آموزشکده علمی اوج
🖤🌹🖤🌹🖤🌹🖤🌹 #داستان«سقیفه» #قسمت : پانزدهم علیِ مظلوم ، همسرش فاطمه را با حالی نزار بر الاغ نشانید و
#The story of "Saqeefah"
#Episode: 15th
Ali Mazloum put his wife Fatima on the donkey with a carefree attitude and took the hands of his two children Hassan and Hossein and walked strangely through the dark and strange streets of Medina.
The moon was crying blood from above on this desolate and desolate place, and Ali went along with the pillars of the world of creation to warn the right that belonged to him and that God had given to him and his children, he went to shake the heedless people of the world. Zand was going to wake up those who had fallen asleep.
He would go so that there would be no more excuses in the hands of those who seek excuses. So that they will not say tomorrow. Ali, you did not say. You did not call us to Jihad.
Ali (a.s.) went with the relic of the Prophet (s.a.w.) to save the religion of the Prophet (s.a.w.) so that he might smother the fire of deviance that has arisen in the bud with the help of his companions.Ali knocked on the door of all the emigrants, Ansar and Companions of Badr and Khyber one by one.
If the owner of the house looked through the crack of the door and knew the knocker, the door would not be opened, the people of the house would lower their voices and fall asleep so as not to see eye to eye with Ali. They remember the Prophet's order well. they had, they did not open the door lest they would be forced to submit to Ali (a), they had grasped their world with both hands and had forgotten the hereafter.
When the door of some houses was knocked, the owner of the house, unaware of the door knocker, said: Who are you?
And Ali alone, he did not say, "I am Ali, the son-in-law of your Prophet, the father of his grandchildren, the immediate guardian of Muhammad (PBUH), but he calmly said: Open the door, the daughter of the Prophet (PBUH) is behind the door, and woe to Medina. Woe to these unfaithful companions." .Instead of going to the descendants of the Messenger of God to express their condolences, they had acted so brazenly that they dragged Zahra and Ali, the oppressed people of the world, to the streets. Arshian skyrocketed, it didn't happen.
Ali (a.s.) knocked on the doors of all the houses to complete the proof for everyone, and woe betide you in the sky who witnessed the incident and did not catch fire from the sadness of this homelessness!!! Woe to you for seeing and not being torn by this great sadness!!!
And the dust on the earth that you witnessed this oppression of Ali and Taha family and did not melt with shame.Isn't it Ali Abu Tarab?? Don't they call him the father of soil? Why didn't you act in defense of your father, your owner, Abu Tarab, and didn't destroy this oppressed city of Kush with an earthquake?
Finally, they knocked on the door of the last house, as it turned out, everyone confirmed Ali's words and gave him the truth, but they refused to accompany him with false excuses, out of which only forty-four people went to Ali (a.s.) gave a positive answer and promised to help.
So Ali (AS) counted on their words and promises, although history has shown that these people are forgetful.
But Ali (a.s.) ordered them to get ready in the morning with shaved heads and weapons in hand for alliance and martyrdom, and to reach the place he had determined, so that they would rise with each other's help, so that the religion of Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) and They lead Islam astray, but.
🖊 By: Ta_Hosseini
آموزشکده علمی اوج
🖤🌹🖤🌹🖤🌹🖤🌹 #داستان«سقیفه» #قسمت : شانزدهم صبح زود علی(ع) با لباس رزم بر تن مبارکش، براه افتاد. حیدر
#The story of "Saqeefah"
#Episode: The sixteenth
Early in the morning, Ali (a.s.) set out with his military uniform.
Haider, this warrior of the hard fields is the one who, except for him, found no one capable of winning over the people of Khyber, and with one move he destroyed the gate of Khyber and conquered the fortress, and this victory became a grudge in the hearts of the Jews of Khyber, a grudge that I think now is the time of the soldier. He reached the promised place and did not find anyone except Salman, Abu Dharr, Miqdad and Zubair who were ready for Jihad with shaved heads.
