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مشاهده در ایتا
long hair Len was thirty years old, and he had very long hair. He lived in a big city, but one year he did not find any work there, so he went to a small town and began looking for work there. He went to a lot of places, but nobody wanted him. Then he met an old friend, and this man said to him, people in this town don’t like long hair. Why don’t you go to a barber? He can cut a lot of it off, and then you can get some work. Len went to a barber and said, please cut most of my hair off. The barber began. He cut and cut for long time and then he said to Len, Were you in the army a few years ago? Yes, I was, Len answered. Why did you ask that? Because I’ve found your cap, the barber said. لن سی ساله بود، و موهای خیلی بلندی داشت. در شهر بزرگی زندگی می کرد، اما یک سال در آنجا هیچ کاری گیر نیاورد، پس به شهر کوچکی رفت و در آنجا جستجو برای کار را شروع کرد. جاهای زیادی رفت، اما هیچ کس او را نخواست. چندی بعد یکی از دوستان قدیمی اش را ملاقات کرد، او به لن گفت: مردم این شهر از موی بلند خوششان نمی آید. چرا سلمانی نمی روی؟ آرایشگر موهایت را کوتاه می کند و بعد تو می توانی کار پیدا کنی. لن به سلمانی رفت و گفت: لطفا بیشتر موهایم را کوتاه کن. آرایشگر شروع کرد. او مدت زیادی کوتاه کرد و کوتاه کرد تا اینکه به لن گفت: شما قبلا در ارتش بودی؟ لن جواب داد: بله بودم. ولی چرا این سوال را می کنید؟ آرایشگر گفت: چون کلاهتان را پیدا کردم. ✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
ديوار و پل از يه مواد اوليه ساخته ميشن. پل افراد به هم وصل ميکنه و ديوار از هم جداشون ميکنه. 👈تو انتخابت دقت کن. ✨ GOOD MORNING ✨ @English_4U
🔺🔻واکنش رئیس مجلس نمایندگان آمریکا به نامه رهبر انقلاب 🔹مایک جانسون، رئیس مجلس نمایندگان آمریکا نیز با بازنشر متن پیام رهبر انقلاب به دانشجویان آمریکایی نوشت: «اگر آیت الله را راضی کرده‌اید، آمریکا را از دست داده‌اید» 😂😂😂✌️🏻✌️🏻✌️💪💪 @English_4U
هدایت شده از قریب هشتم
هدایت شده از قریب هشتم
هدایت شده از قریب هشتم
هدایت شده از قریب هشتم
هدایت شده از قریب هشتم
هدایت شده از قریب هشتم
🔹The first reactions of English-speaking users to the Supreme Leader of the Revolution's letter to the students of American universities 🔻اولین واکنش‌های کاربران انگلیسی زبان به نامه رهبر معظم انقلاب به دانشجویان دانشگاه‌های آمریکا @English_4U
Negah Daar_0001.mp3
When I die, I will long for you My wish is to be beside you , when I die Let me ride the wind, fall into your hair A white flower that always is beside your hair در آن نفس که بمیرم، در آرزوی تو باشم بدان امید دهم جان ، که خاک کوی تو باشم سوار باد بیایم ، به گیسوان تو افتم گلی سپید که دائم ، کنار موی تو باشم _music @English_4U
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
نمایش در ایتا
شما اکنون در طرف درست تاریخ ایستاده‌اید...✨ @English_4U
┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
The old black man got into the elevator behind me. He smelled of smoke and cheap wine and life on the streets without soap. His beard and hair were half-gray and very dirty. He was wearing sunglasses, and a long dirty coat hung down to his knees. He looked fat, probably because he had all his clothes on. In the winter in Washington the street people wear all their clothes all the time. They can't leave any of their clothes at home, because they don't have a home. The old man didn't belong here. Everything here was expensive. The 400 lawyers in the building, who all worked for Drake & Sweeney, were paid an unbelievable amount of money. I knew that because I was a Drake & Sweeney lawyer myself The elevator stopped at six. The man hadn't p ushed an elevator button. When I stepped out and turned right, he followed me. I pushed the heavy, wooden door of a big meeting room . There were eight lawyers at the table inside and they all looked surprised. They were looking behind me, so I turned. My friend from the elevator was standing there. He was pointing a gun at me. #1
