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مشاهده در ایتا
🎯👆 Your most valuable asset is your willingness to persist longer than anyone else in achieving goals.....! Did you know that it doesn't really matter where you are coming from; all that matter is where you are going? This new day, make up your mind that you will not opt out of what you are so passionate about. Know that your setback is a set-up to usher you to the level of higher achievements you desire. Never be distracted or have fear for what others are saying about you; those who gossip about you are not better as no human is perfect. Perfection rests with GOD. Choose to pursue, you shall overtake and you shall surely recover all. Above all, be mindful of who you pitch your tent with. Surround yourself with great minds.Remember this, you become what you repeatedly DO and not what you KNOW. Too much knowledge out there in the world today, but only few apply wisdom. Start doing what you know(wisdom) to become. @English_4U
🎙Reading🎙 There's a new Akbar Jojeh restaurant just five minutes from my house. رستوران جدید اکبر جوجه از خانه من 5 دقیقه فاصله داره It's a very simple place. یک مکان ساده ایست A little boring inside actually-just a few tables in an empty room. در واقع کمی کسل کننده است - فقط چند میز در یک اتاق خالی They need to add more dishes to the menu, too. Right nOw, they only serve four or five things, but they're all delicious and very cheap. آنها باید غذاهای بیشتری را نیز به منو اضافه کنند. در حال حاضر، آنها فقط چهار یا پنج نوع غذا را سرو می کنند، اما همه آنها خوشمزه و بسیار ارزان هستند.. You can get a good meal there for around 30,000. Toman. All the people who work there were very friendly and helpful, so I left a good tip. با حدود 30 هزار تومان می توانید یک غذای خوب در آنجا تهیه کنید. همه افرادی که در آنجا کار می کنند بسیار دوستانه و مفید بودند، از اینرو من انعام خوبی دادم tip: انعام @English_4U
🎙Reading🎙 STEALING IS BAD Donna and her uncle go to a stationery store and Donna sees a pink eraser. She likes it. She does not have any money. She puts the eraser in her pocket. She runs out of the store. Her uncle sees her. He tells her that stealing is bad. He puts the eraser back. He makes Donna apologize to the manager. دزدی بد است دونا و عمویش به یک فروشگاه لوازم التحریر می روند و دونا یک پاک کن صورتی را می بیند. او آن را دوست دارد. او هیچ پولی ندارد. پاک کن را در جیبش می گذارد. او از فروشگاه بیرون می دود. عمویش او را می بیند. به او می گوید که دزدی بد است. پاک کن را بر می گرداند. او دونا را وادار میکنه از مدیر عذرخواهی کند. STEALING: دزدی stationery store : فروشگاه لوازم التحریر @English_4U
لطفا در ایتا مطلب را دنبال کنید
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
She has a warm jacket. It is red. It is shiny on the outside. It is fuzzy on the inside. It is not too tight. It is not too loose. It has two big pockets on the side. She likes to put snacks inside. The zipper is colorful. There is a front pocket. She puts two pens inside. ︗︗︗︗︗︗︗︗︗︗ ❣️@English_4U 🔥🥀 ︘︘︘︘︘︘︘︘︘︘
لطفا در ایتا مطلب را دنبال کنید
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
Janet's prom was coming up. She already bought her dress. It was a long purple dress with diamond sequins. She needed to buy a necklace first. She wanted something bold. She wanted it to stand out. She saw a lot of necklaces. None of them felt right. Then she saw a beautiful diamond necklace. It had diamonds in the shapes of flowers. She knew this was the one. She also had to get earrings and bracelets. She decided to get matching ones with the necklace. She got small flower studs for earrings and a bracelet with a flower diamond charm. She was happy with her jewelry. She got them on sale, too. ︗︗︗︗︗︗︗︗︗︗ ❣️@English_4U 🔥🥀 ︘︘︘︘︘︘︘︘︘︘
