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مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی ـ قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد آموزشی و پرورشی ۴۵ متری عمار یاسر کوچه ۵ بعد از امامزاده زید(ع) تلفن: +982537704544 همراه: +989366969796 www.saviorschools.com Instagram: savior_international Contact Admin: @saviorschool
مشاهده در ایتا
والدین محترم سلام علیکم احتراما به اطلاع می رساند باتوجه به تغییر قوانین مالی و ثبت نام مدرسه منجی ، جهت آغاز ثبت نام دانش آموز شما هزینه ۵۰۰.۰۰۰ ریال دریافت خواهد شد. عنایت داشته باشید این هزینه جهت امور ثبت نامی و مصاحبه دانش آموز شما دریافت می گردد و در صورت انصراف یا رد دانش آموز در هر کدام از مراحل ثبت نام این هزینه عودت داده نخواهد شد و در صورت پذیرش دانش آموز به عنوان بخشی از شهریه ایشان لحاظ خواهد شد. با تشکر مدرسه بین المللی منجی Dear parents Respectfully, you’re to be informed that given some changes in financial and registration rules of Savior School, a fee of 50,000 Tuman will be received to start enrolling your student. Please note that this fee will be charged for your student's registration and interview, and will not be refunded if the student is rejected in any of the registration steps. And if he/she is accepted as Savior School’s student, it will be considered as part of their tuition. Thanks Savior International School
# مهم # فوری # امتحانات ریاضی قابل توجه والدین و دانش آموزان گرامی: جهت شرکت در امتحان ریاضی وارد حساب کاربری خود شوید سپس ابتدا جهت مشاهده سوالات روی گزینه “View questions” کلیک کرده و سوالات را بخوانید و همزمان پاسخ سوالات را روی کاغذ یاددشت نماید و بعد برای مشاهده پاسخنامه و وارد کردن جواب سوالات روی گزینه ” start test”کلیک کنید. مراحل آزمون ریاضی 1-ورود به حساب کاربری 2-مشاهده برگه سوالات”view questions” 3-جواب دادن(پرکردن)پاسخنامه”start test” مجتمع مدارس بین المللی منجی 🌹🍂🌹🍂🌹🍂🌹🍂 Exams Respected Parents and Students: In order to take your Math exams when you signed in first click on “view question” to see and read the test paper then on a piece of paper write down the answers after that click on ”start test” and fill in the answer sheet. The sequence of taking math exam: 1-Sign in 2-See and Read the Question paper (By Clicking on “view questions”) 3-Fill in the Answer Sheet (By Clicking on “start test”) Monji International School Network
إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَیْهِ رَاجِعُونَ (بقره 156) Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return(Al-Baqarah-156) Dear brother Jalilian, Respected Principal of Savior International School ! The disconsolate demise of your revered father has saddened us. We hereby would like to express our most heartfelt condolences to you and your honorable family. We beseech Allah the Exalted to bestow His forgiveness and blessings on him and elevate his ranks in the Heavens to the highest.
پسرانه قابل توجه اولیاء و دانش‌آموزان گرامی مدارس بین‌المللی منجی دانش‌آموزان محترمی که نتوانسته اند در امتحانات شرکت کنند، با ارسال درخواست و ذکر دلیل عدم شرکت از طریق آی دی سروش آموزش، اطلاع رسانی کنند. کارگروه آموزش مدرسه پس از بررسی دلیل عدم شرکت، نسبت به برگزاری امتحان مجدد اطلاع رسانی و اقدام خواهد نمود. آیدی آموزش:👈 @saviorschoolvp معاونت آموزش مدارس بین‌المللی منجی (شیفت پسران) 's shift Respected Parents and Students of Monji Schools The students who couldn’t take the final exam papers, must write an application and explain us their reasons via Academic VP’s Soroush ID ( @saviorschoolvp ). The Academic Committee will examine the reasons and decide about the exams later. Surely, You will be updated about the exams.
