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مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی ـ قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد آموزشی و پرورشی ۴۵ متری عمار یاسر کوچه ۵ بعد از امامزاده زید(ع) تلفن: +982537704544 همراه: +989366969796 www.saviorschools.com Instagram: savior_international Contact Admin: @saviorschool
مشاهده در ایتا
Asalamu Alaykum, respected parents! I’d like to extend my congratulations to you all on the beginning of the blessed month of Sha’ban. Prior to this, I proposed doing daily activities and home chores in the form of games. Here, I’m going to explain a little more about it and its good consequences. Remember that games should not make the kids tired. Because of its unique characteristics, a constructive game, is a perfect communication between the parents and the children as well as an unparalleled experience for the kids that besides discharging their extra energy and emotions will provide them a chance to discover. This is how they explore and discover the relationships between phenomena. For example, imagine you want to make an omelet. In this process the child explores many relationships; “breaking the egg by hitting, butter melts with heat, how egg white is separated from the yolk, how the egg is fried, etc.” During this process, he/she is benefitted by your support but not your interference. And finally the very confrontation and exquisite experience in which, in addition to making the breakfast, the child has experienced so many good and constructive relationship with you and has gone through a process with you, will discharge a portion of his extra-energy and will give him/her a very good feeling. This good feeling will drain out the negative emotions of insecurity and not being liked by you. In this process the child has also practiced a good skill called “making an omelet”. Now if you play ten such exciting games with your child, he/she will trust you and certainly will become much calmer than what you imagine. However, due to the accumulated energy and emotions, it takes more work in the first days we start this type of relationship with our kids
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
Happiest congratulations to all believers specially Imam Mahdi(af) on the auspicious birth anniversary of Imam Hussain (as). قال رسول الله ص احب الله من احب حسینا Allah loves he who loves Hussain (as).
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
السلام علیک یا اباالفضل العباس . Congratulations on the birth anniversary of Abal-Fadl al-Abbas to Imam Mahdi (af) and all believers. . Words can never do justice to talk about you, because you are the only one to whom Hussain (as) said, "may I be sacrificed for you". . If we had no information about Abu Fadhil (as), this statement was enough to know his magnanimity and his astounding personality. . یا کاشف الکرب عن وجه الحسین علیه السلام اکشف کربي بحق اخيك الحسين علیه السلام
# شیفت صبح و عصر # طرح آموزش مجازی شروع طرح آموزش مجازی فروردین 99 یرْفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِینَ آمَنُوا مِنْکمْ وَ الَّذِینَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجاتٍ (خداوند کسانی را که ایمان آورده‌اند و کسانی را که علم به آنان داده شده درجات عظیمی می‌بخشد) مجادله 11 با سلام و درود بدینوسله به اطلاع کلیه والدین و دانش آموزان گرامی می رساند با توجه به ادامه شرایط ویژه ناشی از ویروس کرونا، استمرار تعطیلی ها و لزوم تداوم آموزش و همچنین بر اساس دستورالعمل ها و بخشنامه های صادره از وزارت آموزش و پرورش ج.ا.ا و مرکز امور بین الملل و مدارس خارج از کشو؛ طرح آموزش مجازی مجتمع مدارس بین المللی منجی در فروردین ماه 1399 شمسی از تاریخ شنبه 16/01 منطبق بر تقویم آموزشی سالیانه مدرسه و هماهنگ با تقویم رسمی ج.ا.ا آغاز خواهد شد. از این رو کلیه دانش آموزان موظفند از تاریخ ذکر شده نسبت به دانلود کردن فایل های آموزشی بصورت روزانه اقدام نموده و ضمن مطالعه دروس خود، تکالیف ارائه شده از سوی اساتید را انجام داده و در صورت وجود هر گونه پرسش با اساتید خود از طریق شناسه کاربری استاد مربوطه ارتباط برقرار نمایند. شایان ذکر است آئین نامه آموزش مجازی متعاقبا اطلاع رسانی خواهد شد. با تشکر کارگروه آموزش مجازی مدرسه بین المللی منجی مجتمع مدارس بین المللی منجی
# Both Shifts # Virtual Learning Project The Resumption of Virtual Learning Porject It hereby informs all parents and students of Monji International School that in order to stay away and safe from the infectious Corona Virus, and given the necessity of continuing education and the guidelines and directives issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Iran, our Virtual Learning Project is going to resume from Saturday 4th April 2020 in accordance with the school's annual educational calendar and the official IRC calendar. Thus, all students are required to download the educational files on a daily basis from the above-mentioned date and, while studying their courses, perform their assignments their teachers provide them with. You can communicate your teachers via IDs they have posted on Classes’ Channels. It is worth Mentioning that the manual of Virtual Learning Project will be updated later. Thanks Virtual Learning Task Force Savior International School Savior International Schools Complex
See if the child expresses anger or throws tantrums once in a while, it is quite natural. However, if this is occured frequently, it is alarming and it is a disorder which should be taken care of. 🔎
Imam Khomeini: Many girls and boys in western countries are driven into nihilism which is the manifestation of vapidity and ignorance that have sunk them into a lifestyle of fleeting passions. However, the nation that is optimistic about the future knows that these times will come to an end. An era will emerge when the mighty power of justice will eradicate all summits of corruption and oppression. A new era that will enlighten humankind’s outlook with the light of justice; this is what the awaiting era of Imam Mahdi our Savior signifies.