Ali (pbuh) who saw these four people, the advice of the Prophet (pbuh) echoed in his blessed ears: if you find friends, fight with them, otherwise save your life and do not divide between them.Ali (a.s.) knew very well that this clan that broke the treaty, the blood of Ali would easily fall on the ground, the blood of their prophet's daughter and his descendants would be spilled on the ground, so he held his hand and advised his companions to be patient, but because on all the people of Madinah and the whole world of the future, to complete the proof to the highest extent. On the second night, he again went to the door of the house of the emigrants and the Ansar with his wife and children, and the same incident was repeated again. became.
But Ali, who was God's guardian and his actions had the color of God's commandments and nudges, for the third time, he gave another chance to the Muslim claimants, and for the third time, he went to the door of the Companions' house at night, and again at night, forty-four people. They promised to help and when dawn broke, only those four people were ready for Jihad.
And this is the custom of creation, as stated in the verses of the Qur'an, "Allah is not different from us, even by people." Indeed, God does not change the destiny of a nation unless they change themselves.This is God's procedure and these ignorant people stubbornly insisted on the deviation of their religion, they were unaware that their going astray would lead the nation astray until the appearance of the last dynasty of the Prophet (PBUH) and without a doubt the sin of the future generations who were not present and did not see. It is the responsibility of those who were there and saw and pledged allegiance, but after the death of the Prophet (PBUH), they left everything to the bush of oblivion and ignored the decree of God and They put their worldliness in the headlines.
So Ali, oppressed, stayed at home. He did not find friends to fight, he did not go to the mosque to bow down and swear allegiance to those who broke the oath.
oh people
oh world Know that Ali (a.s.) did not remain silent before settling down at home. He did not find help to get justice and I wish we were there at that time, you and I, and we would have given our lives in the way of his guardianship.
🖊 By: Ta_Hosseini
آموزشکده علمی اوج
🖤🌹🖤🌹🖤🌹🖤🌹 #داستان«سقیفه» #قسمت :هفدهم علیِ مظلوم. چون بی وفایی مسلمان نماها و حیله گری اهل مدینه را
#The story of "Saqeefah"
#Episode: 17th
Ali Mazloum Because he saw the disloyalty of the Muslims and the cunning of the people of Medina and did not find help for Jihad and the justice of God, he chose to "stay at home" on the advice of the Prophet (PBUH) and was busy collecting and arranging the Quran and did not leave the house until Collect the Quran that was scattered and torn in pieces.
He collected everything that was revealed to the Prophet (PBUH), what could be interpreted, and what was abrogated and abrogated, and wrote it down with his blessed hand.
Abu Bakr, who calls himself Caliph, sent a messenger to the door of Amir al-Mu'minin's house and gave him a message: O Ali (AS), come out of the house and pledge allegiance to us!
And Ali (a.s.), the manliest man in the world and the loneliest guardian of the time, sent an answer: I am busy and I have sworn to myself that I will not wear a robe except for prayer, to collect and organize the Qur'an.When this news reached Abu Bakr and Umar, they called Ubaidah and Mughirah and asked them for a theory, so that they could bring Ali (AS) to the council again.
All of them were of the opinion that Ali (pbuh) is behind the back of his wife Zahra (pbuh) and Abbas bin Abd al-Muttalib, the uncle of the Prophet (pbuh) who does not swear allegiance to them, so they had to make a plan to get rid of this enemy. .
Their discussion dragged on, Fatimah (pbuh) could not be separated from Ali (pbuh) in any way, because everyone knew that Fatimah (pbuh) is the soul of Ali (pbuh) and Ali is the soul of Fatimah. Where can you make a separation between soul and soul???
Everyone knew that if his foot falls, Ali will die on the path of Fatima and Fatima will sacrifice herself to Ali.
Everyone agreed that Zahra is Haider and Haider is Fatima. So this soul in two bodies cannot be separated in any way.Therefore, they should have thought about Abbas first. At this time, Mughira bin Shuba said: In my opinion, you should first meet Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib and make him covet that he will be a part of the caliphate for you and your generations. Separate his politics from Ali bin Abi Talib, because if Abbas bin Abd al-Muttalib is with you, this is a proof for the people of Zahir Bin, and it is easy for us to confront Ali bin Abi Talib.
Abu Bakr, Umar, and Abu Ubaydah accepted this theory and all three of them went to Abbas together, and this was only a few days after the death of the Prophet (PBUH).
