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مشاهده در ایتا
He repeated it twice or three times. I understood it and realized what he meant. Tears choked me and I pushed them back and kept silent, as I knew that tribulation had come upon us. As for my aunt, she heard what I heard, [but since] she was a woman -and tenderness and grief are part of a woman- she could not control herself. She jumped up and went near [al-Husayn], while her clothes dragged on the ground and her head was uncovered. She cried out: “What a bereavement! If only death would deprive me of life! [There was] a day when my mother, Fatimah, died and [then] my father, ‘Ali and [then] al-Hasan, my brother. Only you have remained O the successor and the surviving of those who have gone!” با شنیدن این اشعار، مقصود پدرم را دریافتم و فهمیدم که بلا نازل شده است. اشک راه گلویم را بست؛ اما خودم را نگه داشتم و به جهت حضور عمه‌ام زینب (علیها السلام)، سکوت اختیار کردم؛ اما زینب (علیها السلام)- که شنیده‌های مرا شنیده بود- نتوانست خود را کنترل کند. از جای برخاست و در حالی که لباسش روی زمین کشیده می‌شد، خود را به آن حضرت رساند و عرض کرد: «وای بر من! کاش مرگ می‌آمد و به زندگانی من خاتمه می‌داد. امروز همانند روزی است که مادرم فاطمه و پدرم علی و برادرم حسن وفات یافتند! ای جانشین رفتگان و دلخوشی بازماندگان!» ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾🎈✾⊱━━─━━┓ English_4U ┗━━─━━⊰✾🎈✾⊱┛
So al-Husayn (as) looked at her and said: “O sister, do not let Shaitan take away your forebearance.” [My aunt] said: “May my father and mother be your ransom, O Aba ‘Abdillah! Are you ready to die? May my life be sacrificed for you!” هنگامی که امام حسین (ع) او را دید و ناله‌اش را شنید، به وی فرمود: خواهرم! مبادا شیطان تحمل تو را برباید! زینب به او عرضه داشت: یا اباعبدالله! پدر و مادرم فدای تو باد! آیا دم از مرگ می‌زنی؟ جانم فدای تو باد! [Here my father] swallowed his grief and his eyes filled with tears and he said: “[Remenber] if the sandgrouse are left [alone] at night, they will sleep [i.e. had these people left me on my own, I would not have come here].” [At this] she lamented: “O my grief! Is your life going to be violently wrenched from you?! This is too wounding to my heart and harsher to my soul”, and then she struck her face and grabbed the upper part of her garment and [began to] tear it and fell down in a faint. اشک در چشمان امام (ع) حلقه زد و به خواهرش فرمود: «لو تُرِکَ القَطا لیلًا لَنَام»؛ اگر پرنده قطا را به حال خود وا می‌گذاشتند، در لانه خود می‌آرامید. « ابن‌منظور در« لسان العرب» و زبیدی در« تاج العروس» آن را ضرب المثلی مشهور در زبان عربی دانسته‌اند، که در چنین مواقعی به کار می‌رود- مترجم» زینب (علیها السلام): عرض کرد: این که راه چاره‌ای برایت نمانده است و به ناچار شربت مرگ را خواهی نوشید برای من سخت است و قلبم را جریحه‌دار می‌کند؛ سپس ناله‌ای سرداد و بی‌هوش افتاد. ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾🎈✾⊱━━─━━┓ English_4U ┗━━─━━⊰✾🎈✾⊱┛
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
😭😭😭😭 God’s Eyes (Acoustic) That was all you needed Only some water to drink… ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾🎈✾⊱━━─━━┓ English_4U ┗━━─━━⊰✾🎈✾⊱┛
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
نمایش در ایتا
English 4U
#محرم #ماه_محرم #امام_حسین آه من الفراق......🖤 ╭┄═• •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═•
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
It's not important what your religion or your race is. Imam Hussein' love attracts the kind_ heart people, justice_seekers and those who wish to live well. ╭┄═• •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═• •═┄╯
