💎Right where you feel the most fear,
the greatest opportunity for growth is hidden..🌱
💡دقیقاً در همان جایی
که بیشترین ترس را احساس می کنید،
بزرگترین فرصت برای رشد, پنهان است...🌱
Have a blessing week🙏🌹
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
اصطلاح جالب و کاربردی امروزمون⚡️
🔷زبان قاصر است.
🔷Words fail me.
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
هوا تو شهر شما چطوره؟ 😰
اینجا هوا خیلیییی گرمه
It's boiling hot
✅ I have got to straighten out my life.
باید سر به راه شم 🙌
💥کلمات مربوط به اعضای خانواده:
🔻family members
اعضای خانواده
🔻husband / wife
شوهر / همسر
🔻parents : father / dad .... mother / mom /mum
والدین : پدر / بابا .... مادر / مامان
🔻children : daughter / son / baby
فرزندان : دختر / پسر / بچه
🔻siblings : sister / brother
برادر یا خواهر: برادر / خواهر
🔻grandparents : grandfather /grandpa .... grandmother / grandma
پدربزرگ یا مادربزرگ: پدربزرگ /بابابزرگ .... مادربزرگ / مامان بزرگ
🔻grandchildren : granddauther / grandson
نوه : نوه دختری / نوه پسر
خاله / عمه
دایی / عمو
پسر عمو، دختر عمو، پسر دایی، دختر دایی
خواهر زاده یا برادر زاده دختری
خواهر زاده یا برادر زاده پسری
مادرشوهر یا مادر زن
پدرشوهر یا پدرزن
داماد خانواده
عروس خانواده
برادرزن، برادرشوهر، شوهرخواهر، باجناق
خواهرزن، خواهرشوهر، زن برادر، جاری
زوج(زن و شوهر)
🔻divorced couple
زن و شوهر مطلقه
🔻single mother
مادر مجرد (جدا شده از شوهرش)
🔻single father
پدر مجرد (جدا شده از همسرش)
کسی که تجدید فراش کرده یا دوباره ازدواج کرده
برادر ناتنی
خواهر ناتنی
🔻former husband / ex-husband
شوهر سابق
🔻former wife / ex-wife
زن سابق
🌀frac‧tious /ˈfrækʃəs/ adjective
🔻 quarrelsome,irritable
◻️Roger's fractious behaviour compounded the bad relationship he already had with his partner
رفتار دردسر افرین{تندخویانه} ٫راجر٫ رابطهی نه چندان خوب او و شریکش رو وخیم تر کرد😕
◻️Children often get fractious and tearful when they are tired
بچه ها معمولا بدعنق و گریان میشن وقتی که خسته اند😢
🙎Mrs. Peters had two children. Sammy was seven years old, and his sister Anny was four. Sammy went to school, but Anny did not. When Sammy was at home, he often played with Anny while their mother was cooking or washing or cleaning and he was usually very nice to his small sister, and Mrs. Peters was free to do her work quietly.
One Saturday morning, the two children were playing in the garden while their mother was cooking the launch. They were quite happy until Anny suddenly began to cry and ran into the kitchen to her mother.
Mrs. Peters stop cooking and said, "Why are you crying any?"
Sammy 's broken my toy horse," she answered, crying more loudly.
"How did he break it?" her mother asked
Anny stop crying, but did not answer for a few seconds. And then she said, "I hit him on the head with it."
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Anyone can sympathize with the suffering of others.
But being pleased with other people's success requires a quite pure nature...🤍
⚡️هر کسی میتواند با رنجهای دیگری همدردی کند.
اما خوشنود شدن از موفقیتهای دیگری، سرشت بسیار پاکی میخواهد...
#Topic 🌱
Imagine that there is a new born child in your family 👶🏻
Whether he/she is your siblings or your own child
WHT name would you choose for them?🤌🏻