When Abu Bakr stood before Abbas, he said:
🖊 By: T_Hosseini
آموزشکده علمی اوج
🖤🌹🖤🌹🖤🌹🖤🌹 #داستان«سقیفه» #قسمت : هجدهم ابوبکر بادی به غبغب انداخت ، گلویی صاف کرد و گفت : خداوند مح
#The story of "Saqeefah"
#Episode: 18th
Abu Bakr snorted, cleared his throat and said: God has sent Muhammad (pbuh) as your prophet and the authority of the believers.At this time, Umar also spoke to increase the fire of Abu Bakr's words and bring Abbas bin Abd al-Muttalib with him by any means to stop supporting Ali (A), so he continued Abu Bakr's words and said: By Allah, on the other hand, O Bani Hashem, you are proud of your Prophet, the Prophet is from your family.O Abbas; We didn't come to you for a need, but we don't like that there is an objection and sedition about what the Muslims have agreed on and you stand in front of us, give your opinion in the best interest of you and the people!!
Abbas bin Abd al-Muttalib heard the words of these two, which were not in accordance with reason and logic, nor in accordance with the decree of God, and he replied: God sent Muhammad (PBUH) as a prophet and the authority of the people, as you said, if you are the caliphate. You have taken it according to the decree and order of the Prophet, which everyone knows is our right that you have usurped, and if it is at the request of the believers, we were also among those believers, but we did not know about your caliphate, and you did not consult us or ask us about it. and know We also do not consent to your caliphate, because we are also believers, but we do not love you and we do not accept your caliphate.But what you said is for me to have a share in the caliphate: if the caliphate is reserved for you, keep it to yourself because we do not need your right, and if it is the right of the believers, then you have no right to give orders or comment on their rights. If it is our right (which is ours according to the command of the Prophet and the decree of God), we will not be satisfied with a part of it (that is, you usurped the caliphate, you must return it).
But what you said, Omar, that the prophet is from us and you. Know that the Prophet is a tree of which we are the branches and you are its neighbors, so we are more worthy than you.
But what you said that we are afraid of scattered demands, know that what you have started is the beginning of dispersion and discord.
And God is a helper.
And it was like this that Umar and Abu Bakr's conspiracy to get Abbas's support for their usurped caliphate failed.And after this debate, Abbas bin Abd al-Muttalib sings a hymn poem on this theme anywhere and anytime so that it reaches everyone's ears:
I did not think that the caliphate would deviate from Bani Hashem and from among them, Abi al-Hasan Ali (a.s.).
Wasn't Ali (a.s.) the first person to pray towards the Qibla? Wasn't he the most knowledgeable about the works and traditions of the Prophet? Wasn't he the closest to the Prophet during his lifetime? Wasn't he the same person whom Gabriel was his companion in bathing and shrouding the Prophet? The same person who has all the good things that he alone has, and his good things are not among these people.Han O people; Who separated you from him? We must know him! Know that your allegiance is the beginning of sedition!!
And the scholar and Adam testify that the words of Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, may God have mercy on him, are the same truth, indeed, there is no Ali but the guardian immediately after the Prophet (pbuh), Ali, the first oppressor of the world, whom the world, under the pretext of his existence, And Ali's guardianship is nothing but a test from God, to test us in his love. And thank God a hundred thousand times that you did not call me, my master, because Ali is the master of the Prophet from beyond the centuries. We heard and gave our hearts to those who love God and we give our lives in the way of this love.
God bless you
that my mother also gave birth to me with Ya Alizad
📝 By: T_Hosseini
آموزشکده علمی اوج
#داستان «سقیفه» #قسمت: نوزدهم چند روز از قضیه ی دست رد زدن عباس بن عبدالمطلب به سینه ی خلیفه ی غاصب
#The story of "Saqifa"
#Episode: Nineteenth
A few days had passed since Abbas bin Abd al-Muttalib rejected the hand of the usurping caliph, they kept the matter quiet for a while and only sent a messenger to the door of Ali's house.