“O sister, fear Allah and take comfort in the consolation of Allah. Know that the people on the earth are [all] going to die and the inhabitants of heaven will not live [forever]. Everything is going to perish except the face of Allah who created the earth by His power, sends forth creatures and [ultimately] they [all] return [back to him]. He is unique and alone. [O my sister,] my father was better than me, my mother was better than me and my brother was better than me. They and I and every Muslim have an ideal model in the Prophet of Allah (S).” «خواهرم! از خدا پروا کن و آن‌گونه که او خواسته است، با صبر بر مصیبت، خود را تسکین ده، بدان که اهل زمین جملگی می‌میرند و از اهل آسمان نیز کسی باقی نمی‌ماند؛ همه چیز نابود می‌شود مگر خداوند متعال که جهان را با قدرت خود آفریده است و مردم را در روز قیامت زنده می‌کند تا به حضور وی برگردند و او یگانه و یکتا است. پدرم بهتر از من بود، مادرم بهتر از من بود و برادرم بهتر از من بود [همگی رحلت نمودند]. مرگ رسول الله (ص) برای من و آنان و همه مسلمانان، الگوی خوبی است. [Al-Husayn (as)] tried to console her by this and the like and then said to her: “Sister! I swear to you -and I [always] keep my oaths- that you must not tear your clothes, nor scratch your face, nor cry out in grief and loss when I die.” خواهر عزیزم! تو را قسم می‌دهم و از تو می‌خواهم به قسم من عمل کنی: لباست را برای من پاره نکن، صورتت را برای من مخراش و پس از مرگ من برای خودت آرزوی مرگ و نابودی نکن؛ سپس دستان زینب (علیها السلام) را گرفت و او را نزد من نشانید.» ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾🎈✾⊱━━─━━┓ English_4U ┗━━─━━⊰✾🎈✾⊱┛
↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾🎈✾⊱━━─━━┓ English_4U ┗━━─━━⊰✾🎈✾⊱┛
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾🎈✾⊱━━─━━┓ English_4U ┗━━─━━⊰✾🎈✾⊱┛
آجرک الله یا امام العصر والزمان بمصابه جدک الحسین. 🖤😭 Heartfelt Condolences on the day of Ashura to Our dearest father [Imam-al-Mahdi] _______ |°‌‌•@English_4U
🖤As the enemies had the body of Imam Hussain (as) surrounded, each took their turn stabbing his pure defenseless body, laid out on the ground; thus, while viciousness, revengefulness, and feral behavior swept through the battlefield, in the camps of Imam Hussain (as) the spirit of remembrance in God, the human quality of tenderness, and intense emotions prevailed. ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾🎈✾⊱━━─━━┓ English_4U ┗━━─━━⊰✾🎈✾⊱┛
All women and children—no one but women and children were left in the camps, with the exception of the only surviving male Ali Ibn Hussain (as) who was ill—were worried about Hussain Ibn Ali (as) and what would transpire next. They came out of their tents, and proceeded to the area where they believed Hussain Ibn Ali’s (as) body was seized; it has been narrated that the women departed from the camp. You have probably seen or heard how Arab women weep and mourn: it is still common among Arab women to mourn painfully upon the death of their loved ones; they beat their own faces, and pull at their hair; they mourn in such an intense manner. Well, these women had lost a loved one, a man like Hussain Ibn Ali (as). ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾🎈✾⊱━━─━━┓ English_4U ┗━━─━━⊰✾🎈✾⊱┛
Hazrat Zeinab was heading the women towards the sight of his martyrdom. When she arrived, she spotted the body of her beloved brother on the blistering grounds of Karbala. Instead of revealing some sort of reaction, or grievance, she went to the corpse of her beloved Hussain (as), and called on her grandfather (pbuh). She said, “O’ the Messenger of God, peace be upon you! Take a look at your Hussain who is covered in blood, with his body hacked up.” O’ my dear grandfather! O’ Great Prophet, look towards the hot desert of Karbala. This is your Hussain who is now covered in blood and dust. Then, as it has been narrated, Zeinab (as) reached her hands beneath the body of Hussain Ibn Ali (as) and called out, “O’ God! Please accept this sacrifice from the progeny of Muhammad (saw)!” ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾🎈✾⊱━━─━━┓ English_4U ┗━━─━━⊰✾🎈✾⊱┛
