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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم شرکت طلای سبز طوبی تولید فرآورده های دارویی طب سنتی، طبیعی و نانو دارو (+۹۸ ۲۱) ۸۸۴۹۹۷۸۸ - ۸۸۴۹۹۷۹۴ www.tuba18.ir www.t27.ir @tuba18.ir" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">info@tuba18.ir حکمت سرای طوبی: @Hekmat18ir آزمایشگاه سبز طوبی: @Lab18ir
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شرکت طلای سبز طوبی
#معجون #گلقند
Drug form: electuary Indications: a laxative and lithotripter; a tonic drug for brain and stomach; useful for treatment of paralysis, joint pain, gout, difficult urination; effective in reinforcing digestion, clearing the phlegm from the intestines, treatment of fevers related to phlegm and black bile, and weakness of liver due to excessive moistures Traditional mechanisms of action: reinforcing the stomach and brain; stop gases from rising toward the brain; loosening the bowel; thinning down, dissolving, and desiccating the excess moistures Comments: constipation is one of the most common complications in the modern society and uncontrolled use of available chemical laxative and purgative drugs creates so many problems for patients. Goleghand is useful in this regard and creates mild looseness of the bowels. This drug is effective in alleviation of joint pain and improvement of digestion because of desiccating the excess moistures, strengthening the organs resulting in expelling their residues, stop gases from rising, and preventing catarrh formation. Regular intake of this medicine in winter causes health preservation. Composition: Rosa damascena, honey Interactions: It should not be used simultaneously with chemical purgatives and laxatives because it can lead to increase of looseness of the bowels. Drug temperament: Hot and dry in the second grade Side effects: This medicine may cause thirst because of excretion of moistures. It can lead to severe looseness of the bowels in some people. Contraindications: It should be prescribed cautiously under physician consideration in all types of colitis. Goleghand is contraindicated in intestinal obstruction, acute abdominal pain, and children under 2 years old. Administration and dosage: One dessertspoon of electuary dissolved in a cup of boiling water taken orally half an hour before lunch. If necessary, the dosage can be reduced or increased under the physician direction. Pregnancy and lactation: No adverse effect has been reported in these two periods. Recommendations: In case of severe looseness of bowels, the dose should be reduced. References: Aqili-Khurasani. Makhzan-al-Adviyah (The Storehouse of Medicaments). Tehran: Bavardaran publication; 2001. Aqili-Khurasani. Gharabadin kabir. Tehran: The Institute for Medical History-Islamic and Complementary Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences; 2007. Ibn-e-sina. Al-Qanoon fi al-Tibb. shamsedine E, editor. Beirut, Lebanon: Alaalami Beirut library Press; 2005. Chashti MAk. Mohit-e-Azam. Tafaghod E, editor. Tehran: Almaei publication; 2015 Skidmore-roth L, mosby s Handbook Of herbs and natural supplements, second edition tuba18.ir @tuba18ir