting game for the kids specially girls. 3️⃣ An important rule about the kids that can be of a great help to you: the process of doing something is much more enjoyable for the children than the result. For example if you try to make a cake at home, this will give them much more pleasure than simply buying cakes from bakery shops and having them. So the children can help in making the food, desserts, and salads according to their ability. Or even everyone can make his/her cake or dessert and that would be an amazing experience. 📍As I mentioned these are just few examples to help you think of many more. 📍An important point: as these can cheer them up😃 they can turn you off😩. Thus your patience is your greatest assistant. #religious_affairs