" Put that gun down," said one of the lawyers at the table. His name was Rafter. He was a hard man in a courtroom, maybe the hardest lawyer that Drake & Sweeney had. Suddenly, a shot hit the ceiling. Rafter's eyes opened wide and his mouth shut. "Lock the door, " the man said to me. I locked the door of the meeting room. "Stand against the wall." We all stood against the wall. The man took off his dirty coat and put it carefully on the large, expensive table in the center of the room. He had five or six red sticks around his waist, tied there with string. I had never seen dynamite before, but they looked like dynamite to me. I wanted to run and hope for a bad shot when he fired at me. But my legs were like water. Some of the lawyers were shaking with fear and making noises like scared animals. "Please be quiet, " said the man, calmly. Then he took a long yellow rope and a knife from the pocket of his pants. "You," he said to me. "Tie them up. " Rafter stepped forward. "Listen, friend, " h e said, "what d o you want?" The second shot went into the wall, behind Rafter's ear. " Do not call me 'friend, "' said the man. "What would you like us to call you?" I asked him, quietly. "Call me 'Mister. "' I tied the eight lawyers with the yellow rope. One of them, Barry Nuzzo, was my friend. We were the same age, thirty-two, and we had started at Drake & Sweeney on the same day. Only our marriages were different. His was successful and mine wasn't. He had three kids. Claire and I didn't have any. I looked at Barry and he looked at me. I knew we were both thinking about Barry's kids. We could hear police cars outside and noises as the pol ice entered the building. Mister pointed at the dynam ite around his waist. "I pull this, '' he said, "and we die. " For a second we all looked at each other, nine wh i te boys and "Mister. '' I thought of all those terrible shootings you read about i n the newspapers. A crazy worker returns to work after lunch with a gun and kills everybody in his office. There had been killings at fast-food restaurants and playgrounds, too. And those dead people were children or honest workers. Who would care about us? We were lawyers. Time passed. "What did you eat for lunch today?" Mister asked me, breaking a long silence. #2
He spoke clearly and, from the sound of his voice, he had had a good education. He hadn't always been on the streets. " I had chicken and salad," I said, surprised. ''Alone?" "No, I met a friend. " " How much did it cost, for both o f you?" "Thirty dollars . " Mister didn't like that. "Thirty dollars," h e repeated. " For two people. You know what I had for lunch?" "No. ,, "I had soup. Free soup from a shelter and I was glad to get it. You could feed a hundred of my friends for thirty dollars, you know that?" "Yes, Mister. " "Call your boss." There was a phone on the table. I called Arthur Jacobs. Eight hundred lawyers worked for Drake & Sweeney around the world, but at seventy-nine Jacobs was the oldest of the partners here in Washington. He answered at the first ring of the phone. "Mr. Jacobs?" "Michael! Are you OK?" "Wonderful, " I said. "What does he want from us?" I spoke to the man: "What do you want, Mister?" "Soup with bread," said the man. "Get it from the shelter at L Street and 17th. They put a lot of vegetables in the soup there." "One soup with bread," I said into the phone. "No," said the man . "Get soup and bread for all of us. " "Mr. Jacobs . . . " I said. "I heard. I can hear him. A shelter for street people does carryouts?" "Mr. Jacobs. Please just do it. He has a gun and dynamite." I put the phone down. "You, " said the man . He was talking to me. "What's your name?" "Michael Brock. " "How much money did you earn last year? Don't lie. " I thought quickly. I didn't lie. ''A hundred and twen ty thousand." He didn't like that. " How much did you give to poor people?" " I don't remember. My wife does that. " "Thank you, Mr. Brock." #3
