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مشاهده در ایتا
#visit_iran #visit_paradise #ovan_lake #alamut #qazvin #ovan_lake is one of the #natural #lakes of #iran which is famous for its #picturesque view having a suitable area for #camping is one of the #ovan_lake specialties that attract ones who want to stay for the night this #lake is located in 75 km from #qazvin and it has 1815 m #high above #sea_level which has a #great #view for #nature_lovers . if you see this #lake from above you’ll find it at the #center that is #surrounded by #plants and all of them are located #among #mountains the name of this #wonderful_lake is ovan which #means the #place that #water is #stored #sights and #entertainments around #ovan_lake taking a #boat #ride #photography #mount_climbing #ice_skate (in the #winter ) #bird_watching #no_swimming and #no_fishing most the #tourists prefer to stay the #night beside the #lake and you must know the best place to put up the #tent is the #south #ovan_lake #facilities #restaurant #tent_platform #restrooms some #beds for #sitting a tiny #buffet #enogh #parking_space The #best_time to visit #ovan_lake is from #May to #October لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org
#visit_iran #visit_paradise #kiv_lake #khorramabad It is a #popular #promenade in the #north #west of #khorramabad . this #natural #lake has a #deep #connection with #history , #culture , and #vitality of this #land . the #connection between #kiv and #khorramabad is like as #karoon and #ahwaz , and #zayanderud and #isfahan . this #picturesque #lake has 7 hectares #area , and between 3 to 7 meters #depth . #kiv , which is a good #promenade for #residents and #khorramabad #guests , is hosting some of the #aquatic #animals and some #local and #immigrant #birds #each_year #kiv_lake #entertainment #boat_riding #amusement #park #pic_nic #camp #bird_watching during #birds #immigration season #walking #kiv_lake #facilities #wc #food #buffet #facilities and #suitable #area for #sports #competitions like #swimming , #running , and #bicycling لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org
this is located in a area and shows you this is the for after during the structure in 2005, remains of some were find between two parts of the of the which might be ’s and because the narrates told they were being kept in this has two the that there is a balcony on 4 columns on top it for the group for the that you can see the outside it of the : the 16 sides لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org