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هدایت شده از English 4U
╭━━⊰🌸💚🌸⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰💐🌹💐⊱━━╯
هدایت شده از English 4U
How beautiful, is this worldly life But not a soul shall remain We've all come into this world Only to leave it one day I can see that everything around me Rises then fades away Life is just a passing moment Nothing is meant to stay, oh This worldly life has an end And it's then real life begins A world where we will live forever This beautiful worldly life has an end It's a just bridge that must be crossed To a life that will go on forever So many years, quickly slipping by Like the Sleepers of the cave Wake up and make a choice Before we end up in our graves O God! You didn't put me here in vain I know I'll be held accountable for what I do This life is just a journey And it's taking me back to you This worldly life has an end And it's then real life begins A world where we will live forever This beautiful worldly life has an end It's a just bridge that must be crossed To a life that will go on forever So many get caught in this beautiful web Its gardens become an infatuation But surely they'll understand at the final stop That its gardens are meant for cultivation, oh This worldly life has an end And it's then real life begins A world where we will live forever This beautiful worldly life has an end It's a just bridge that must be crossed To a life that will go on forever This worldly life has an end And it's then real life begins A world where we will live forever This beautiful worldly life has an end It's a just bridge that must be crossed To a life that will go on forever ╭━━⊰🌸💚🌸⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰💐🌹💐⊱━━╯
A: I need to see if I qualify for a home loan. B: I can help you. How much money do you make per year? A: I make around one hundred thousand dollars per year. B: How long have you been on your current job? A: I have only worked at this job for 6 months, but I have a longer job history elsewhere. B: Do you have any other outside income from rental property or a trust? A: No, I only receive my salary. B: Do you know your credit score? A: I think that it is around 600. B: By crunching the numbers and putting in your expenses, I estimate that you can afford a house of around five hundred thousand dollars. ╭━━⊰🎉💚🎉⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰🌸💐🌸⊱━━╯
A: I am trying to see if I can afford to purchase a home that I wish to buy. B: We can figure that out right now. How much do you earn annually? A: My wife and I earned one hundred and fifty thousand dollars last year. B: How many years have you held your current position? A: I have been at my current job for 10 years. B: Is there any extra income that you receive other than salary? A: I collect one thousand dollars a month from a rental property. B: Have you ever figured out your credit score? A: I try not to think about it! B: Adding in your expenses, I calculate that you can spend three hundred thousand on a house. ╭━━⊰🎉💚🎉⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰🌸💐🌸⊱━━╯
A: I want to go house shopping, and I want to know what I can afford to buy. B: There is a formula that can help us figure that out. What is your annual salary? A: I earn sixty-five thousand dollars per year. B: What is the length of time that you have worked at the job you have now? A: I have been at the job I now have for 2 years, and I have been with the company for 6 years total. B: Do you receive any other income? A: I own a small rental unit with a partner, and I receive five hundred dollars a month from that unit. B: Do you know what your credit score is? A: I don't know, but the last time I checked, it was very good! B: You are in good shape. Figuring in your other expenses, you can easily afford a house costing seven hundred thousand or maybe even a little more! ╭━━⊰🎉💚🎉⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰🌸💐🌸⊱━━╯
