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مشاهده در ایتا
#visit_iran #visit_paradise #soleyman #dezh #gachsaran #kohgiluyeh_and_boyer_ahmad #soleyman_dezh , which is probably one of the #castles of #ismailis #movement , is located close to #soleyman #village in 20 km #south_west of #gachsaran #kohgilouyeh_and_boyer_ahmad #province there were lots of #castles in the #history which had #hidden #entry and also #people could #reach #water #supplies during #long-lasting #sieges #soleyman_dezh had been one of three important and #unbeatable #castles of #ismailis in the #south of the #country that you must pass #impassable_roads to #visit it yourself this #castle was #base of #soleyman_ibn_taher_gonavehee who was the #leader of #qarmatians and it’s known as #soleyman_dezh for this #reason being in the #mountainous area and having #unreachable #roads make it more #important and more #special #castle which is #unique and is still #intact لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org
#visit_iran #visit_paradise #rayen_citadel #rayen #kerman #rayen_historical_citadel , which has more than 22000 square meters #area and 44000 square meters #structure , is the #second #large_adobe_building_in_the_world after #bam_citadel #rayen_citadel is constructed in #square_shape and has #several #towers which are #protecting #structures that are located in the #citadel and it is also #surrounded by a #fence that is built in 10 meters #height . this #citadel has one #entry in the #east side with a #huge and #glorious #facade that is #welcoming the #visitors and #tourists #rayen_citadel has #several #buildings in addition to its 16 towers for example #government_castle #riches_buildings #four_storehous #temporary_fire_temple #permanent_fire_temple # quarantine #khan_place #security_part #market لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org
#visit_iran #visit_paradise #yazdan_panah #mansion #qom #yazdan_panah #house is located in one of the #oldest #neighborhood of #qom which is called #cotton_garden ( #bagh_e_panbe ) near the #ancient_market ( #bazar_e_kohneh ) - the #oldest #trading_place in #qom - this #mansion is built in #qajar #dynasty and it was being used in #pahlavi #dynasty . you can see the #wonderful #iranian #architecture there #yazdan_panah_mansion has a #beautiful #entry with a high facade and a four-part #brick #arched_vault with four circular stone #columns that have been sculpted at the top and bottom parts . door facade had been designed by #tiles and bricks after door facade, the way of #screwed #corridors that arrives at the #internal yard and #external yard till no #stranger could see the #holy #family #private_life #rooms in #yazdan_panah #house are #separated and #independent but #wooden doors were installed till more #space is necessary you can have it with reaching to another room . also, locals said that doors made a connection between rooms for #spiritual_events , #celebrations , and #ceremonies لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org
this is located in a area and shows you this is the for after during the structure in 2005, remains of some were find between two parts of the of the which might be ’s and because the narrates told they were being kept in this has two the that there is a balcony on 4 columns on top it for the group for the that you can see the outside it of the : the 16 sides لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org