هدایت شده از حامد کاشانی
❁In the Name of God❁
🏞#textography #poster
💢Amir al-Muminin Ali (A.S) was a Courageous High-Minded Man
✳️Nasri Salhab, a Christian, remarks:
🔸“It is very wrong to say Amir al-Muminin Ali was merely a strong and courageous warrior that defeated many fighters; he was brave because he stood against wrongs, falsities, and exploitations. Ali ibn abi Talib utilized his power for defending the unfortunates, and stopping exploitation, falsehood, and corruption; not for the benefit of his people, tribe, or family.”[1]
📜1. Fi Khoti Ali/Sur les pas de Ali, Nasri Salhab, page 291.
📌From Mahe Man TV show-episode two-April 15th 2021
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