's Shift Respected parents and students Those who have already sent an application to academic VP on taking their missed exam again, are to be notified that their exam will be held on the following date. Date: 15, July ,2020 Wednesday 13:00 پسرانه قابل توجه والدین و دانش آموزان گرامی دانش آموزانی که قبلا برای برگزاری آزمون مجدد به معاونت آموزش مدرسه درخواست ارسال نمودند، توجه نمایند که آزمون مجدد در تاریخ ذیل برگزار می گردد. چهارشنبه، ۲۵ تیر ۱۳۹۹ ساعت ۱۳:۰۰. زمان برگزاری امتحان: چهارشنبه ۱۳۹۹/۴/۲۵ ساعت ۱۳:۰۰
's shift cards school Dear Parents of Grades 1-6 By wishing felicitations of Eid al-Ghadir, we wish to inform you that the Final Report Cards of your students are ready. You can collect the report cards from Wednesday 5/8/2020 till Monday 10/8/2020 from 14:00 to 18:00.( please note that on Saturday 8/8/2020 school will be off.) Savior International School Network پسرانه سالانه دبستان قابل توجه اولین گرامی مقطع دبستان (پایه ۱-۶) با تبریک دهه ولایت و عید سعید غدیر، به اطلاع می رساند والدین محترم می توانند برای دریافت کارنامه سالانه دانش آموزان خود از روز چهارشنبه ۱۵ مرداد الی دوشنبه ۲۰ مرداد از ساعت ۱۴:۰۰ الی ۱۸:۰۰ به مدرسه مراجعه نمایند. (قابل توجه: شنبه ۱۸ مرداد یوم الله عید غدیر تعطیل رسمی می باشد. ) مجتمع مدارس بین‌المللی منجی
's shift The time of collecting report cards for grades 7-12 will be announced later. پسرانه زمان توزیع کارنامه کلاس های ۷-۱۲ متعاقبا اعلام می گردد.
This is to inform all the esteemed parents of Monji International [school] students: To place an order and buy school textbooks for the new academic year, please refer to the school store at http://shop.saviorschools.com/  It is noteworthy that: 1. The registration period is from 16th to 26th of the month of Murdad, 1399 (equivalent to 6th - 16th of August, 2020) 2. After the registration deadline, the printing process will start and if the books are ready, you will be informed. 3. The possibility of receiving books in person from school and also in the form of door-to-door delivery is available.
به اطلاع کلیه والدین محترم دانش آموزان مجتمع بین المللی منجی می رساند: برای ثبت سفارش و خرید کتاب های درسی سال تحصیلی جدید به فروشگاه مدرسه به آدرس shop.saviorschools.com مراجعه فرمایید به استحضار والدین و دانش آموزان گرامی می رساند که : ۱-بازه ثبت نام از تارخ ۱۶ تا ۲۶ مرداد ماه (معادل تاریخ میلادی ) می باشد ۲- پس از پایان مهلت ثبت نام ، پروسه چاپ شروع شده و در صورت آماده شدن کتاب ها اطلاع رسانی می شود. ۳-امکان دریافت کتاب ها هم به صورت حضوری از مدرسه و هم به صورت تحویل دم درب منزل فراهم می باشد.
One issue is about Ghadir itself. In some narrations, it has been said that Eid al-Ghadir is the eid of Allah the Great and that it enjoys a status which is higher than all other Eids
's shift cards school Dear Parents of Grades 7-12 By wishing felicitations of Eid al-Ghadir, we wish to inform you that the Final Report Cards of your students are ready. You can collect the report cards from Tuesday 11/8/2020 till Saturday 15/8/2020 from 14:00 to 18:00. Savior International School Network پسرانه سالانه متوسطه قابل توجه اولیاء گرامی مقطع متوسطه (پایه ۷-۱۲) با تبریک دهه ولایت و عید سعید غدیر، به اطلاع می رساند والدین محترم می توانند برای دریافت کارنامه سالانه دانش آموزان خود از روز سه شنبه ۲۱ مرداد الی شنبه ۲۵ مرداد از ساعت ۱۴:۰۰ الی ۱۸:۰۰ به مدرسه مراجعه نمایند. مجتمع مدارس بین‌المللی منجی
's shift exams cards Respected parents Hereby you are to be informed that the retake exams will be held from 22 Aug 2020 till 7 Sept 2020. The exact exam schedule will be announced soon. Parents who have not collected the report cards, must refer to the school as soon as possible. Please note that the chance for appearing in retake exams will not be given again. Savior International School Network پسرانه تجدیدی سالانه قابل توجه اولیاء گرامی بدینوسیله به اطلاع کلیه والدین محترم می رساند که امتحانات تجدیدی شهریور ماه از تاریخ اول شهریور الی ۱۵ شهریور برگزار می گردد. برنامه دقیق این امتحانات متعاقبا اعلام خواهد شد. والدینی که هنوز موفق به دریافت کارنامه و اطلاع از نمرات فرزند خود نشده اند، هر چه زودتر به مدرسه مراجعه نمایند. بدیهی است در صورت عدم شرکت در امتحانات تجدیدی،این فرصت دوباره تکرار نخواهد شد. مجتمع مدارس بین‌المللی منجی
's Shift Exams Timetable Dear parents and Students: The abovementioned is the timetable of retake exams. Take care about the timing of theses exams because this is the last chance for passing the failed subjects. Wish you good results! Savior International School Network