Anyone who does not absolutely love chocolate is mad. I don’t think I know anyone who dislikes it. Some of my friends say they hate white chocolate or dark chocolate, but then they like some other kind. I think chocolate is one of the best inventions ever. It is also one of life’s true pleasures. There’s nothing better than having your whole mouth full of chocolate and letting it melt. I love pushing the chocolate up against the roof of my mouth and then moving it all around. Yum. I eat chocolate every day. I know it’s bad for our teeth and makes us fat, but I don’t care. I prefer to think about the health benefits of chocolate. I’ve read many articles that say chocolate is good for us. ︗︗︗︗︗︗︗︗︗︗ ❣️@English_4U 🔥🥀 ︘︘︘︘︘︘︘︘︘︘
THE SHOCK WAVE WAS DEAFENING. IN THE FIRST FEW SECONDS after the blast, the millions of pilgrims were rooted to the spot. Everyone knew what had happened, yet none seemed able to acknowledge it, as though it were too much for the mind to process. And then as their ears began to recover, the screaming began. They ran, panicked, out of the square and into the alleys leading to the gold-domed mosque. Ran from the smoke and the debris, from the blood and shattered glass, the severed limbs and battered bodies. They sought security in small, enclosed spaces, a security obliterated by the next blast, and then the next, and the next. @English_4U
There were nine explosions in all, thirty minutes of car bombs, suicide bombs, grenades, and mortar fire. Then there was just the terrible stench of burned flesh and singed dust, and the shrieking of ambulance sirens. It was midmorning on March 4, 2004—the tenth of Muharram in the Muslim calendar, the day known as Ashura. The city of Karbala was packed with Shia pilgrims, many of whom had journeyed on foot the fifty miles from Baghdad. They carried huge banners billowing above their heads as they chanted and beat their chests in ritualized mourning for the Prince of Martyrs, Muhammad’s grandson Hussein, who was killed in this very place. Yet there was an air of celebration too. The mass pilgrimage had been banned for years; this was the first time since the fall of the Saddam regime that they had been able to mourn proudly and openly, and their mourning was an expression of newfound freedom. But now, in a horrible reverse mirror of the past, they too had been transformed into martyrs @English_4U
The United States has stolen more than 40 Syrian oil tankers and smuggled a new batch of stolen Syrian oil into Iraq. “A convoy of the US occupation forces, consisting of 43 tankers loaded with stolen Syrian oil, left from the illegitimate Mahmoudiya crossing and entered Iraqi territory,” US military trucks and tankers frequently carry tons of grain and crude oil from the northeastern Syrian province of Hasakah to the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region in northern Iraq as part of Washington’s systematic smuggling of basic commodities out of Syria. @English_4U
We had received many reports about intelligence officers making contact with various counter-revolutionary groups, a number of traitors inside the country, illegal trade unions, even some training programs that were being conducted under the guise of tours for tourists, and civil and legal training given to Iranians abroad. We knew about the types of things that were being requested from the agents and mercenaries in these meetings and training sessions. 💫✨🌹🕊━━━━━━━━┓ 💫 @English_4U✨ ┗━━━━━━━━━🌹🌹 ━┛
A person becomes familiar with many people throughout his life, and when we get along pretty well they become our closest friends. You may have a big circle of friends at school or college, but you know you can only count on one or two people with whom you have a real friendship یک شخص با افراد زیادی در زندگی خود آشنا می شود و زمانی که با یکدیگر به خوبی با یکدیگر کنار بیاییم به نزدیکترین دوستان تبدیل می شویم. ممکن است در مدرسه یا کالج یک عالمه دوست داشته باشید ، اما می دانید که فقط می توانید روی یک یا دو نفر حساب کنید که با آنها رابطه دوستی واقعی دارید. ╔✾═ 🌸⃟💞 ═✾╗ @English_4U ╚✾═ 🌸⃟💞 ═✾╝
There are basically two types of friends, one is good friends and the other is real friends or best friends. They are the those with whom we make a special bond of love and affection. In other words, having a real friend makes our lives easier and happier اساساً دو نوع دوست وجود دارند ، یکی دوستان خوب و دیگری دوستان واقعی یا بهترین دوستان. آنها کسانی هستند که ما با آنها پیوند عاطفی و محبت خاصی داریم. به عبارت دیگر ، داشتن یک دوست واقعی زندگی ما را آسان تر و سرشار از شادی می کند. ╔✾═ 🌸⃟💞 ═✾╗ @English_4U ╚✾═ 🌸⃟💞 ═✾╝