Mister pointed the gun at the other lawyers. He asked all of them the same questions. Nate Malamud, the only partner in the room, earned more than a million dollars. "More than a million?" Mister said to him. "I know you. You walk past me when I sit on the sidewalk every morning. You never give me any money. Why can't you help poor people, homeless people?" Nate was a big man with white hair. He had been with Drake & Sweeney for thirty years. He was red in the face with embarrassment now. ''I'm sorry," he said. "Who did the eviction?" said Mister, suddenly. And again, "Who did the eviction?" Nobody spoke. None of us understood him. But Mister wasn't looking for a n answer. He looked out the window. Maybe he was thinking. Maybe he was dreaming. Maybe he was watching the police out there. Our soup and bread arrived half an hour later. There w as a knock on the door and somebody outside shouted through the door, "Your food." Mister shouted back: "If I see a policeman out there, I'll kill these men . " Then h e pointed the gun a t my head. The two o f u s walked slowly t o the door. "Unlock the door and open it very slowly," Mister said.There was nobody outside. The food was on the floor, near the door. As I stepped outside and bent down to pick it up, I heard a shout: "Stay down!" A policeman stepped quickly out of the office opposite and shot Mister through the head. Mister fell without a sound, and my face was covered in blood. Whose blood? Mister was lying on the floor. Half his head had gone, but the sunglasses still covered one eye. His hands were nowhere near the dynamite. Policemen came running from all the offices. ''Are you hurt?" one of them asked me. I didn't know. I couldn't see. There was blood on my face and shirt and aliquid that, I discovered later, was part of Mister's brain. #4 ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛
🇮🇷🇵🇸 ﷽ 🏴 بایدن جزئیات طرح ادعایی اسرائیل برای آتش‌بس | تبادل اسرا را منتشر کرد ▪️◾️▪️ ▪️رئیس‌جمهور آمریکا در حساب کاربری خود در ایکس جزئیات طرح ۳ مرحله‌ای اسرائیل برای آتش‌بس را که ادعا می‌کند تحویل حماس شده را منتشر کرد. این طرح به شرح زیر است: 1⃣ مرحله اول: ▪️آتش‌بس کامل ▪️خروج نیروهای اسرائیل از نواحی پرجمعیت در غزه ▪️آزادی برخی از گروگان‌ها و تحویل اجساد برخی گروگان‌ها ▪️بازگشت غیرنظامیان فلسطینی به منازلشان در غزه ▪️افزایش کمک‌های انسانی 2⃣ مرحله دوم: ▪️پایان دائمی خصومت‌ها ▪️تعامل برای آزادی گروگان‌های باقی‌مانده ▪️خروج نیروهای اسرائیل از غزه 3⃣ مرحله سوم: ▪️طرح عمده برای بازسازی غزه ▪️اجساد گروگان‌ها به خانواده‌هایشان تحویل می‌شوند. @ENGLISH_4U
🧶🧶🧶🧶 هر صبح آغازیست دوباره برای آموختن و بالیدن آغازی برای تکاندن غبار از دل و نشاندن غنچه های محبت و عشق! شروع دوباره زندگی… 🌸 صبحتون بخیر و شادی 🌸 Every morning is a new beginning to learn and brag, a beginning to shake the dust from the heart and plant the buds of love and affection! Starting life again... 🌸 Good morning 🌸 @English_4U
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
A short clip about a group of traditional Jews living in the Canadian province of Quebec and their way of life. A society that considers the Internet as haram, and educates children in their own way with information that is strongly mixed with their religious beliefs. But there is a more interesting point. Type of women's hijab 🏴 کلیپی کوتاه در مورد گروهی از یهودیان سنتی ساکن در ایالت کِبِک کانادا و راه رسم زندگیشون ▪️◾️▪️ ▪️جامعه ایی که اینتنرنت رو حرام میدونه، و بچه هارو به روش خودشون با اطلاعاتی که آمیختگی شدیدی با باورهای مذهبیشون داره، تربیت میکنه. ▪️اما نکته جالب تری هم وجود داره. نوع زنان @English_4U