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گروه چت انگلیسی ✨🌿😇 https://eitaa.com/joinchat/3765043281C1f70b55b1b
❇️navigate a mall or department store مسيريابي در يك مركز تجاري 🔹take the escalator با پله برقی برو 🔹go up the escalator برو بالای پله برقی 🔹go down the escalator برو پایین پله برقی 🔸take the stairs از پله استفاده کن 🔸go up the stairs برو بالای پله 🔸go down the stairs برو پایین پله 🔹take the elevator از آسانسور استفاده کن 🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗 @english_4u
practical rules of Islam Q - when purifying najis clothes in kurr/running water , is it necessary to wring them out , or after removing inherently najis substance , is permeation enough ? A - AS per caution , they should be wrung out or shaken , : 💎 wring - wrung - wrung فشردن , چلاندن , پیچاندن 💎inherently به طور ذاتي 💎 every business has its own inherent risks 💎 firefighting is an inherently dangerous occupation @English_4U
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Religious music My heart is so full of longing , I wish to be close to my beloved , I dream to walk in the streets of medina and to quench the thirst of my spirit by visiting you o Muhammad , I left all my troubles and worries as I entered your mosque so gently and as I finally stood there before you I couldn't stop my tears from falling in your presence o mohammad , o taiba your breeze is so blessed indeed it brought life back to my spirit and left my heart with my beloved sending blessings on Muhammad 🥒🥒🥒🥒🥒 @English_4U
🥒🥒🥒🥒🥒 @English_4U
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✴️ Dog tired خسته و کوفته Exp ♻️ I'm now, I'll do it tomorrow. فعلاخسته و کوفته ام..فردا انجامش میدم 🔆@English_4U
wrong 66620356839_HD.m4a
Imam Ali peace be upon him: "Wrong" will roar after a long time🌋 People will collaborate with each other to break God's rules⚔ And they will conspire to split off from religion☠ And will masquerade as friends but they're enemies underneath🤡 They're proud of sins🥀 And integrity amazes them🌱👣. (Nahj al_Balagha) "Be cautious not to fall but rise above it as always." ┄───━━───┄ امیرالمومنین علیه السلام: ...باطل پس از مدّت ها سكوت، نعره مى كشد، مردم در شكستن قوانين خدا دست در دست هم مى گذارند، و در جدا شدن از دين متّحد مى گردند، و در دروغ پردازى با هم دوست و در راستگويى دشمن يكديگرند.به گناه افتخار مى كنند، و از پاكدامنى به شگفت مى آيند. -خطبه 108 +مراقب باش سقوط نکنی بلکه به این شرایط بد مثل همیشه چیره شو🧗‍♂🏆 ╭──┅══┅──╮ @English_4U ╰──┅══┅──╯
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لغات ۵۰۴ بهمراه کدینگ🎓📓 • درس 16 کلمه نهم •⊱| 📍I need an accurate microscope من یک میکروسکوپ دقیق نیاز دارم. منبع برای دنبال کردن دروس قبل بزن رو 🛵 ╔═══ •⊰❂⊱• ═══╗ @English_4U
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✴️Just so you know محض اطلاعت Exp Just so you know, l'v always loved you😍😂 برای اینکه اینو بدونی میگم، همیشه دوستت داشتم. 🔆@English_4U
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practice 🎧What is she saying? چی میگه؟ منتظر جواباتون داخل هستیم. ╭┄═• 📩 •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═• 📩 •═┄╯
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
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Men love a woman for marriage who... We people are very confused in this era We are surrounded by contradictory values. Many of us became ostriches and leopards A combination of different values For example, our women are studying They have to work outside and are managers and capable, but at the same time, our values tell us that righteous women are obedient. Well, this is practically difficult for a woman with the mentioned conditions. @English_4U