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شرکت طلای سبز طوبی
#محلول #محلول_نقره #silvercolloid
نانوذرات نقره در مقالات متعددی به عنوان نوعی آنتی اکسیدان معرفی شده‌اند. در سالهای اخیر از عصاره‌های گیاهی در تهیه محلولهای حاوی نانوذرات بهره گرفته شده است و به این روش، روش سبز می‌گویند. محلول نقره موجود نیز در بستری از عصاره گلسرخ، و عرقیات بیدمشک، نسترن، و لیمو تهیه شده که خاصیت آنتی اکسیدانی محلول را چند برابر می‌کند. منابع: 1. عقیلی خراسانی، مخزن‌الادویه، تهران: انتشارات باورداران، 2001 2. ابن سینا، قانون فی الطب، بیروت: انتشارات العلامی، 2005 3. S.B. Vohora, Mohammad Athar. Mineral drugs used in Ayurveda and Unani medicine. 2008. Page: 22. 4. Stefania Galdiero, Annarita Falanga, Mariateresa Vitiello, Marco Cantisani, Veronica Marra and Massimiliano Galdiero. Silver Nanoparticles as Potential Antiviral Agents. Molecules 2011, 16, 8894-8918; doi:10.3390 5. عقیلی شیرازی. خلاصةالحکمه. اسماعیلیان. قم. 1385. 6. کبیر الدین، محمد. کتاب التکلیس موسوم به آسان علم کشته‌جات. ندیم یونس پرنترز. لاهور. بی تا. 7. رازی، محمد بن زکریا. منافع الأغذية و دفع مضارها. دارالکتاب العربی. 1984 8. ابن جزله، يحيى بن عيسى‏. منهاج البيان في ما يستعمله الإنسان‏. جامعة الدول العربیه. قاهره 1431 9. Siadati S.A., afzali M., Sayadi M. Could silver nano-particles control the 2019-nCoV virus? An urgent glance to the past. Chem Rev Lett 3 (2020) 9-11 10. Xiaonan Lv, Peng Wang, Ru Bai, Yingying Cong, Siqingaowa Suo, Xiaofeng Ren, Chunying Chen. Inhibitory effect of silver nanomaterials on transmissible virus-induced host cell infections. Biomaterials 35 (2014) 4195-4203. # tuba18.ir @tuba18ir
شرکت طلای سبز طوبی
#محلول #محلول_نقره #silvercolloid
Drug interactions: There is no report about interference of silver solution with other drugs. But it is strongly recommended to avoid eating raw and cooked garlic, raw onion, ginger, peppers, saffron, hot and spicy flavors, raw celery and celery juice and contact with detergents, perfumes, chlorine in swimming pool, any industrial or domestic bleaching agent (such as liquid bleach), and hydrochloric acid in the course of treatment with this medication. Pregnancy and lactation: Pregnant and lactating women should take the medication cautiously under the direction of a physician. Recommendations: It is better to take this drug with refreshing liquids such as Rosa canina distilled water, rosewater, Egyptian willow distilled water, and apple juice. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that silver nanoparticles have been effective in the treatment of H1N1 and H3N2 viruses from the influenza family; so silver solution can be used to treat symptoms of corona symptoms because of the similarity of influenza virus with corona virus (9). Also considering the effect of silver nanoparticles on inhibition of pathogenicity of TGEV (a member of the coronavirus family) pathogenesis in vitro (swine cell), it is logical to use silver solution to treat human coronavirus infection (10). Silver nanoparticles have been introduced as an antioxidant in many articles. Recently, plant extracts have been used in the preparation of solutions containing nanoparticles and this method is called green synthesis. Our silver solution is also prepared in the context of rose extract, Egyptian willow water, and distilled water of Rosa canina and Citrus aurantifolia which multiplies the antioxidant properties of the solution. References: 1. Aqili-Khurasani. Makhzan-al-Adviyah (The Storehouse of Medicaments). Tehran: Bavardaran publication; 2001. 2. Ibn-e-sina. Al-Qanoon fi al-Tibb. Vol 1. Beirut: Alaalami Beirut library Press; 2005. 3. S.B. Vohora, Mohammad Athar. Mineral drugs used in Ayurveda and Unani medicine. 2008. Page: 22. 4. Khandelwal N., Kaur G., Kumar N., Tiwari A. Application of silver nanoparticles in viral inhibition: A new hope for antivirals. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures. Vol. 9, No. 1, January - March 2014, p. 175 - 186 5. Aqili-Khurasani. Kholasat- Al hikmah. Qom: Esmaeelian, 2007. 6. Kabiruddin, Hakim Mohammed. Kitab al-Taklis. Nadim Younes. Lahore: Bita. 7. Razes. Manafe al-Aghziah va Dafe Mazarreha. Beirut, Lebanon: Dar AlKitab Al Arabi, 1984. 8. Ibn –e jazlah, Yahia bin mousa. Minhaj al-bayan fi-ma yastamil al-insan. Jamea-ad-Dowal-al-arabiya. Qahereh. 1431. 9. Siadati S.A., afzali M., Sayadi M. Could silver nano-particles control the 2019-nCoV virus? An urgent glance to the past. Chem Rev Lett 3 (2020) 9-11. 10. Xiaonan Lv, Peng Wang, Ru Bai, Yingying Cong, Siqingaowa Suo, Xiaofeng Ren, Chunying Chen. Inhibitory effect of silver nanomaterials on transmissible virus-induced host cell infections. Biomaterials 35 (2014) 4195-4203. tuba18.ir @tuba18ir
شرکت طلای سبز طوبی
#محلول #محلول_نقره #silvercolloid
... الفضة أثّرت في احتواء نوع من فيروس کورونا (TGEV) في المختبر علی خلايا للخنازير(10). المصادر: 1. عقیلی خراسانی، مخزن‌الادویه، تهران: انتشارات باورداران، 2001 2. ابن سینا، قانون فی الطب، بیروت: انتشارات العلامی، 2005 3. S.B. Vohora, Mohammad Athar. Mineral drugs used in Ayurveda and Unani medicine. 2008. Page: 22. 4. Stefania Galdiero, Annarita Falanga, Mariateresa Vitiello, Marco Cantisani, Veronica Marra and Massimiliano Galdiero. Silver Nanoparticles as Potential Antiviral Agents. Molecules 2011, 16, 8894-8918; doi:10.3390 5. عقیلی شیرازی. خلاصةالحکمه. اسماعیلیان. قم. 1385. 6. کبیر الدین، محمد. کتاب التکلیس موسوم به آسان علم کشته‌جات. ندیم یونس پرنترز. لاهور. بی تا. 7. رازی، محمد بن زکریا. منافع الأغذية و دفع مضارها. دارالکتاب العربی. 1984 8. ابن جزله، يحيى بن عيسى‏. منهاج البيان في ما يستعمله الإنسان‏. جامعة الدول العربیه. قاهره 1431 9. Siadati S.A., afzali M., Sayadi M. Could silver nano-particles control the 2019-nCoV virus? An urgent glance to the past. Chem Rev Lett 3 (2020) 9-11 10. Xiaonan Lv, Peng Wang, Ru Bai, Yingying Cong, Siqingaowa Suo, Xiaofeng Ren, Chunying Chen. Inhibitory effect of silver nanomaterials on transmissible virus-induced host cell infections. Biomaterials 35 (2014) 4195-4203. tuba18.ir @tuba18ir