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وقتی teacher میگه T رو نکن تا لهجت قشنگتر بشه ╭ ·𖥸· ─────╮      @English_4U ╰───── ·𖥸· ╯
╭┄═• •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═• •═┄╯
Noor Inayat Khan was born a princess but died living the life of a spy while fighting the Nazis. نور عنایت خان یک شاهزاده خانم متولد شد، اما هنگام مرگ جاسوسی بود که با نازی ها مبارزه می کرد. She was born in Moscow in 1914 to an American mother and an aristocratic Indian father, which made her a princess. Khan and her family soon moved to London and then Paris where she went to school. After completing her education, she began writing children’s stories and may have gone on to lead the quiet life of a writer. But this was not her path. او در سال 1914 در مسکو از مادری آمریکایی و یک پدر هندی اشراف زاده به دنیا آمد و همین امر از او یک شاهزاده خانم ساخت. خان و خانواده اش به زودی به لندن و سپس پاریس رفتند و او به مدرسه رفت. پس از اتمام تحصیل شروع به نوشتن داستانهای کودکانه نمود و ممکن بود زندگی آرام یک نویسنده را ادامه دهد. اما این مسیر [زندگی] او نبود. ╭┄═• •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═• •═┄╯
When World War II broke out in Europe, Khan’s life took an unexpected turn. France fell to German forces in 1940. Khan fled to London with her family. Her life was forever changed. She was a gentle woman. She was raised as a pacifist by her father, a famous Sufi teacher. She did not believe in war but decided that she had to take a stand against the Nazis. She joined the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force later that year. And in 1942, she was recruited to become a spy and radio operator. هنگامی که جنگ جهانی دوم در اروپا درگرفت، تغییری غیرمنتظره در زندگی خان پدید آمد. فرانسه در سال 1940 در برابر نیروهای آلمانی سقوط کرد. خان با خانواده اش به لندن فرار کرد. زندگی او برای همیشه تغییر کرد. او زنی آرام بود. او نزد پدرش که یک معلم مشهور صوفی بود به عنوان یک صلح طلبی پرورش یافت. او اعتقادی به جنگ نداشت اما به این نتیجه رسید که باید با نازی ها مقابله کند. او بعدها در همان سال به نیروی کمکی زنان ملحق شد. او در سال 1942 به عنوان یک جاسوس و اپراتور رادیویی استخدام شد. ╭┄═• •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═• •═┄╯
Though some of her spy trainers were unsure whether Khan was up to the job, she was given a dangerous mission. She flew and parachuted into France to join the resistance network in Paris. Her code name was “Madeleine”. Her mission was so dangerous that her spy trainers didn’t expect her to live more than six weeks. One by one the other spies on her team were captured. Her bosses told her to return to England, but Khan refused. She continued her mission of sending messages to London while doing her best to avoid the German secret police. اگر چه برخی از مربیان جاسوسی از خان مطمئن نبودند که او برای آن کارمناسب باشد، ماموریتی خطرناک به او محول شد. او برای پیوستن به شبکه مقاومت در پاریس به آنجا پرواز کرد. اسم سازمانی او«مادلین» بود. مأموریت او به حدی خطرناک بود که مربیان جاسوسیِ او، از وی انتظار نداشتند [بتواند] بیش از شش هفته زنده بماند. جاسوسان دیگر در تیم او یکی پس از دیگری دستگیر می شدند. کارفرمایان خان به او گفتند که به انگلستان بازگردند، اما او قبول نکرد. وی ماموریت فرستادن پیام ها به لندن و در عین حال فرار از دست مأموران پلیس مخفی آلمان را ادامه داد. ╭┄═• •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═• •═┄╯
┄┅═┅⊱❁ QUIZ TIME ❁⊰┅═┅┄ ↫ کوییز بزن🧠 لینک شناور👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/ok6b2m?eitaafly لینک👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/ok6b2m ┄┄┉┉═⊹◂⊰ ❁ ⊱▸⊹═┉┉┄┄ ¦⇢ ¦⇢ ¦⇢   ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ╔═⊱❁✾⊰══════╗        @English_4U ╚══════⊱✾❁⊰═╝
& Record Once two friends were walking through the forest. They knew that anything dangerous can happen to them at any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would remain united in any case of danger. Suddenly, they saw a large bear approaching them. One of the friends at once climbed a nearby tree. But the other one did not know how to climb. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless, pretending to be a dead man. ╒══⬥»✿«⬥══╕ @English_4U ╚══⬥»✿«⬥══╛
The bear came near the man lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place. Because the bears do not touch the dead creatures. Now the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear tell you into your ears?” The other friend replied, “The bear advised me not to believe a false friend.” Moral Of the Story: A true friend is known in time of danger ╒══⬥»✿«⬥══╕ @English_4U ╚══⬥»✿«⬥══╛
• (hi!) کلی کارِ ناتموم داری؟ کنکور باید بدی؟ شغل سختی داری؟ شرایط اقتصادی بده؟ Doesn't matter. Hang in there. 🥊 طوری نیست. طاقت بیار. Better days are coming. 👣 روزای خوب دارن میان. ؛) @English_4u
A: I would like to make an appointment to look at houses. B: Sure, would you prefer looking in the morning or afternoon? A: I would prefer mornings. B: Can you go during the week, or can you only go during the weekend? A: Going to look at houses during the week is best for me. B: Where would you like me to pick you up? A: I will meet you at the real estate office. B: I am thinking of looking at three houses, and it will take about two hours. A: That sounds good to me. B: Once I contact the owners and confirm the times, I will e-mail you a schedule. ╭━━⊰🎉💚🎉⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰🌸💐🌸⊱━━╯
