⚡️🌸🥰آژانس یادگیری🥰🌸⚡️
❤️هزار و یک شب لغات زبان❤️
❤️شب سی و پنجم...❤️
دوستانم وقت بخیر. تا چند دیقه دیگه...🥰
حدس بزنید واژه های امشب در مورد چیه؟😊 به نظرتون قراره امشب چه واژگان جدیدی رو یاد بگیریم...😊😍
دفتر و قلما آماده زبان دوستان...💥👑
🔴داشبورد هزار و یک شب🔴
1. "Mommy cut my fingernails with the nail clippers."
2. "Daddy's fingernails are dirty because he was working in the garden."
3. "I painted my fingernails pink with nail polish."
4. "Can you show me your fingernails?"
5. "The cat's claws are like sharp fingernails that help it climb trees."
#ناخن #کلمه_جدید #واژگان #کلمه #کلمات #کلمات_زبان #کلمات_انگلیسی #انگلیسی #زبان #آموزش #آموزش_زبان #آژانس_یادگیری #داود_اسدپور #اسدپور
#fingernail #Vocab #Vocabulary #Word #English_word #English_words #Learning #English #Davood #Assadpour #Davood_Assadpour
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🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy tied the apron around her waist before cooking dinner."
2. "Daddy put his belt around his waist to keep his pants up."
3. "My friend has a small waist, and she can wear little kid's clothes."
4. "Can you show me where your waist is?"
5. "The superhero had a golden belt around his waist to hold his sword."
6. "My teacher told us to put our hands on our waists and wiggle like snakes."
#کمر #کلمه_جدید #واژگان #کلمه #کلمات #کلمات_زبان #کلمات_انگلیسی #انگلیسی #زبان #آموزش #آموزش_زبان #آژانس_یادگیری #داود_اسدپور #اسدپور
#waist #Vocab #Vocabulary #Word #English_word #English_words #Learning #English #Davood #Assadpour #Davood_Assadpour
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🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy put a bandage on my elbow when I fell down and got a boo-boo."
2. "Daddy bent his elbow to show me how to throw a ball."
3. "My friend nudged me with her elbow to get my attention in class."
4. "Can you show me where your elbows are?"
5. "The giraffe has really long legs and it can bend its elbows to eat leaves from tall trees."
#آرنج #کلمه_جدید #واژگان #کلمه #کلمات #کلمات_زبان #کلمات_انگلیسی #انگلیسی #زبان #آموزش #آموزش_زبان #آژانس_یادگیری #داود_اسدپور #اسدپور
#elbow #Vocab #Vocabulary #Word #English_word #English_words #Learning #English #Davood #Assadpour #Davood_Assadpour
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🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy put a bracelet around my wrist, and it jingles when I move."
2. "Daddy looked at his watch on his wrist to see what time it was."
3. "My friend tied a ribbon around her wrist to remind her of our special friendship."
4. "Can you show me where your wrist is?"
5. "Can you tie my wristwatch on my hand?"
#مچ #کلمه_جدید #واژگان #کلمه #کلمات #کلمات_زبان #کلمات_انگلیسی #انگلیسی #زبان #آموزش #آموزش_زبان #آژانس_یادگیری #داود_اسدپور #اسدپور
#wrist #Vocab #Vocabulary #Word #English_word #English_words #Learning #English #Davood #Assadpour #Davood_Assadpour
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🆔 @LearningAgency
1. "Mommy said that middle-age is when grown-ups are no longer young but aren't old either."
2. "Daddy's friend is middle-aged, and he has a son who is about your age."
3. "My teacher said that some people start new hobbies when they reach middle-age."
4. "Can you guess if my uncle is middle-aged?"
5. "In the story, the middle-aged knight went on a quest to find a dragon."
#میانسال #کلمه_جدید #واژگان #کلمه #کلمات #کلمات_زبان #کلمات_انگلیسی #انگلیسی #زبان #آموزش #آموزش_زبان #آژانس_یادگیری #داود_اسدپور #اسدپور
#middle_age #Vocab #Vocabulary #Word #English_word #English_words #Learning #English #Davood #Assadpour #Davood_Assadpour
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🆔 @LearningAgency