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
cnn : Three people are dead and one is injured following a lightning strike across the street from the White House Thursday night. ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾🎈✾⊱━━─━━┓ English_4U ┗━━─━━⊰✾🎈✾⊱┛
I saw nothing but beauty. ما رایت الا جمیلا.(جز زیبایی چیزی ندیدم). جمله ای معروف از حضرت زینب در روز عاشورا Sayydia Zeinab (AS) ╭┄═• •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═• •═┄╯
The most generous person is the one who offers help to those who don't expect him to help. Imam (AS) بخشنده ترین فرد کسی است که به افرادی کمک می‌کند که توقع کمک از او ندارند. ╭┄═• •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═• •═┄╯
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
To be allergic to something به چیزی حساسیت داشتن ╭⬙⬘• •─────╮   @English_4U ╰─────• •⬘⬙╯
من سوار ماشین شدم. من از ماشین پیاده شدم. I got into the car. I got out of the car. من سوار اتوبوس شدم. من از اتوبوس پیاده شدم. I got on the bus. I got off the bus. ╭⬙⬘• •─────╮   @English_4U ╰─────• •⬘⬙╯
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
*Ashura is the most beautiful miracle* : عاشورا زیباترین معجزه است ╭┄═• •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═• •═┄╯
♦️ “O God! Send peace upon Muhammad (S) and his family (Ahl Al-Bayt), and make my heart rejoice at your destiny (what you want for me), and do not narrow my heart so that I may be satisfied with your judgment and strengthen my certainty so that I may confess that your judgment does not apply except to wisdom. Thanks much more for what you have not given me than what you have given me”. ♦️خدایا! بر محمّد و آلش درود فرست و مرا به مقرّراتت دل‌خوش کن و سینه‌ام را به موارد فرمانت گشاده فرما و به من حالت اعتماد و اطمینان بخش؛ تا به وسیلۀ آن اقرار کنم که مقرّرات تو، جز به آنچه خیر است روان نشده؛ و شکرم را برای حضرتت نسبت به آنچه از من دور داشتی و عطایش را دریغ کردی، از شکرم بر آنچه به من عنایت فرمودی، افزون‌تر قرار ده. ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾🎈✾⊱━━─━━┓ English_4U ┗━━─━━⊰✾🎈✾⊱┛
MACGREGOR: “Of course not. You are 100% right on that topic. We have to admit this is probably the most reckless and irresponsible administration in living memory. We don’t have anyone that qualifies as a statesman. Statesmanship involves advancing American interests of the least cost the American people. None of that is in play here. We are dealing with a group of posers. People who are posturing, posturing is not statesmanship. The American people need to understand something that no one has bothered to tell them. The during World War II, Taiwan was the unsinkable aircraft carrier of the imperial Japanese armed forces. All the major invasions of China were launched from Taiwan. Beijing will not allow taiwan to become a garrison state for American armed forces or Japanese armed forces or any foreign power. If they think that we are going to align ourselves with taiwan, if they think we are going to intervene to defend that island in the event of a dispute then we will be at war with China for the reasons that I just outlined. We are not prepared for that. We are grossly overstretched. We don’t have the logistical infrastructure and frankly it is an old adage that everyone should remember. A ship’s a fool to fight a fort. You have to fight China from the sea. We can’t win that. China can observe everything we throw at it and the Chinese are happy to sit there, let us travel thousands of miles to reach them and then sink us.” ↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷ ┏⊰✾🎈✾⊱━━─━━┓ English_4U ┗━━─━━⊰✾🎈✾⊱┛
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