They wanted the people to forget what Abbas said and what Ali did, they wanted to erase the past allegiance that the Prophet (pbuh) took for Ali (pbuh) from their memories with the passage of time and the new allegiance of the people. do
But Ali (a.s.) should once again reveal the right that belonged to him and the ruling of God in it, he wanted to complete the proof against the people of Medina for the last time and record in history that Ali (a.s.) ) claimed his right, but he did not find help to return the usurped caliphate to its original owner with their help.
After a few days when the matter remained silent, Ali (a.s.) came out of his house, while he had collected and sealed the Quran in a cloth, he entered the mosque.Abu Bakr and a large group of people were sitting in the Prophet's mosque.
Ali (a.s.) came near the altar of the mosque and shouted in a loud voice so that it could be heard by everyone:
"O people, since the time the Prophet (PBUH) passed away, I have been busy bathing him and then collecting the Qur'an until I have collected it all in one cloth, you should know that God revealed every verse to the Prophet (PBUH) It is in this collection, the Prophet read all the verses to me and taught me their interpretation.
With his words, Ali (a.s.) understood that if you want Muhammadan Islam, if you want the religion of God, then know that God's book with all its interpretations, every word of which has wisdom and secrets, is in front of me, if you want; This sphere and this field. Find God's guardian and leave the usurpers of the Caliphate.
Ali said, but the voice did not rise from the crowd.Our Master looked at the oblivious and covenant-breaking crowd in front of him and continued, "I did this so that you don't say tomorrow, we were unaware of the Qur'an," and then he looked meaningfully at the crowd and said, "Don't say on the Day of Judgment that I helped you." I didn't ask for myself and I didn't express my right to you and I didn't invite you to read the Qur'an from the beginning to the end.
Ali spoke and spoke and spoke, but none of the worshipers in front of him understood that Ali is the same as the Qur'an and the Qur'an is the same as Ali, and it was mentioned many times in the words of the Prophet that Ali is with the Qur'an and the Qur'an is with Ali. They will not separate until they reach me in the pool of Kausar in heaven, and how wretched the irreligious worshipers of this world were, how unworthy these Muslims were, they left the pretending faces and the Qur'an alone in their sojourn.When Ali (a.s.) said these words, Omar who was present in the crowd replied: O Abu Tarab, what is in front of us from the Qur'an is sufficient for us and we do not need what you invite us to!
And Ali Mazloum, upon hearing this, entered the house more alone than ever.
Ali (a.s.) shook the crowd so that if the nature of purification is there, it will come to its senses.
But when they didn't get anything, the grudges in their chests from hatred and envy that they had stored away for years boiled up and created an event that will remain a stain of shame on the lap of humanity until the Day of Judgment. This event became a seal on the forehead of the Shia so that events would occur after this event. So that the slapping of the Zahrapovians would be repeated and repeated. We do, if we do not convey the truth of this matter to everyone and do not say that the truth was with our mother Zahras and the truth was in the province of Mullah Ali (A.S.) and that's it.
#continues🖊 By: T_Hosseini
آموزشکده علمی اوج
#داستان«سقیفه» #قسمت :بیستم علی(ع)، این قرآن ناطق ، وارد مسجد شد و قرآن را بر جماعت داخل مسجد عرضه
#The story of "Saqeefah"
#Episode: Twenty
Ali (a.s.), this speaking Qur'an, entered the mosque and presented the Qur'an to the congregation inside the mosque.
Ali (a.s.) entered the house and closed the door.
Umar, fearing that the nation's God-seeking nature would be stifled by Ali's (a.s.) flip, turned to Abu Bakr and said: Send to Ali (a.s.) right now, he must pledge allegiance, unless he pledges allegiance, we are not on a solid foundation. Although his trustees pledge allegiance.
With this hint of Umar, Abu Bakr sent a messenger to Ali (a.s.) and said: "Answer the invitation of the Caliph of the Prophet."
Abu Bakr's messenger delivered the message to Amir al-Mu'minin and Ali (a.s.) said: "Glory be to God! How soon do you lie to the Prophet, he and his companions know that God and His Prophet have not appointed anyone other than me as caliph.
The messenger returned and delivered the answer of the pious lord to Abu Bakr.Abu Bakr, who felt great in the company of his companions, sent the messenger again and said: Say, give the answer of Amir al-Mu'minin Abu Bakr!