A: I need to see if I qualify for a home loan. میخام بدونم آیا واجد شرایط وام مسکن هستم یا خیر. B: I can help you. How much money do you make per year? میتونم کمکت کنم. چقدر در سال درآمد دارید؟ A: I make around one hundred thousand dollars per year. حدود صد هزار دلار در سال درآمد دارم. B: How long have you been on your current job? چه مدتی در کار فعلی خود هستی؟ A: I have only worked at this job for 6 months, but I have a longer job history elsewhere. من فقط 6 ماه است که در این شغل کار کرده ام، اما سابقه کاری طولانی تری در جاهای دیگر دارم. B: Do you have any other outside income from rental property or a trust? آیا درآمد خارجی دیگری از اجاره ملک یا ضمانتی دارید؟ A: No, I only receive my salary. نه، من فقط حقوقم را دریافت می کنم. B: Do you know your credit score? امتیاز اعتباری خود را می دونی؟ A: I think that it is around 600. فکر کنم حدود 600 باشه. B: By crunching the numbers and putting in your expenses, I estimate that you can afford a house of around five hundred thousand dollars. با خرد کردن این اعداد توی هزینه هاتون، تخمین می زنم که شما می توانید یک خانه حدود پانصد هزار دلاری بخرید. ╭━━⊰🎉💚🎉⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰🌸💐🌸⊱━━╯
🌼🌾🌼 تفاوت somehow وsomewhat : 🦋1_ somehow 🌱معنی : به نحوی یا یه جوری یا یه طورایی 🌸🌿I somehow earned the money. You don’t need to know how. 🌸🌿یه جوری پول رو به دست آوردم. نیازی نیست که بدونی چطوری 🌼🌿You should find her somehow 🌼🌿یه جوری باید پیداش کنی. 🦋2_ ‌somewhat 🌱معنی : تا حدی 🌸🌿This problem is somewhat difficult to solve. 🌸🌿اين مساله حلش یکم سخته. 🍄@English_4U🍄
روزها فکر من اینست و همه شب سخنم in days my thought is and in nights its my talk که چرا غافل از احوال دل خویشتنم that why i am unaware of my heart’s condition از کجا آمده ام، آمدنم بهر چه بود؟ where i am from, what i’ve came for به کجا می روم؟ آخر ننمایی وطنم where am i heading to? finally you wont show me my fatherland مانده ام سخت عجب، کز چه سبب ساخت مرا i am extremely amazed why he created me یا چه بوده است مراد وی ازین ساختنم what was his point in creating me جان که از عالم علوی است، یقین می دانم surely my spirit is from the higher world رخت خود باز برآنم که همانجا فکنم i’m going to spread my bed in there again مرغ باغ ملکوتم، نی ام از عالم خاک i am the bird from kingdom not from earthen world دو سه روزی قفسی ساخته اند از بدنم it’s just a couple of days they have made a cage from my body ای خوش آنروز که پرواز کنم تا بر دوست what a nice day that i will fly next to my beloved به هوای سر کویش، پر و بالی بزنم to flap my wings in his state کیست در گوش که او می شنود آوازم؟ who is in my ears that hears my voice یا کدامست سخن می نهد اندر دهنم؟ or who is putting words in my mouth کیست در دیده که از دیده برون می نگرد؟ who is in my eyes watching out یا چه جان است، نگویی، که منش پیرهنم؟ or what spirit is, dont tell that im his clothing تا به تحقیق مرا منزل و ره ننمایی until you clearly show my home and path یک دم آرام نگیرم، نفسی دم نزنم i will not rest a moment, i will not talk a bit می وصلم بچشان، تا در زندان ابد taste me the whine of connection, so in jail of eternity از سر عربده مستانه به هم در شکنم i will break the jail with an intoxicated cry out من به خود نامدم اینجا، که به خود باز روم i haven’t came here by myself, to go by myself آنکه آورد مرا، باز برد در وطنم whom got me here, will take me to my fatherland تو مپندار که من شعر به خود می گویم you! dont think i write poems by myself تا که هشیارم و بیدار، یکی دم نزنم while i am conscious and awake i dont talk a bit شمس تبریز اگر روی به من بنمایی O! shams if you face me والله این قالب مردار به هم در شکنم swear to god, i will break down this carrion shape 🍄@English_4U🍄
