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#quote #حدیث #امام_کاظم 🎈 quote of the day امام موسي كاظم عليه السلام می فرمایند : 🐝 بازگویی نعمتها، شکرگزاری و ترک آن کفران نعمت است. 🐝 Mentioning God`s gifts is gratitude and not doing it is unbelief (in Divine blessings) وسائل الشیعه، جلد 7، صفحه 40 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Good morning all 🔻 Have a good day ahead 😊 🏡 @English_House 🏡
✳️ idiom of the day 🐾 a pair of 🐾 یک جفت 🏡 @English_House 🏡
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
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💛The Golden Seal 💛 part 3 👫 Hand in hand, mother and father went to the river. They looked for salmon all morning, but they didn't find any. Early in the afternoon, the sky went very dark. "Quick," Jim said. "Let's go." Hand in hand again, Jim and Tania started to run back home. The sky was now black. Suddenly, there was a strong wind. Behind them, the dark green water of the ocean started to move up the beach. At their house, Tania called, "Eric! Eric!" But there was no answer and Tania was very frightened. 👫 ➖➖💛💛➖➖💛💛➖➖💛💛➖➖ ↪️ hand in hand ↪️ didn't find any ↪️ early in the afternoon ↪️ let's go ↪️ run back ↪️ wind ↪️ move up ↪️ call ↩️ دست در دست ↩️ هیچی پیدا نکردند ↩️ اوایل عصر ↩️ بیا بریم ↩️ دویدن به سمت عقب ( برگشتن ) ↩️ باد ↩️ بالا آمدن ↩️ صدا کردن 🏡 @English_House 🏡
🗣 Listening 1 1⃣ A: What’s your name? B: It’s Alina smith. A: Elena? B: No, Alina. A-L-I-N-A. A: Oh, Alina. It’s nice to meet you, Alina. 2⃣ A: Your name, please? B: Matt Rosenblum. A: Rosenblum… How do you spell that, Mr. Rosenblum? B: R-O-S-E-N-B-L-U-M. A: Okay, thank you. 3⃣ A: Could I please have your e-mail address? B: Sure, it’s natwilson@tmail.com. A: Okay… Matt Nilson… B: Actually, it’s Nat Wilson… n-a-t-w-i-l-s-o-n at tmail dot com. A: Nat Wilson. Got it. Thanks. 🏡 @English_House 🏡
#quote 🌹 quote of the day امام محمد باقر عليه السلام می فرمایند : 💦 هیچ شرافت و افتخاری چون بلند‌همّتی نیست. 💦 There is no glory like high-mindedness. بحار الأنوار، جلد 75، صفحه 165 ➖➖➖➖➖➖ Good morning 🌺 🏡 @English_House 🏡
#idiom 🌷 idiom of the day 📌 according to 📌 بر طبق 🏡 @English_House 🏡
❣ Expressions ✅ have you got any ✅ an only child ✅ Do you come from a big family? ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 👫 Have you got any brothers and sisters? No, I am an only child ↩️ آیا خواهر و برادر داری؟ نه، من تک فرزندم 👨👩👦👦 Do you come from a big family? Yes, I have three brothers and two sisters. ↩️ آیا خانواده پرجمعیتی داری؟ بله، 3 تا برادر و دوتا خواهر دارم. ➖➖🍆🍆➖➖🍆🍆➖➖🍆🍆➖➖ 🚩 Common mistakes 👉 اشتباهات رایج ↪️ We say " my/ his wife " ( singular ), but " our / their wives " ( plural ). ↩️ وقتی میخواهیم در مورد همسر من یا او ( مفرد ) صحبت کنیم شکل مفرد را به کار می بریم 👈 his wife ↩️ اما وقتی می خواهیم در مورد همسران مان یا همسرانشان ( به شکل جمع ) صحبت کنیم شکل جمع را به کار می بریم 👈 our wives 🏡 @English_House 🏡
لهجه بریتیش 🇬🇧 بد نیست با لهجه بریتیش هم آشنا بشید😏👍
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