The messenger knocked on the door of the house again and conveyed Abu Bakr's words to Ali.
Amir al-Mu'minin, Ali bin Abi Talib said: "Glory be to God! It hasn't been long since your agreement that you have forgotten it, he (Abu Bakr) knows very well that this position (the position of Commander of the Faithful) has no authority except for me. They surrendered, at that time, he and his friend Umar asked the Prophet from among those seven: Is this the order of God and His Prophet? And the Prophet answered: Yes, it is a right from God and His Prophet, Ali is the Commander of the Faithful and the leader of the Muslims and the owner of the white flag. On the Day of Judgment, God will place him on the bridge of Sarat so that his friends will be sent to heaven and his enemies will be sent to hell.»
Because this message from Mullah Ali (a.s.) reached the usurper caliph and his friend, and everyone was testifying to the truth of Ali's (a.s.) words, the two of them inevitably did not answer and kept the matter quiet that day as well.
And Zahra Marzieh, this bereaved girl, was the witness of all these messages and afterthoughts, and this cruelty, usurpation, and breach of contract.
Our mother Zahra, tears were flowing from the four corners of her blessed eyes and she didn't know which one to cry for. For the ascension of her father whom she considered dearer than her life? On the oppression of his wife whose breath was tied to his breath? Cry over the usurpation of the right of the caliphate, the guardian of his time, or over the body of Islam, which was being led astray by Naksani. Over the religion that was going away from its divine path. Yes, he should cry for all these pains, cry and cry until they tell him: either cry at night or cry during the day.On that day, when night came, Baz Ali (A.S.) mounted Fatima (S.A.) on a donkey and took the hands of Hassan and Husain (A.S.) and again another scene of exile and oppression was shown to the people who broke the pact.
The oppressed Ali knocked on the door of all the companions of the Prophet and in order to prove his right, he made them swear to God and asked them to help him. But again, only four people agreed with him.
🖊 By: T_Hosseini
آموزشکده علمی اوج
#داستان «سقیفه» #قسمت :بیست و یکم چند روزی از ارتحال آخرین پیامبر خدا می گذشت ، چند روزی که به اندا
#The story of "Saqifa"
#Episode: twenty one
How many days had passed since the death of the last prophet of God, how many days had he led the religion of God astray for centuries, how many days had Ali stayed at home, when the daughter of the Prophet (pbuh) cried more and more every moment.
For a few days, the world had become worshipers of the world and the believers of this land were in exile and oppressed.
The temptations of those around Abu Bakr started again: Why are you sitting quietly and not sending anyone to Ali (AS)? Don't you know that the foundations of your caliphate will continue to shake until Ali (AS) pledges allegiance?
When Umar whispered these words in Abu Bakr's ear, Abu Bakr, who was a softer, wiser and far-sighted man than Umar, and on the contrary, Umar was harsher and stricter than him, turned to Umar and said: Who should we send?
Umar said: Whoever you send, he will not be able to do anything except Ghanfudh, after all, he is a harsh, hard and hard-hearted person, he is one of the freed people and one of the tribe of "Bani Udi bin Ka'b".Abu Bakr liked his friend's opinion and accompanied by some people, Ghunfud led him to the house of Amir al-Mu'minin.
They reached behind the door and asked for permission to enter, but Ali (AS) did not allow it!
Ghanfuth and his companions returned to Abu Bakr and Umar and said: We were not allowed.
At this time, Umar and Abu Bakr were sitting in the mosque and people were surrounding them.
Umar turned to Ghanfuth and said: Go back! If he allows you to enter, otherwise, enter without permission!
And the cursed hedgehog set out to mark an event that was the beginning of many other events.
Ghanfuh went to give permission to future generations to desecrate Al Taha.
This accursed went to be the introduction of slapping the three years of Karbala
He went to start a fire and the flames of this fire fell on the tent of Fatimah's son in Nineveh and bent Zainab's back.
And I wish the sky would fall to the earth at that moment and this disgraceful event, which caused fire to the hearts of the thrones, would not have happened.I wish a thunderbolt would fall on their heads so that these shameful stains would be removed from the lap of humanity.