A: I would like to pick a time to look at houses with you. B: Would mornings or afternoons be best for you? A: It is easier for me to take off work in the afternoon. B: It is best if we can go during the week; does that work for you? A: Because of work, I can only go look at houses on the weekend. B: Would you like to meet at the real estate office, or should I pick you up at home? A: If you could pick me up at home, that would be great. B: We could spend most of the day looking at houses to see all that we have to see. A: That might be a little too much, but we'll see how it goes. B: I will fax you a schedule as soon as I contact the owners to confirm the times. ╭━━⊰🎉💚🎉⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰🌸💐🌸⊱━━╯
A: Can we choose a time to look at houses together? B: Can you do that in the mornings, or would the afternoons be best? A: Either way is good for me. B: There are a number of open houses this weekend in your area. Would that okay with you? A: I can take a little time off work, or I can go on a weekend, also. B: We could meet at the real estate office, or I could pick you up at your home. A: I am leaving from work, so maybe I could just meet you at the first house that we will look at. B: I can think of five houses that we should look at. It will take most of the day. A: I would like to see as many as possible. B: When I have confirmed the times with the owners, I will e-mail you our plans for the day. ╭━━⊰🎉💚🎉⊱━━╮ @English_4U ╰━━⊰🌸💐🌸⊱━━╯
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Good news ; خبر خوب Bad news ; خبر بد ·—·—·—·— ·𖥸· —·—·—·—· ⊰ خب حالا ببینیم این good news و bad news چیه! ظاهرا طبقه ی ۱۵ هستن درست اومدن اما ساختمون رو اشتباهی اومدن🎃 ╭ ·𖥸· ─────╮      @English_4U ╰───── ·𖥸· ╯
One hot summer day, a crow was feeling very thirsty. It flew all over the fields looking for water, but all was in vain. It flew here and there for a long time, but it could not find water to quench its thirst. Finally, it felt feeble and almost lost all hope to find water. Suddenly, it saw a pitcher below a tree. It flew down to see if it had any water inside. Yes, it could see some water at the bottom of the pitcher!. The crow tried to push his head into the jug. But the crow could not reach the water with its beak. The neck of the pitcher was too long, and the water level was too low. Then it tried to tilt the pot for the water to flow out by the pot was too heavy and did not move an inch. The tired crow thought hard for a while. It looked around and found some pebbles which gave it a good idea. It picked the pebbles one by one and dropped them in the pitcher. As more and more pebbles were dropped into the pot, the water level started rising. Soon the water level was high enough for the crow to drink from it. It drank the water, quenched its thirst and happily flew to its destination. The story of the thirsty crow shows us that every problem is solvable if you work hard to solve it. So never let the difficulties and challenges in your life bring you down; work hard and use it to learn and grow. ╒══⬥»✿«⬥══╕ @English_4U ╚══⬥»✿«⬥══╛
Answer the test through the following link https://daigo.ir/pm/qiGgJN ╒══⬥»✿«⬥══╕ @English_4U ╚══⬥»✿«⬥══╛
Answer the test through the following link https://daigo.ir/pm/qiGgJN ╒══⬥»✿«⬥══╕ @English_4U ╚══⬥»✿«⬥══╛
سلام داستان بامحوریت ریاضیات ابتدا با یه داستان چند قسمتی شروع میکنیم: داستان جالب "The boy who took a short -cut" پسری که راه میانبر را برگزید! The boys shouted and laughed as they run about in the playground. It was near the end of term in a school in Germany about two handred years ago. soon school would be over for a few weeks.No wonder they felt happy. Their teacher watch them from the classroom windows. He did not feel happy at all!! End of term for him meant a lot of work.He thought hard. What could he find for the boys to do that would keep them quiet for a long time?Then he could deal with his own work. All of a sudden he had an idea!! پسران همین طور که در زمین بازی به اطراف می دویدند،فریاد می کشیدند و می خندیدند. حدود دویست سال پیش در آلمان نزدیک پایان ترم در مدرسه بود. خیلی زود مدرسه به مدت چند هفته پایان می یافت.تعجبی نداشت که احساس خوشحالی می کردند. معلمشان از پنجره کلاس آنها را تماشا می کرد. اواصلا احساس خوشحالی نمی کرد. پایان نیم سال برای او به معنی کار زیاد بود.اوسخت فکر میکرد. او چه چیزی می توانست برایانجام برای پسرها پیدا کند که برای مدت مدیدی آنها را ساکت نگه دارد؟سپس او می توانست به کار خودش بپردازد.ناگهان فکری کرد!! ╒══⬥»✿«⬥══╕ @English_4U ╚══⬥»✿«⬥══╛
•(hi!) هرچیزی که امروز اتفاق افتاد، گذشته... پس: Don't beat a dead horse. گذشته، و تموم شده؛ گذر کن! Join us ⤵️ 🌀 @English_4u 🌀
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🏅 Honey🍯 & onions🧅 +Would you like to give it a shot? ╭ ·𖥸· ─────╮      @English_4U ╰───── ·𖥸· ╯