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💛 The Golden Seal 💛 part 4 🌪 There was a letter from Eric on the table. It said: "I'm going up the sand dunes. I want to find a golden seal. Don't be frightened. I love you. Eric." Tania put her face in her hands. ((Oh, no. No. No." With a noise like a big, angry animal, the storm arrived "Don't be frightened," Jim said to Tania. "Eric's a good boy. Maybe he's in one of the little buildings on the sand dunes." 🌪 ➖➖🐳🐳➖➖🐳🐳➖➖🐳🐳➖➖ ↪️ put ↪️ face ↪️ noise ↪️ little ↪️ buliding ↪️ maybe ↩️ گذاشتن ، قرار دادن ↩️ صورت ↩️ سر و صدا ↩️ کم ، کمی ↩️ ساختمان ↩️ شاید 🏡 @English_House 🏡
🗣👂 Listening 1 _ Part 2 4⃣ A: And your e-mail address is…. B: It’s coolgal@rol.com A: Cool pal? B: No, cool gal. G-A-L. At R-O-L dot com. 5⃣ A: May I have your phone number, please? B: Sure. It’s 555-2398. A: Okay… 555-2358. B: Actually, it’s nine eight. 2-3-9-8. A: Oh, 2-3-9-8. Thank you. 6⃣ A: So, could I give you a call sometimes? B: Sure, that would be great. My cell is 555-7216. A: 555-7216? B: Yep, that’s right. A: Okay. I’ll give you a call this weekend, then. ➖〰〰➖➖〰〰➖➖〰〰➖➖ ➡️ sure ➡️ actually ➡️ call ➡️ great ➡️ weekend ⬅️ حتما ⬅️ در واقع ⬅️ تماس گرفتن ⬅️ عالی ⬅️ آخر هفته 🏡 @English_House 🏡
❤️ quote of the day امام سجاد عليه السلام می فرمایند : 👩👧👦حقّ مادرت بر تو، این است که بدانی او تو را در جایی حمل کرده است که هیچ کس، دیگری را حمل نمی‌کند و از میوۀ دلش چیزی را به تو داد که احدی به دیگری نمی‌دهد و تو را با تمام اعضایش حفظ کرد... 💞 💞 Your mother's right to you is that you know she carried you in a place in where nobody carries someone else, gave you of her hearts fruit something of which nobody gives others, maintained you by her all organs, etc. 👩👧👦 🏡 @English_House 🏡
☂ idiom of the day 🐣 after all 🐣 بالاخره ، با این وجود ، به هر حال ، در نهایت 🏡 @English_House 🏡
❣ Expressions 🚼 Birth 🤰 had a baby 🤰 was born 🤰 weighed 🤰 call 🤰 birthday 🤰 were born ➖➖➰➰➖➖➰➰➖➖➰➰➖➖ 👶 Anna " had a baby " yesterday. آنا دیروز " بچه دار شد. " 👶 He " was born " at 1.15 yesterday morning. او دیروز صبح در ساعت 1:15 " متولد شد. " 👶 He " weighed " 3 kilograms. او 3 کیلو " وزن داشت. " 👶 They are going to " call him, John " – after John, his grandfather. اونا میخوان " اسمشو جان بذارن " _ بعد از فوت پدربزرگش جان 👶 His grandfather’s " birthday " is June 16th too. But he was born in 1957! " روز تولد " پدربزرگش هم 16 ام ژوئن هست. با این تفاوت که او در سال 1957 متولد شد! 👶 The baby’s parents " were born " in 1986. والدین نوزاد در سال 1986 " متولد شدند. " ➖➖➰➰➖➖➰➰➖➖➰➰➖➖ 📌 Common mistakes ↪️ اشتباهات رایج Anna had a baby ✅ [ not Anna got a baby ❌ ]. He / She was born ✅ [ not He / She born or He / She is born ❌] 🏡 @English_House 🏡
لهجه بریتیش 🇬🇧
افعال to be 👉👆👆 👇 ↪️ am , is , are 🏡 @English_House 🏡
#grammar چگونه از am , is , are استفاده کنیم 👆👆👆 ( مفرد ، جمع ، منفی ، سؤالی ) 🏡 @English_House 🏡
#grammar مثال های بیشتر از استفاده های is , are 👆👆👆 🏡 @English_House 🏡
#grammar استفاده از there are , there is 👆👆👆 🏡 @English_House 🏡
پایان زمان حال ساده ✅
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