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209 فایل
اینجا مهارت های زبان تو تقویت کن🤩 هشتگ ها"🧡↶ https://eitaa.com/English_4U/14914 ارتباط با مدیر"❤️↶ @daddymustafa تبادل و تبلیغ"💛↶ @allears گروه چت"💙↶ https://eitaa.com/joinchat/3765043281C1f70b55b1b
مشاهده در ایتا
One hot summer day, a crow was feeling very thirsty. It flew all over the fields looking for water, but all was in vain. It flew here and there for a long time, but it could not find water to quench its thirst. Finally, it felt feeble and almost lost all hope to find water. Suddenly, it saw a pitcher below a tree. It flew down to see if it had any water inside. Yes, it could see some water at the bottom of the pitcher!. The crow tried to push his head into the jug. But the crow could not reach the water with its beak. The neck of the pitcher was too long, and the water level was too low. Then it tried to tilt the pot for the water to flow out by the pot was too heavy and did not move an inch. The tired crow thought hard for a while. It looked around and found some pebbles which gave it a good idea. It picked the pebbles one by one and dropped them in the pitcher. As more and more pebbles were dropped into the pot, the water level started rising. Soon the water level was high enough for the crow to drink from it. It drank the water, quenched its thirst and happily flew to its destination. The story of the thirsty crow shows us that every problem is solvable if you work hard to solve it. So never let the difficulties and challenges in your life bring you down; work hard and use it to learn and grow. ╒══⬥»✿«⬥══╕ @English_4U ╚══⬥»✿«⬥══╛
Answer the test through the following link https://daigo.ir/pm/qiGgJN ╒══⬥»✿«⬥══╕ @English_4U ╚══⬥»✿«⬥══╛
Answer the test through the following link https://daigo.ir/pm/qiGgJN ╒══⬥»✿«⬥══╕ @English_4U ╚══⬥»✿«⬥══╛
سلام داستان بامحوریت ریاضیات ابتدا با یه داستان چند قسمتی شروع میکنیم: داستان جالب "The boy who took a short -cut" پسری که راه میانبر را برگزید! The boys shouted and laughed as they run about in the playground. It was near the end of term in a school in Germany about two handred years ago. soon school would be over for a few weeks.No wonder they felt happy. Their teacher watch them from the classroom windows. He did not feel happy at all!! End of term for him meant a lot of work.He thought hard. What could he find for the boys to do that would keep them quiet for a long time?Then he could deal with his own work. All of a sudden he had an idea!! پسران همین طور که در زمین بازی به اطراف می دویدند،فریاد می کشیدند و می خندیدند. حدود دویست سال پیش در آلمان نزدیک پایان ترم در مدرسه بود. خیلی زود مدرسه به مدت چند هفته پایان می یافت.تعجبی نداشت که احساس خوشحالی می کردند. معلمشان از پنجره کلاس آنها را تماشا می کرد. اواصلا احساس خوشحالی نمی کرد. پایان نیم سال برای او به معنی کار زیاد بود.اوسخت فکر میکرد. او چه چیزی می توانست برایانجام برای پسرها پیدا کند که برای مدت مدیدی آنها را ساکت نگه دارد؟سپس او می توانست به کار خودش بپردازد.ناگهان فکری کرد!! ╒══⬥»✿«⬥══╕ @English_4U ╚══⬥»✿«⬥══╛
•(hi!) هرچیزی که امروز اتفاق افتاد، گذشته... پس: Don't beat a dead horse. گذشته، و تموم شده؛ گذر کن! Join us ⤵️ 🌀 @English_4u 🌀
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🏅 Honey🍯 & onions🧅 +Would you like to give it a shot? ╭ ·𖥸· ─────╮      @English_4U ╰───── ·𖥸· ╯
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
Silent letters🙊 ╭ ·𖥸· ─────╮      @English_4U ╰───── ·𖥸· ╯
|کلمات پیشرفته برای توصیف انسانها ⚡️ 44 ADVANCED WORDS TO DESCRIBE PEOPLE ·—·—·—·— ·𖥸· —·—·—·—· ⊰ 🔸Dedicated                 🔸Insightful 🔸Curious                     🔸Engaging 🔸Persistent                 🔸Committed 🔸Disciplined                🔸Punctual 🔸Practical                    🔸Reflective 🔸Tenacious                  Empathetic 🔸Resourceful               Courageous 🔸Organized                  🔸Dynamic 🔸Bold                            🔸Witty 🔸Open-minded            🔸Tactful 🔸Respectful                🔸Humorous 🔸Cooperative              🔸Assertive 🔸Self-motivated          🔸Adept 🔸Adaptable                 Goal-oriented 🔸Reliable                     🔸Strategic 🔸Inspiring                  🔸Visionary 🔸Hard-working           🔸Vibrant 🔸Proactive                  Charismatic 🔸Attentive                   🔸Uplifting 🔸Thorough                 🔸Upbeat 🔸Responsible             🔸Meticulous 🔸Judicious                 🔸Intuitive ✅به به ببينيد چقدر كاربرديه، مخصوصا پارت ٢ اسپيكينگ و آزمون ╭ ·𖥸· ─────╮      @English_4U ╰───── ·𖥸· ╯