Most importantly, true friendship stands for a relationship free from any judgment. In a true friendship, a person can express himself completely without fear of being judged. It makes you feel loved and accepted. This kind of freedom is what every human being strives to live in مهمتر از همه ، دوستی واقعی به معنای یک رابطه عاری از هر گونه قضاوت است. در یک دوستی واقعی ، یک فرد می تواند خود را کاملاً بدون ترس از قضاوت شدن به دیگران نشان دهد. این باعث می شود احساس کنید دوست داشتنی و مورد قبول هستید. این نوع آزادی همان چیزی است که هر انسانی برای دست یافتن در زندگی برای آن تلاش می کند. ╔✾═ 🌸⃟💞 ═✾╗ @English_4U ╚✾═ 🌸⃟💞 ═✾╝
In fact, actual friendship is what gives us motivate us to stay strong in problems. Having a loving family and everything is normal, but you also need real friendships to be happy. Some people do not even have family but have friends who are just like their family. Therefore, we see that having real friends is very important for everyone در واقع ، دوستی واقعی چیزی است که به ما دلیل می دهد تا در زندگی قوی بمانیم. داشتن یک خانواده دوست داشتنی یک امر عادی است ، اما برای خوشبخت شدن شما به دوستی واقعی نیاز دارید. برخی از افراد حتی خانواده ندارند اما دوستانی دارند که دقیقا شبیه خانواده خود هستند. بنابراین ، ما می بینیم که داشتن دوستان واقعی برای همه اهمیت زیادی دارد. ╔✾═ 🌸⃟💞 ═✾╗ @English_4U ╚✾═ 🌸⃟💞 ═✾╝
🔖 In the evening of March 22, 1963, on the occasion of the martyrdom of Imam Sadiq (pbuh), a mourning assembly was held on behalf of Ayatollah Golpayegani, at the Feizieh School in Qom. شامگاه 22 مارس 1963 به مناسبت شهادت امام صادق (علیه السلام) مجلس عزاداری به نمایندگی از حضرت آیت الله گلپایگانی در مدرسه فیضیه قم برگزار شد. 🔹on the occasion of بمناسبت 🔸mourning assembly مجلس عزاداری 🔹was held برگزار شد •⊰📒@English_4U🖌⊱•
🔖 In the middle of the speech, regime agents attacked the crowd. At the same time, anti-riot forces threw a number of seminarians from rooftops to the ground. در اواسط سخنرانی، ماموران رژیم به جمعیت حمله کردند. همزمان نیروهای ضد شورش تعدادی از حوزویان را از پشت بام ها به زمین پرتاب کردند. 🔸regime agents ماموران رؤیم 🔹anti-riot forces نیروهای ضد شورش 🔸seminarians حوزویان 🔹rooftops پشت بام •⊰📒@English_4U🖌⊱•
🔖 The chambers were emptied and books and belongings were burned and a large number of seminarians were beaten. The next day, this behavior continued far from humanity, and they destroyed parts of the school and prevented people from entering Feizieh. حجره ها را خالی کردند و کتاب ها و اموال را سوزاندند و تعداد زیادی از حوزویان را مورد ضرب و شتم قرار دادند. فردای آن روز این رفتار به دور از انسانیت ادامه یافت و قسمت هایی از مدرسه را ویران کردند و از ورود مردم به فیضیه جلوگیری کردند. 🔸chambers حجره ها 🔹belongings اموال 🔸destroyed ویران کردند 🔹prevented جلوگیری کردند 🔸were beaten مورد ضرب و شتم •⊰📒@English_4U🖌⊱•
🔖At midnight, Muharram 12 coincided with June 5 (Khordad 15), 1963, when SAVAK agents brutally raided the Imam’s house in Qom and arrested imam. در نیمه شب دوازدهم محرم مصادف با 14 خرداد 1342 بود که مأموران ساواک به طرز وحشیانه ای به منزل امام در قم هجوم بردند و امام را دستگیر کردند. 🔸coincided مصادف با 🔹brutally raided وحشیانه هجوم بردند 🔸 arrested دستگیر کردند •⊰📒@English_4U🖌⊱•
🔖 The protests of the people take the form of rebellion, and on the main streets of Tehran and Qom, the flood of crowds is uncontrollable, and it is the fire that opens to them and falls on the ground like a leaf of autumn, even though they try to defend themselves with sticks and stones. تظاهرات مردم به صورت شورش در می آید و در خیابان های اصلی تهران و قم سیل جمعیت غیرقابل مهار است و این شلیک گلوله است که به روی آنها گشوده می شود و چون برگ پاییزی بر زمین می ریزد. آنها سعی می کنند با چوب و سنگ از خود دفاع کنند. 🔹rebellion شورش 🔸the flood of crowds سیل جمعیت 🔹the fire شلیک گلوله 🔸leaf of autumn برگ پائیزی 🔹stick and stone. سنگ و چوب •⊰📒@English_4U🖌⊱•