After the conquest of Mecca, the Holy Prophet (s) was circumambulating around the Ka‘ba. One of his stubborn enemies named Fadhālah bin Umayr says, I saw the Prophet (s) doing tawāf while he was not accompanied by any of his friends and companions. Hence, I decided to assassinate him. I gradually approached him. All of a sudden, the Prophet (s) turned to me and told me, “Are you Fadhālah?” I replied, “Yes, O the Messenger of Allah”. He then asked, “What are you after? What are you thinking about?” I said I was uttering dhikr. Then the Prophet (s) smiled at me; a smile that tranquilized and cooled me off. After that he asked me to get close to him. I got closer and he smoothly put his hand on my chest. Before this I was filled with hatred towards the Prophet, but as soon as he touched my chest with kindness I became full of love for him. Now dear believers, Imam Hussain (as) has described his eminent son, Ali Akbar (as), saying, he (Ali Akbar) was the most similar person to the Holy Prophet in appearance, attitude, and speech. Similar to the Prophet, everyone would fall in love with him at first sight. That’s what made Ali Akbar (as) very special and why being separated from him was so painful, that everyone pleaded with him not to leave them and not to go to the battlefront. Congratulations to Imam Mahdi (af) and all freemen of the world on the birth anniversary of Ali Akbar (as).
Underlying causes of the children's aggressive behavior are: ▪️Genetics ▫️Unhealthy family environment ▪️Unhealthy behavior patterns ▫️Watching too much TV ▪️Too much use of electronic devices ▫️Personal characteristics ‼️Please, take these seriously.‼️ 🔎
🔴The parents should take the relationship between anxiety and aggressive behaviour seriously. ▶️One of the important causes of children's aggressive behaviors is anxiety. ▶️Sometimes, due to inability in controlling phobias and in knowing their anxiety and their roots, the children act aggressively. What is the reason you ask⁉️ 1️⃣The children are looking for ways to conceal their fears. 2️⃣Through aggressive actions, they drive out their negative and stressful phobias. 🔵Hence, one of the important and key steps in controlling anger and aggressive behaviors in children is to find the root cause of anxiety in them and also to eliminate the stress-making situations. 🔎
Everything you need to know about the storm on Twitter in the Sha'ban 15th. Please read carefully 🌪🌼🌪🌼🌪🌼🌪🌼 Dear Mahdi Helpers! The time has come for an uprising ... an uprising all over the world Our promise on the night of the birth of Imam Mahdi (Saturday, April 10, 21 to 11 pm), on Twitter. We all come and go with the hashtag ☄️🌸☄️🌸☄️🌸☄️🌸☄️ 🍃🌹🍃🌹🍃🌹🍃🌹🍃 We show the true face of Imam Mahdi to world. 💫🌈💫🌈💫🌈💫🌈💫 Bringer and executor of justice, peace, and tranquility all over the world 💝🎉💝🎉💝🎉💝🎉💝 introduce the Imam of the Age and the Promised True Savior to the world. We are all responsible
ضمن تبریک میلاد با سعادت منجی بشریت، حضرت مهدی موعود (عجل الله فرجه الشریف)، مدرسه بین المللی منجی در نظر دارد به همین مناسبت مجموعه مسابقات مهدوی را به شرح ذیل برگزار نماید:
Congratulating the auspicious birth anniversary of the Savior of the world, the promised Mahdi (af), Savior International School intends to hold the following Mahdavi Competitions on this occasion:
1️⃣ مسابقه نقاشی مهدوی ویژه دانش آموزان مهدکودک و پایه های اول تا سوم 🖼تصویر نقاشی را با نام و کلاس دانش آموز تا جمعه 22 فروردین (16 شعبان) به آیدی زیر در پیام رسان سروش ارسال کنید. @religious_adviser
1️⃣Mahdawi painting competition for the students of KGs and first to third grades 🖼Send the paintings along with the student's name and grade to Soroush id @religious_adviser, until Friday, 10 Apr (16 Sha'ban).