Ghanfuth went to establish another ceremony among the Arabs. Everyone knew that Fatimah (PBUH) was in mourning, everyone knew that Fatimah's condition after her noble father was such that the Aflakians shed tears over her.
Ghanfuh went to show his condolences to the Arabs' devotion to their Prophet's family in the spirit of history and future generations.
And I wish he didn't go, I wish this heart-burning incident didn't happen, and Mai and I, who only heard a little about that incident, our hearts are full of sadness, may God bless the heart of Ali (a.s.). May the cry of the avenging heart of the family of Muhammad (pbuh) reach, who has been living in the veil of the occult for years and is still not allowed to come out and avenge this closed wound because of actions like mine.
The hedgehog was cursed to depict that event.
🖊 By: T_Hosseini
آموزشکده علمی اوج
🖤🌹🖤🌹🖤🌹🖤 #داستان«سقیفه» #قسمت بیست و دوم : قنفذ ملعون بار دیگر به درب خانه ی امیرالمؤمنین رفت و اجاز
#The story of "Saqeefah"
#Episode twenty-two:
The cursed Ghanfuth once again went to the door of Amir al-Mu'minin's house and asked for permission to enter.
At this time, our mother Zahra Marzieh, wearing her headscarf, and after the death of their honorable father, her soul was grieving and her body was emaciated, came to the door and said: I will not let you enter my house without permission.
And maybe Fatimah (peace be upon him) wanted to say with this gesture, if you do not respect the sanctity of the oppressed Ali, then protect the sanctity of your Prophet's daughter, protect the sanctity of your Prophet's body, haven't you heard that many times, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Fatimah (peace be upon her) is part of my body, whoever hurts her hurts me and whoever hurts me hurts God.
And woe to this treaty-breaking and forgetful people, not long after the ascension of their prophet, they filled his trusts with their dirty hands.When the cursed fox heard these words of the prophet's daughter, he stayed behind the door of the house and sent a messenger to convey the words of our mother Zahras to Omar and Abu Bakr.
When Umar heard Fatima's (peace be upon him) answer, he got up with anger and gritted his teeth and said: We have nothing to do with women, and then he called Khalid bin Waleed and they moved towards the house of Amir al-Mu'minin.
When he arrived at the door of the house, he ordered to provide firewood and fire.
Undoubtedly, the firewood that was collected behind this door was used to create a fire that engulfed the tents of Hossein Zahra (peace be upon him) in the desert of Nineveh. It should also have the color and smell of the mother.Alas for the heart of Zainab (peace be upon him), the child of Zainab (peace be upon him) became sad when she saw this fire, she must see the fires so that this incident is repeated in another place, and there children around Zainab fear the fire. take refuge
Oh heaven, woe to you who saw the door of Khalifa Allah's house set on fire and you did not catch fire. Why did you not rain so that this flame did not extinguish the fire?
Didn't you see from above that the mother of creation is behind the door?
Didn't you see that the flaming door has a hard and iron nail and you didn't know what this molten nail would do to our mother's chest?
Why didn't you rain stones on the heads of these oppressors like the army of Ababil?
Why did you sit and watch for this event to take place and for events to take shape again and the fire of events to set our livers on fire?
The pain of this pain is hard, I can't bear to express it at the moment. God willing, it will continue in the next part. 😭
🖊 By: T_Hosseini
آموزشکده علمی اوج
#داستان«سقیفه» #قسمت : بیست و سوم هیزم ها را پشت درب انباشتند و عمر با صدای بلند طوری که علی علیه ا
#The story of "Saqeefah"
#Episode: Twenty-third
They piled the firewood behind the door and Umar shouted loudly so that Ali and Fatima could hear: O son of Abi Talib, I swear to God, or you must leave the house and go with the caliph of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. Pledge allegiance or I will burn this house with its people.At this time, Fatima, peace be upon him, came behind the door with a stiff body and said: O Omar, what do you have to do with us, why don't you leave us with our own misery?!
Omar shouted with anger in his voice: Open the door or I will set it on fire
Fatimah, peace be upon her, said with a grudge in her throat: O Omar, don't you fear God Almighty and attack my house, the house of your Prophet's daughter?!