🔖The sun emerged on June 5, 1963, when news of imam’s arrest wrapped up everywhere in the country. Qom, Tehran, Varamin, Tehran, Mashhad, Tabriz and Shiraz are witnessing mass protests. خورشید در 5 ژوئن 1963 طلوع کرد که خبر دستگیری امام در همه جای کشور پیچید. قم، تهران، ورامین، تهران، مشهد، تبریز و شیراز شاهد اعتراضات مردمی است. 🔹emerged طلوع کرد 🔸wrapped up پیچید 🔹witnessing شاهد 🔸mass protests اعتراضات مردمی •⊰📒@English_4U🖌⊱•
🔖 Demonstrations continued that day and two days later, with thousands of people killed and injured. The most heinous incident was the massacre of the shrouded peasants of Varamini who had made their way to Tehran in support of the Imam. تظاهرات در آن روز و دو روز بعد ادامه یافت و هزاران نفر کشته و زخمی شدند. فجیع ترین حادثه کشتار دهقانان کفن پوش ورامینی بود که برای حمایت از امام راهی تهران شده بودند. 🔸Demonstrations تظاهرات 🔹The most heinous incident فجیع ترین حادثه 🔸massacre کشتار 🔹shrouded peasants دهقانان کفن پوش •⊰📒@English_4U🖌⊱•
🔖 Military officers confronted them in Sarpol-e Baqerabad and massacred people with heavy weapons. افسران نظامی در سرپل باقرآباد با آنها مقابله کردند و با سلاح های سنگین مردم را کشتند. 🔸Military officers افسران نظامی 🔹 confronted مقابله 🔸heavy weapons سلاح های سنگین •⊰📒@English_4U🖌⊱•
🔖 In his memoirs, Timsar Hossein Fardoust uncovers the use of the experiences and cooperation of the most skilled U.S. political and security agents to suppress the June 5 uprising, as well as the flurry of Mohammad Reza Shah, the court, the army and the SAVAK during these hours, and Amir Asadollah Alam, the Prime Minister, writes in his memoirs: If we had retreated, unrest would have spread to four corners of Iran and our regime would have collapsed with disgraceful surrender. تیمسار حسین فردوست در خاطرات خود از استفاده از تجربیات و همکاری ماهرترین عوامل سیاسی و امنیتی آمریکا برای سرکوب قیام 14 خرداد و نیز هجوم محمدرضا شاه، دربار، ارتش و ساواک در طول ساعات را پرده برداری می کند و امیر اسدالله علم نخست وزیر در خاطرات خود می نویسد: اگر عقب نشینی می کردیم ناآرامی به چهار گوشه ایران سرایت می کرد و رژیم ما با رسوایی ننگین فروپاشیده می شد. 🔸uncovers پرده برداری میکند 🔹suppress سرکوب کردن 🔸the June 5 uprising قیام 5 ژوئن ( 15 خرداد) 🔹flurry طوفان کردن 🔸Prime Minister نخست وزیر 🔹have retreated عقب نشینی کردن 🔸unrest ناآرامی 🔹collapse فروپاشی •⊰📒@English_4U🖌⊱•
Today, there are some endangered animals on Earth. امروزه تعدادی حیوانات در معرض خطر روی زمین وجود دارد. It means that we can find only a few of them around us. این یعنی اینکه ما می توانیم فقط تعداد کمی از آنها را در اطرافمان پیدا کنیم. Some examples are whales, pandas, tigers and Asian elephants. چند مثال عبارتند از نهنگ ها، پاندا ها، ببر ها و فیل های آسیایی. Humans destroy the natural homes of the animals in the forests, lakes, and plains. انسان ها زیستگاه طبیعی حیوانات را در جنگل ها، دریاچه ها و دشت ها نابود می کنند. When the number of people on Earth increases, they need more places for living. وقتی تعداد انسان ها بر روی زمین افزایش پیدا می کند، آنها به مکان های بیشتری برای زندگی نیاز دارند. They cut down trees and destroy lakes. آنها درختان را قطع می کنند و دریاچه ها را نابود می کنند . They make homes and roads instead. آنها بجای آن خانه و جاده می سازند . Then the animals won’t have a place to live. آن وقت حیوانات جایی برای زندگی نخواهند داشت. They will die out. آنها منقرض خواهند شد. The Iranian cheetah is among these animals. یوز پلنگ ایرانی در میان این حیوانات است. This wild animal lives only in the plains of Iran. این حیوان وحشی فقط در دشت های ایران زندگی می کند. Now there are only a few Iranian cheetahs alive. در حال حاضر فقط تعداد کمی از این یوز پلنگ ها زنده اند. If people take care of them, there is hope for this beautiful animal to live. اگر مردم از آنها مراقبت کنند، این امید وجود دارد که این حیوان زیبا زنده بماند. Recently, families pay more attention to nature, students learn about saving wildlife, and some hunters don’t go hunting anymore. اخیرا خانواده ها به طبیعت بیشتر توجه می کنند، دانش آموزان در مورد نجات حیات وحش آموزش می بینند، و تعدادی از شکارچی ها دیگر به شکار نمی روند . In this way, the number of cheetahs is going to increase in the future. به این ترتیب، تعداد این یوزپلنگ ها در آینده افزایش خواهد یافت. ┏━━ °•🖌•°━━┓ 🍃@English_4U🍃 ┗━━ °•🖌•°━━┛