2️⃣ مسابقه مقاله نویسی مهدوی در دو سطح موضوع مقالات: 1- چگونه امام زمان (عج) را خوشنود کنیم؟ 2- نامه ای به امام زمان (عج) 📋 مقاله نویسی ویژه پایه های چهارم تا هفتم مقالات باید بین 2 تا 4 صفحه آ4 (یعنی بین 500 تا 1000 واژه) باشد. مقالات باید تایپ شود. فایل مقالات با نام و کلاس دانش آموز تا شنبه 23 فروردین (17 شعبان) به آیدی زیر در پیام رسان سروش ارسال گردد. @religious_adviser 📋مقاله نویسی ویژه پایه های هشتم تا دوازدهم مقالات باید بین 3 تا 5 صفحه آ4 (یعنی بین 750 تا 1250 واژه) باشد. مقالات باید تایپ شود. فایل مقالات با نام و کلاس دانش آموز تا شنبه 23 فروردین (17 شعبان) به آیدی زیر در پیام رسان سروش ارسال گردد. @religious_adviser
2️⃣Mahdawi articles in two levels The topics are: 1. How can we make Imam Zaman (af) happy? 2. A letter to Imam Zaman (af). 📋Articles for the fourth to seventh grades The article's size must be 2 to 4 pages (i.e. 500 to 1000 words) The article must be typed. The file, student's name and grade must be sent to the Soroush id @religious_adviser, until Saturday, 11 Apr (17 Sha'ban) 📋Articles for the grades eight to twelve The article's size must be 3 to 5 pages (i.e. 750 to 1250 words) The article must be typed. The file, student's name and grade must be sent to the Soroush id @religious_adviser, until Saturday, 11 Apr (17 Sha'ban).
3️⃣ مسابقه طراحی پوستر و تولید کلیپ برای دانش آموزان پایه های پنجم تا دوازدهم 🏞طراحی پوستر در قطع آ4 صورت گیرد. فایل پوستر با نام و کلاس دانش آموز تا شنبه 23 فروردین (17 شعبان) به آیدی زیر در پیام رسان سروش ارسال گردد. @religious_adviser 🎥مدت زمان کلیپ حداکثر 4 دقیقه باشد. فایل کلیپ با نام و کلاس دانش آموز تا جمعه 29 فروردین (23 شعبان) به آیدی زیر در پیام رسان سروش ارسال گردد. @religious_adviser
3️⃣ Designing Posters and Making Video clips for students of grades five to twelve 🏞Poster must be in A4 size. Send the poster's file and student's name and grade to the Soroush id @religious_adviser until Saturday, 11 Apr (17 Sha'ban). 🎥 Video's maximum duration must be 4 mins. Send the video file along with student's name and grade to the Soroush id @religious_adviser until Saturday, 11 Apr (17 Sha'ban).
4️⃣ مسابقه "هر خانه، یک جشن" برای خانواده ها در این مسابقه هر خانواده یک جشن میلاد امام زمان عج در خانه برگزار خواهند کرد. از ایده ها، تزیینات و برنامه های مراسم جشن خود گزارش تصویری تهیه کرده و گزارش خود را با نام فرزندان و ذکر پایه¬ها تا دوشنبه 25 فروردین (19 شعبان) به آیدی زیر در پیام رسان سروش ارسال نمایید. @religious_adviser
4️⃣The Mahdavi competition of "Each Home, One Ceremony" for dear families 🎈🎈In this competition each family should hold a celebration ceremony for the birth anniversary of Imam Mahdi (af) at home. The family will take photos and vidoes of their ideas, decorations, and programs and will send them along with the student's name and grade to the Soroush id @religious_adviser until Monday, 13 Apr (19 Sha'ban).