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
[🐻‍❄️☁️] Facial expressions by this cutie☝️ ╭ ·𖥸· ─────╮      @English_4U ╰───── ·𖥸· ╯
┄┅═┅⊱❁ QUIZ TIME ❁⊰┅═┅┄ ↫ کوییز بزن🧠 لینک شناور👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/qvu0k?eitaafly لینک👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/qvu0k ┄┄┉┉═⊹◂⊰ ❁ ⊱▸⊹═┉┉┄┄ ¦⇢ ¦⇢ ¦⇢   ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ╔═⊱❁✾⊰══════╗        @English_4U ╚══════⊱✾❁⊰═╝
قسمت دوم داستان پسری که میانبر زد با محوریت ریاضیات: when the bell rang for the end of playtime he was smiling. One by one the boys came back to classroom and sat at their desks. "Listen boys"said the teacher. "I want you to take your pencils and write down all the numbers from 1 to 100. when you have done that, add them all up. And no talking mind!" The teacher smiled as the boys began their work. "That should keep them busy for a bit" he said to himself . But he was wrong!! ╒══⬥»✿«⬥══╕ @English_4U ╚══⬥»✿«⬥══╛
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
🎬What does mean anyway?? ╭ ·𖥸· ─────╮      @English_4U ╰───── ·𖥸· ╯
┄┅═┅⊱❁ QUIZ TIME ❁⊰┅═┅┄ ↫ کوییز بزن🧠 لینک شناور👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/d9z8?eitaafly لینک👇 https://EitaaBot.ir/poll/d9z8 ┄┄┉┉═⊹◂⊰ ❁ ⊱▸⊹═┉┉┄┄ ¦⇢ ¦⇢ ¦⇢   ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ╔═⊱❁✾⊰══════╗        @English_4U ╚══════⊱✾❁⊰═╝
ترجمه قسمت دوم: وقتی زنگ برای پایان زنگ راحت به صدا درآمد اوداشت می خندیدپسرها یکی یکی به کلاس برگشتند ودر میزهایشان نشستند. معلم گفت :"گوش کنید پسرها" "ازشما می خواهم مدادهایتان را بردارید وهمه اعداد از یک تا صد را بنویسیدوقتیآن را انجام دادید همه آنها راباهم جمع کنید وصحبت نکنید آرام باشید!" وقتی پسرها کارشان را شروع کردند معلم لبخند زد. اوبا خودش گفت "آن باید آنها را برای مدت کمی سرگرم نگه دارد.اما او اشتباه می کرد!!" ╒══⬥»✿«⬥══╕ @English_4U ╚══⬥»✿«⬥══╛
When our 9th Imam, Imam Taqi (as) was only 9 years old, his father our 8th Imam, Imam Ali Ridha (as) was killed by the king Mamun al-Rashid. Imam al-Taqi (as)Mamun al-Rashid decided that he would try to buy (bribe) Imam Taqi (as) into his way of life because Imam Taqi (as) was still only a child. Mamun al-Rashid took Imam Taqi (as) to his palace and gave him whatever money could buy, but Imam Taqi (as) was not interested, because he knew Allah (SWT) could give him much much more. No matter how much Mamun al-Rashid gave him, Imam Taqi (as) did not do anything against Allah's (SWT) commands as Mamun al-Rashid wished. Moral: Whatever anyone gives you always remember that Allah (SWT) can give you so much more but only if you are a good Muslim and do as Allah (SWT) tells you. a.s. _story 🍂@English_4U🍂 🖤🖤
I'm here with a 4 U 🙂 So Let's jump right in...
1 __ To brush up on (something) __ To revise or improve sth you have already learnt but haven't used it for a while به معنای یادآوری یا بازنگری یا مرور چیزی هست که شما در گذشته بهش علم داشتید مثلا : فرض کنید که شما زمانی در روسیه، تحصیل میکردید و خب قطعا روسی هم حرف میزدید دیگه حالا، یه چن سالی از برگشت شما به وطن گذشته و طبعا خیلی وقته که روسی حرف نزدید حالا اگه بخواید برگردید روسیه، نیاز دارید که زبان روسیتون رو یه دستی به سرش بکشید اینجاس که میگید " I must brush up on my Russian, before I go to Russia" درست شد؟ یا مثلا اشپزی میکردی قبلا، ولی یه مدت طولانی رهاش کردی حالا به هردلیلی، بعد میبینی از پس یه املت هم برنمیایی اینجاست که میگی "I will have to brush up on my cooking skills" ___ @English_4U 🪴
2 ___ حواست باشه... 💡BE CAREFUL: If you haven’t learnt a skill, you can’t brush up on it, or you can’t revise it. For example : if you are new to driving a car, you can’t brush up on your skills because you are learning a new skill. You can only brush up on something that you have done before and need to refresh your skills. ___ @English_4U 🪴
3 ____ تنها زمانی میشه ازین verb استفاده کرد که شما اون مهارت رو یا هر چیز دیگه ای که داری راجبش صحبت میکنی رو قبلا بهش واقف بوده باشی تنها در اینصورت میتونی اونو دوره یا بازنگری کنی دیگه مگه نه؟ مثلا اگه تازه میخوای رانندگی یاد بگیری دیگه نمیتونی بگی🚫 "I have to brush up on driving skills" درست شد؟ @English_4U 🪴
4 ___ Is there anything you need to brush up on? 🙃
Feel free to answer here.. https://daigo.ir/pm/qiGgJN
Happy Learning! 😄✋🏻
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When I'm trying to speak correctly🎃 ╭ ·𖥸· ─────╮      @English_4U ╰───── ·𖥸· ╯