روزها فکر من اینست و همه شب سخنم in days my thought is and in nights its my talk 🍄@English_4U🍄
اَلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَالَمِين All praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds. وَصَلَّىٰ ٱللَّهُ عَلَىٰ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ نَبِيِّهِ May Allah send blessings upon our master Mu¦ammad His Prophet وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ تَسْلِيماً and upon his Household and may He salute them with thorough salutation. اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ ٱلْحَمْدُ O Allah, all praise be to You عَلَىٰ مَا جَرَىٰ بِهِ قَضَاؤُكَ for Your decree that has been applied فِي اوْلِيَائِكَ ٱلَّذِينَ ٱسْتَخْلَصْتَهُمْ لِنَفْسِكَ وَدِينِكَ to Your vicegerents whom You have purely selected for Yourself and Your religion; إِِذِ ٱخْتَرْتَ لَهُمْ جَزِيلَ مَا عِنْدَكَ as You have chosen for them the abundance of what You have in possession; مِنَ ٱلنَّعِيمِ ٱلْمُقِيمِ that is the enduring pleasure ٱلَّذِي لاََ زَوَالَ لَهُ وَلاَ ٱضْمِحْلاَلَ that neither vanishes nor diminishes, بَعْدَ انْ شَرَطْتَ عَلَيْهِمُ ٱلزُّهْدَ after You had already stipulated on them to renounce فِي دَرَجَاتِ هٰذِهِ ٱلدُّنْيَا ٱلدَّنِيَّةِ all the ranks of this lowly world وَزُخْرُفِهَا وَزِبْرِجِهَا along with all of its embellishments and ornaments, فَشَرَطُوٱ لَكَ ذٰلِكَ and they accepted this stipulation. 📖@English_4U📖
هدایت شده از English 4U
Once on a bright summer’s sunny day, a Grasshopper was singing then he saw an Ant working hard to collect food, the grasshopper said, “Why do you work so hard in summers? Summers are for fun, relaxation and enjoyment. Come let us sing and enjoy”. 🦎@English_4U🐛
But Ant said, “I am collecting food for the winters and I recommend you to do the same.” Grasshopper said, “We have got plenty of food at present. Why bother about winter now?”. The Ant ignored him and went on its way. When the winter came grasshopper had no food to eat. He saw that Ant and begged for food, but she said, “When I worked hard, you enjoyed”. Then grasshopper learned his lesson the hard way. 🦎@English_4U🐛
Moral: Work hard so you can get the benefits tomorrow.
💡We have a situation. ی مشکلی داریم! 🔧Having a situation: مشکلی وجود داشتن دچار دردسر شدن با تاخیر، ولی ایول مشارکت... :))) 🎈@English_4u 🎈
من همون قبلی ام، کاری ندارم فقط اومدم تو لینک جدید سلام کنم.... _____ سلام، سلامت باشید. لینکِ جدید خودتونه. XD🌾
سلام یک سالی هست با کانال تون آشنا هستم . کانال تون واقعا عالیه پر قدرت ادامه بدید انشاالله همیشه موفق باشید. ____ سلام. تشکر.🪴 با همکاری شماااا و زحمت ادمین‌ها بوده. 🤲🏻 ما رو دنبال کنید و به بقیه معرفی. ؛)
همه پیام ناشناسا خونده میشن. بعضا هم همون‌جا جواب داده میشن. حواستون باشه. 🦕
┄┅═┅⊱❁ QUIZ TIME ❁⊰┅═┅┄ ↫ کوییز بزن🧠 لینک شناور👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/nbifj?eitaafly لینک👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/nbifj ┄┄┉┉═⊹◂⊰ ❁ ⊱▸⊹═┉┉┄┄ ¦⇢ ¦⇢ ¦⇢   ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ╔═⊱❁✾⊰══════╗        @English_4U ╚══════⊱✾❁⊰═╝
👒Humm... It fits, it fits very nicely.👌🏻 هوووم... اندازه است، خیلی خوب اندازه است! Thanks for responding. ;) 🪴 @English_4u 🪴
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لهجه آمریکایی هم معضلات خاص خودشو داره. بعضی کلمه‌ها رو طوری باید تلفظ کنی که زبونت قولنج می‌کنه، یه سکته شیری ریز هم می‌زنی. این انیمیشن رو ببینید. اولش لیتر علی تلفظ می‌کنه، آخراش تبدیل می‌شه به «فریاد زیر آب»💀 ·—·—·—·— ·𖥸· —·—·—·—· ⊰ 📝معنی کلمه : : به صورت تحت‌اللفظی ، معنی کلمه به کلمه/لفظ به لفظ ╭ ·𖥸· ─────╮      @English_4U ╰───── ·𖥸· ╯