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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم شرکت طلای سبز طوبی تولید فرآورده های دارویی طب سنتی، طبیعی و نانو دارو (+۹۸ ۲۱) ۸۸۴۹۹۷۸۸ - ۸۸۴۹۹۷۹۴ www.tuba18.ir www.t27.ir @tuba18.ir" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">info@tuba18.ir حکمت سرای طوبی: @Hekmat18ir آزمایشگاه سبز طوبی: @Lab18ir
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شرکت طلای سبز طوبی
#شربت #جالینوس
Drug form: Syrup Indications: A tonic drug for stomach and liver; useful for treating loss of appetite, dyspepsia, esophageal reflux, and headache caused by stomach diseases Comments: Sekanjabin- e-safarjali is a type of oxymels. Oxymels are fragmenting and dissolving agents which can eliminate phlegmatic and viscous humors. Sekanjabin-e-safarjali is effective in treating all types of dyspepsia and indigestion (1). In most cases, liver weakness results from coldness, humidity and collected detrimental materials. Thus, it can be treated by mild warming, unclogging, ripening, and loosening along with a tonic astringency, and infection prevention (2); Of course, the components of the syrup have these properties. Simple sekanjabin- e-safarjali is prescribed for removing hot humors; however, when pepper and ginger are added to this syrup, it can be effective in treating diseases caused by cold and dense materials (2). This syrup is the best medication for convalescents; specially, when the stomach functional weakness has led to decreased appetite (2). The syrup is effective in treating nausea and vomiting (1). According to medical texts, sekanjabin- e-safarjali which has some ginger in its composition is useful for treating all type of stomach diseases except very hot disorders (3, 4). Ingredients: Cydonia oblonga juice, vinegar, honey, Zingiber officinale root Traditional mechanisms of action: Effective in reinforcing stomach and liver, dissolving the gases, fragmenting the phlegm, and preventing gases from rising toward the brain and heart; it’s an astringent agent (5). Drug temperament: Moderate Contraindications: Not known Side effects: Not reported. Sometimes, it may lead to heart burning and reflux; in these cases, more water intake with the drug or dose reduction is recommended. Administration and dosage: 2 tablespoon of syrup dissolved in 1 teacup water taken orally 20 minutes after meal Interactions: Simultaneous administration of this syrup with anticoagulants and antiplateletes should be carried out cautiously under physician’s and pharmacologist’s consideration because of ginger in its composition; however, no report of interaction with this class of drugs is presented as yet. Pregnancy and lactation: Until now, no side effect caused by taking the drug during these two periods has been reported. This syrup is a galactagogue. Recommendations: In case of heart burn caused by the syrup, the physician can prescribe Javarish amla. The syrupe should be recommended cautiously in stomach with hot temperament. Dissolve the syrup with cold water in warm seasons, warm regions, hot temperaments, and young adults; conversely, dissolve the syrup with hot water in cold seasons, cold regions, cold temperaments, and elderly. Reference: Mohammad-ibn mohammad abdollah. Tohfeh khani. Tehran: Tehran University of Medical Sciences; 2004. Chashti MAk. Eksir Azam. The Institute for Islamic and Complementary Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences; 2008 Arzani HMA. Tebbe Akbari. Tehran: The Institute for Medical History-Islamic and Complementary Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences; 2008. Aqili-Khurasani. Gharabadin Azam. Tehran: The Institute for Medical History-Islamic and Complementary Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences; 2004. Aqili-Khurasani. Makhzan-al-Adviyah (The Storehouse of Medicaments). Tehran: Bavardaran publication; 2001. tuba18.ir @tuba18ir