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مدرسه بين‌المللی منجی ـ قم مدرسه ای کاملا انگلیسی با شيوه‌های جديد آموزشی و پرورشی ۴۵ متری عمار یاسر کوچه ۵ بعد از امامزاده زید(ع) تلفن: +982537704544 همراه: +989366969796 www.saviorschools.com Instagram: savior_international Contact Admin: @saviorschool
مشاهده در ایتا
Salaam Alaykum Dear Parents, We are delighted to inform you that the third Parents-Teachers meeting is to be held online on Monday April 10, 2023 at 4:00 pm All dear parents are requested to participate in the meeting. We highly appreciate and welcome your comments and suggestions. Online Session Link: https://lms.saviorschools.com/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/view.php?id=33276 Thanks for your kind cooperation, Educational Department Savior International School (Boys Shift) والدین گرامی، با عرض سلام و احترام، به اطلاع می رسانیم که سومین جلسه اولیا و مربیان شیفت پسران روز دوشنبه ۲۱ فروردین 1402 ساعت ۱۶ به صورت آنلاین برگزار می گردد. حضور والدین الزامی است. لینک حضور در جلسه آنلاین: https://lms.saviorschools.com/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/view.php?id=33276 شرکت در این جلسه برای همه ی والدین الزامی است. نظرات و پیشنهادات شما مغتنم است. پیشاپیش از همکاری شما سپاسگزاریم، مدرسه بین المللی منجی (شیفت پسران)
🌙 Eleventh day answers: ✅ A C A B ✅
🌙 Twelvth day's answers: ✅ A C C C ✅
🌺🌺🌺 Juz Thirteen quiz 1. What talent was given to Yusuf ? a. The gift of public speaking b. Excellence in the art of buying & selling c. The ability to interpret dreams 2. What example Allah presents in Surah- Ra'd, (verses 11 to 17) to explain truth and falsehood? a. Light and darkness b. A blind person with c. Torrent with its rising foam. 3. What does Allah say to the believers to do to be ready for the day that there will be no exchange? (Clue, Surah- Ibrahim, verses 21 to 33) a. Do as they please b. Establish prayer and fight for Allah c. Establish prayer and spend money and donate. 4. According to Quran verses in Surah- Yusuf (79 to 88), who are despair of relief from Allāh? a. Unjust people b. Disbelievers c. Cruel people Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls
🌙 Thirteenth day's answers: ✅ C C C B ✅
🌺🌺🌺 Juz Fourteen quiz 1. According to Surah al-Hijr verses 1 to 15, all of the messangers of Allah were... a. were killed by people b. were mocked by people c. tortured and tormented by pople 2. Shaytan will surely tempt people on earth and mislead them all together except.... a. the disbelievers b. the believers c. exclusive servants of Allah 3. The messangers of Allah order people to worship Allah and also.....( clue, Sura An-Nahl, verses 34 to 40) a. shun false gods b. Establish praying c. don't tell lie 4. Why the wrath of Allah and his great punishment is for the disbelievers? a. because they love to be punished b. because they prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter. c. becuase they are looking for cruelty. Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) until 10 pm to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls
🌙 Forteenth day's answers: ✅ B B A B ✅
🌺🌺🌺 Juz Fifteen quiz 1. What will Allah do if people return to sin? (Clue, Surah al-Isra, Verses 7 to 9) a. Allah will have mercy b. Allah will return to punish them c. Allah will not return to punish 2. How should one spend their wealth? (Clue, Surah- Al-Isra verses 28 to 30) a. Don’t spend at all b. Spend lavishly to show off c. Not excessively, nor be stingy 3. What are the adornment of the worldy life and what is better to Allah ? ( clue, Surah Al-Kahf, verses 37 to 47) a. knowledge - good deeds b. Wealth and knowledge- children c. Wealth and children- good deeds 4. what is Allah's answer to the quiddity and reality of Soul? (Clue, Surah Al-Isra, verses 77 to 88) a. The soul is of the concern of Allah and it's reality can be understood with the knowledge of mankind. b. The Soul is of the concern of Allah and it's reality can not be understood with the limited knowledge of mankind. c. The Soul is of the concern of Allah and his messengers and can not be understood with mankind knowledge. Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls
🌺🌺🌺 Juz Sixteen quiz  1. According to Surah- Maryam, verse 96, those who have believed and done righteous deeds Allah will... a. appoint for them affection. b. Make them superior c. Help them 2. Intercession will benefit ..... a one to whom the Most Merciful has given permission b. one that has accepted Allah's word.  c. a and b 3. According to Surah- Maryam, verse 72, the only way for mankind to save himself from hell is .... a. Pray b. Fast c. Fear if Allah 4. What kind of life is waiting for whoever turns away from Allah's remembrance ? (Clue, Surah- Taha, verses 123 and 124) a. He will be blind in this world. b. He will have a depressed life in this world, even if he is super wealthy . c. None of them Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls
والدین و دانش آموزان گرامی؛ با توجه به فرارسیدن شب های قدر و تاکید بر استفاده معنوی از این شب ها و شب زنده داری، جهت فراهم شدن فرصت استراحت شما در ساعات عصر برای بیدار ماندن در شب های قدر، کلاس های ساعت آخر (زنگ پنجم) در روز های یکشنبه 20 فروردین و سه شنبه 22 فروردین را تعطیل خواهد شد. لذا کلاس ها ساعت 16:45 تعطیل خواهند شد. باتشکر بخش آموزش شیفت پسران Dear parents and students, due to the upcoming Qadr nights and its spiritual significance, the school’s education department has decided to provide an opportunity to rest in order to perform the holy ceremonies. For this sake, the school will finish one hour early at 4:45pm on Sunday April 9th and Tuesday april 11th. Thanks Savior International School (Boys Shift)
🌙 Sixteenth day's answers: ✅ A C C B ✅
🌺🌺🌺 Juz Seventeen Quiz 1. If Had there been other gods besides Allah in the heavens or the earth,...( clue. Surah Al-Anbia, verses 15 to 25) a. There was order on earth. b. Both ˹realms˺ would have been corrupted. c. The sky and earth combined and became better. 2. According to the holy Quran, what are the firewoods of Hell? (Clue, Surah Al-Anbia, verses 89 to 100) a. Disbelievers and what they worship other than Allāh. b. The Idoles that people made c. The witches 3. What example Allah gives to show the weakness of Disbelievers and their Idols? ( Clue, Surah Al-Hajj, verses 67 to 74) a. If a fly takes something from you, you can't take it back and retrieve it. b. If you can, get together and create a fly c. both a and b 4. Who are going to suffer a clear loss of losing this world and the Hereafter? ( clue, Surah Al-Hajj, verses 4 to 13) a. Those who collect wealth in this world. b. Those who are content when they get something good and are blessed, but when they are afflicted with a trial, they turn into disbelief. c. both a and b Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls
Dear Parents/Guardians Hereby this is to be informed that the pre-registration of the coming academic year (2023-2024) has been started.
Dear Parents/Guardians Hereby this is to be informed that the pre-registration of the coming academic year present students (2023-2024) has been started.
Dear Parents/Guardians Hereby this is to be informed that the pre-registration of the coming academic year present students (2023-2024) has been started.
دانش آموزان و اولیای گرامی، با پایان یافتن امتحانات میان ترم دوم دانش آموزان پایه های 1 تا 6 می‌توانند در LMS و با مراجعه به قسمت "Grades" و سپس در قسمت "User Report" نمرات هر درس را مشاهده کنند. شماره آموزش شیفت پسران: 09058384004 باتشکر دپارتمان آموزش مجتمع آموزشی بین‌المللی منجی Respected parents and students, We’d like to inform you that the second mid-term virtual report cards for students in Grades 1 to 6 are available on LMS. Those who would like to see their marks are required to visit their dashboard on LMS →"Grades"→(on the left side) → "User report". 09058384004 Education Department Savior International Schools
سلام والدین و دانش آموزان گرامی؛ با توجه به فرارسیدن شب های قدر و تاکید بر استفاده معنوی از این شب ها و شب زنده داری، جهت فراهم شدن فرصت استراحت شما کلاس ها در روز دوشنبه 21 فروردین، با یکساعت تاخیر (راس 8:45) شروع می شود. باتشکر بخش آموزش شیفت دختران Salaam Alaikum Dear parents and students, Due to the upcoming Qadr nights and in order to provide the opportunity for the students to get more benefits from this significant time, Savior Schools classes (Primary, Middle $ High school) will start one hour later at 8:45 a.m on Monday April 10. Thanks Savior International Schools (Girls Shift)
🌙 Seventeenth day's answers: ✅ B A C B ✅
🌺🌺🌺 Juz Eighteen quiz 1. According to Quran, who are the inheritors?(Clue, Surah Al-Mu'minun, verses 1 to 16) a. Those who turn away from ill speech. b. Those who carefully maintain their prayers. c. Those who are observant of zakāh. 2. Which Verse of Surah Al- Mu'minun is related to Resurrection day? a. 97 b. 102 c. 100 3. What is the light of the heavens and earth? a. Moon b. Allah c. Sun 4. What happens When Hellfire sees disbelievers from a distant place? (Clue, Surah Al-Furqan, verses 7 to 15) a. They will hear its fury and roaring.  b. They run from the hell c. The hell pulls them to the fire Please send the order of answers without typing the question number like (abca) until 10 pm to the following ID on Eitaa. @savior_girls