Umar, who was only trying to achieve his goal and destination, upon hearing the words of our mother Zahra, peace be upon him, did not stop his work even a little bit and wanted to show that he was, for example, Marrard, he immediately called for fire and that incident happened.
When the firewood caught fire, hatred and envy came to boil, Badr and Hanin's grudges became soldiers and became what should not have happened.Fatimah, who saw the pyramid and the smoke of the fire and understood that this congregation does not respect them, nor do they understand that there is a pregnant woman behind the door, and for these women, even hearing a scream is dangerous, let alone fire and whipping. . Fatimah, peace be upon her, pulled herself to the corner of the door and the wall to be safe from the fire, and meanwhile, the fire flared up, and Umar pushed the half-burnt door, broke the door and entered, and Haider's unbloomed bud, The door was full.
Zainab, peace be upon him, with two eyes full of tears, was all focused on her bereaved mother, and when she realized that the molten nail of the door had sunk into her mother's chest, she ran towards the door of the house over the heads of the women, but all the senses of Fatima, peace be upon her, But he was the oppressor of his time.
Fatimah, peace be upon her, rushed, regardless of the broken side and the nail that was embedded in her body, while shouting: Ya Ibta, Ya Messenger of God.He went towards Omar to block himself between him and his man.
At this time, Umar raised the sword that was in its scabbard and landed on the blessed side of our mother Zahra Mazlouma. With the impact of the scabbard of the sword, pain was felt in the blessed daughter of the prophet and she moaned.
Umar was afraid that with this lamentation, hearts would be stirred, and he wanted to remove the voice of Fatima, peace be upon them, in any way, he raised the whip and hit the sweet arm of the lord of the women of the world, and dust on your head, O world, what did you see? and you did not catch fire from this heat.
Zahra's wail, peace be upon her, rose to the sky, and once again this grieving girl called out: O fool, O Messenger of God, come and see what your nation did to you after you.
When Zahra's voice was raised and the whip that split the air to fall on her lovely body, Heydari's jealousy of Shir God was boiling.
🖊 By: T_Hosseini
آموزشکده علمی اوج
#داستان«سقیفه» #قسمت :بیست و چهارم تا علی علیه السلام ،این شیر مرد عرب که اسدالله بود آن هیبت الهی
#The story of "Saqeefah"
#Episode: Twenty-fourth
Until Ali, peace be upon him, this lion of the Arab man, who was Asadullah, saw his divine awe, the condition of his wife, his life and soul like this, Heydari's blood boiled in his veins.
Haider Karrar, the destroyer of the Khyber Gate, rose up like an angry lion and attacked Omar in the blink of an eye and grabbed Omar's collar and pulled him firmly towards him and in a moment, like a matchless warrior. He knocked Omar to the ground and threw him on the ground, sat on his chest and hit his nose and neck and wanted to kill him.who suddenly explained that Ali, peace be upon him, is the Imam of the Muslims; Like the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, he did not break his covenant and did not forget his covenant. has been honored as a prophet, O Umar, if it were not for a decision from God and also a covenant with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, you would have understood that you could not enter my house!
At this time, Umar screamed out of fear and asked the people for help, and Ali, peace be upon him, let him go, and the people brought him to the house of Ali, peace be upon him, and entered the house.
Amir al-Mu'minin reached for the sword and Ghunfez, who was in front of the attacking people, trembled upon seeing this scene, he knew very well that Haider is the lion of the right forest, if he reaches for the sword, there is no one to stop him.Ghanfuth was afraid to see this scene and immediately ran away from the battle that was going to be his death and escaped from the hands of Molaimman and went to the mosque to Abu Bakr and reported the incident.
When Abu Bakr heard the incident, he ordered Ghanfudh to go back and said: If Ali attacks again, don't do anything (because he also knew that if Ali rises, no one will be able to fight him) but when he heard that Ali After talking about the Prophet's will, he said once again: If Ali (peace be upon him) is stubborn again, enter the house by force, and if he refuses again, set fire to the door and bring him here by force.
History has confirmed that this was the pledge of allegiance that the Companions relied on and based their caliphate on.