's shift exams cards Respected parents Hereby you are to be informed that the retake exams will be held from 24 Aug 2020 till 10 Sept 2020. The exact exam schedule will be announced soon. Parents who have not got the report cards, must refer to the school as soon as possible. Please note that the chance for retake exams will not be given again. Savior International School Network دخترانه تجدیدی سالانه قابل توجه اولیاء گرامی بدینوسیله به اطلاع کلیه والدین محترم می رساند که امتحانات تجدیدی شهریور ماه از تاریخ سوم شهریور الی 22 شهریور برگزار می گردد. برنامه دقیق این امتحانات متعاقبا اعلام خواهد شد. از کلیه والدین محترمی که هنوز کارنامه فرزندان خود را دریافت ننموده اند تقاضامندیم هر چه زودتر نسبت به دریافت کارنامه اقدام نمایند. بدیهی است در صورت عدم شرکت در امتحانات تجدیدی،این فرصت دوباره تکرار نخواهد شد. مجتمع مدارس بین‌المللی منجی
retake exams timetable, girls shift.pdf
's Shift Exams Timetable دختران امتجانات تجدیدی شهریورماه
of Retake Exams 2019-2020 Savior International Schools We Educate the Leaders of Tomorrow ❗ To avoid confusions with regards to our recent online retake examinations, we have temporarily closed down the previous site. 💻 If you are participating in the online retake examinations, please follow the following instructions carefully. STUDENT LEARNING PORTAL How to give online examination: At least 30 minutes before the examination, login to your learning portal by clicking here. STUDENT LEARNING PORTAL Your default Username is your Student ID and your password is your birth date in the following format: YYY-MM-DD. Note:The month and day must inlucde a prefixed zero if it is a two digit number.For example, if the month in which you were born is March, then use 03 in your password.If you face any difficulty in loging in, promptly notify Savior International School's Staff so that you are ready for the examination before time. Any lateness in the scheduled examination due to login issues is your responsibility. Ensure you are able to login to the learning portal without any difficulties.You will be prompted to change your password. Change the password to your desired one.After you have changed your password, you will be redirected to your Dashboard.In the middle section of your dashboard, you should see a block by the name of "My Courses". Select the subject you are scheduled to give examination for, then click on the appropriate examination. In this case, it should be "Annual Retake - August 2020."STUDENT LEARNING PORTAL Please read the following rules carefully and then proceed to attempt the examination. Rules of the Examination: You will not be able to access the examination before or after the scheduled time. All timings are based on Standard Iranian Time. If you are giving the examination from outside of the Iranian Time zone, please ensure that you attempt the examination timely.You are only allowed two (2) hours for each examination. You have 30 minutes extra grace period if you require it.You will not be allowed more than one attempt for an examination. Meaning that you cannot submit the same examination twice.Further, you are not allowed to return to a previous question, or proceed to a question further than the next sequential one. Meaning that, if you are in question 9, you will not be able to return back to questions 1 to 8, and nor will you be able to browse forward to questions 11 to 40. You can only move from question 9 to question 10, and so on.Ensure you have answered the questions properly before proceeding to the next question, as there is no returning back.If you doubt that a question is incorrect or you are not able to answer a question, you can flag that question by clicking the "Flag this Question" option on the left hand side. We will review the question in the earliest possible instance and get back to you if any clarifications are requiredIf you are logged out, and your time is up, the answered questions are submitted automatically, and the others are left as unansweredQuestions and their answers are in different order for each student. Please do not attempt any form of sharing, as it may result in wastage of your limited time.After you have completed your examination, you need to take a screenshot of the success page. If you do not do this, we will not be able to follow up on your matter if any problem arises. All your attempts in the Learning Portal of Savior International Schools are recorded in our logs in the server. If you are confident that you have submitted your examination, and we cannot find your logs in our server, then this screenshot will serve us to understand the technical problem, if any. 🧔 🧕 Few notes from the Principals of both the Boys and Girls Department: Dear Students, You do know that examinations are simply a feedback of what you have learnt. It will help us analyse how well you have learnt your lessons during the course of the year. So please be honest while answering. If you use external help in answering the questions, we will not be able to underst
and exactly what you have learnt and what areas you are week in. Be God-wary in all your affairs and understand that God is the all-seeing, all-hearing and all-knowing. Good Luck! 🤝 📞 +98 902-153-0077 Saviorschools.com