And once again, the cursed wasp went to the house of Ali, peace be upon him, to execute the order of his caliph.
🖊 By: Ta_Hosseini
آموزشکده علمی اوج
#داستان«سقیفه» #قسمت : بیست و ششم علی علیه السلام را کشان کشان به سمت مسجد می بردند و فاطمه سلام ال
#The story of "Saqeefah"
#Episode: Twenty-sixth
Ali (peace be upon him) was being dragged towards the mosque, and Fatimah, peace be upon him, was looking at this scene while she was lying on the ground, she suddenly came to her senses and ignored the pain in her soul and the blood that flowed from her pure body. It fell on the ground and ran after them.
He wanted to stand until the last moment, he wanted to not stop supporting the guardian of his time until the last minute, and as if he wanted to teach the future generations.
After all, he was a prophet and he knew about the future, he knew that his son, Mahdi, was coming, he knew that this pure lineage of his would have to live in exile for a long time and wander in the desert. Fatimah, peace be upon her, wanted to And you who claim to be a guardian should say that the guardianship of a helper is like this, you must be a supporter of your belief and purpose and the guardianship of your time until the end of your life, even if you are alone, even if your side is broken. even if you are grieving.Fatimah, peace be upon her, held her hand against the wall and as tears flowed from her blessed eyes, she limped after the crowd, so that she might be able to help the province of her time. to succeed his honorable father, Ali Mazloum Gharib.
As a result of the pyramid of fire, whip, punch and kick that he received from the cursed hedgehog, his strength was depleted and he was moving slowly.
Fatimah, peace be upon him, saw with her own eyes that her husband, the guardian of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was forcefully and dragged into the mosque. and for the sanctity of the mosque, he did not enter that place and sat on the ground next to the wall.
The women of Medina looked with pity at the woman whom the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: She is the master of the women of the world.Fatemeh sat on the ground, she wanted to wipe the tears from her blessed eyes, then she noticed that Zainbin was sitting next to her with a grudge in her throat, and each of them was holding a corner of their mother's earthen tent.
Fatimah, peace be upon him, couldn't bear to see their suffering any longer, so she grabbed the wall and pulled Zainbin by her side, and as she pointed to the half-burnt door, she gestured for them to go home.
And the oppressed Ali while the rope was around his blessed neck and Hassan and Hossein were clinging to both sides of him like helpless sparrows. He entered the mosque and saw Abu Bakr leaning on the pulpit of God's House and looking at him.
Ali, peace be upon him, said to Abu Bakr:
By: T-Hosseini
آموزشکده علمی اوج
#داستان«سقیفه» #قسمت بیست و هشتم: علی علیه السلام رو به ابوبکر فرمودند: همانا با کشتن من ، بندهٔ خد
#The story of "Saqeefah"
#Episode twenty eight:
Ali (peace be upon him) said to Abu Bakr: By killing me, you have killed the servant of God and the brother of the Messenger of God.
Abu Bakr replied: We accept being a servant of God, but we do not accept that you call yourself the brother of the Messenger of God!!
Ali, peace be upon him, said: Do you deny that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, chose me as his brother and established a bond of brotherhood between us?!
Abu Bakr Kurd said: It is true and he repeated this three times.
Then Ali (peace be upon him) turned to the people and said: O Muslims, O Muhajirin and Ansar, I swear to you by God, did you hear that on the day of Eid al-Ghadir, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said this: "I am the Count of Mullah Fahd Ghaza Ali Mullah. Oh my God, I am great, and I am great.Ali spoke and spoke and spoke and expressed all the words of the Prophet regarding the Imamate and caliphate immediately after him, in order to once again complete the proof against these worldly seekers of allegiance.
When Ali (peace be upon him) mentioned the incident of Ghadir, which was less than three months ago, the entire population of the emigrants and the Ansar confirmed all the words of our master, indeed, the words of truth flow from the tongue of our master, and he is called Siddiq Akbar took it from the Prophet.
At this time, when a tumult fell in the crowd and everyone testified to the truthfulness of the saints, Abu Bakr, fearing that the crowd would disperse around him and surround Haider Karar, again resorted to falsifying hadith and false lies and said:
🖊 By: Ta_Hosseini