آموزشکده علمی اوج
❤️#قصّه دلبری ❤️۴۰ مدتی باهم خوش بودیم ،باهم نشستیم از مفاتیح،آداب زیارت کربلا را درآوردیم. دفعه اول
We had a good time together for a while, we sat together and learned the customs of Karbala pilgrimage. It was my first time to go to Karbala. He himself had been there before. He observed eating meat there and did not eat it. He mostly fed himself with yogurt, salad, rice, etc. And it was a pity for us to spend time in the market. He said: (Haj Mansour said, don't shop in Karbala. If you want, go to Najaf). On the other hand, he said: "Most of these goods can be found in Tehran, why should we burden ourselves? Even when we were going to Mashhad, The only thing he wanted us to buy was Seyyed Javad's ring and perfume. He would also come to Tehran to buy barberry and saffron. All he wanted was to stay in the shrine as long as our bodies could bear it. He didn't have any tears, he was walking to go to the hotel. He also came to the hotel to renew his strength to go to the shrine again.In the caravan, he found a friend, his langah. He was both a praiser and a guard. They used to perform Madahi and Rosh in the caravan as a couple, but he was not the type to go with the caravan and with the crowd. He wanted us to be together as a couple. He used to say: Whoever goes to Karbala, goes from Imam Reza's court
It happened, the custodian of Hazrat Abbas's shrine gave us food, we were happy, we went to the guest house of Hazrat.
My sister and I went to get the answer sheet of the test, the answer was positive. I knew how long she was waiting. It was a mission. I told her when she called. He was excited, he was laughing. He was interrupted in the middle of the conversation. I thought the antenna had gone or his phone was charging. He called again and said: I stopped to pray the prayer of thanksgiving. He was so happy that he didn't hear half of what I said.
He was waiting for her in the missions in Iraq and Syria, he had bought baby clothes and blessed the shrine in the shrine. He took care of me in life, but more so during pregnancy.It wasn't five months out of nine months, and I was sleeping all that time. I didn't touch black and white. I was scared of pregnancy before. I loved lavashk and kore ghorut a lot. My mouth watered as soon as his name came or I craved it. My parents They used to say: You are under pressure. Mohammad Hossein used to buy for me, he would call me in the room, come, I have something to do with you, he would sneakily give me lavashk and Qara Qoruts and laughingly say: "Don't be my wife, we have to have sex with her like drug addicts."
I couldn't participate much in the delegations. When he saw that I was observing, he would be happy and would bring me blessed food. He helped me to read a lot of prayers and prayers. I wanted to read them together. He used to read some of them by himself. He used to feed me a lot, especially before the ultrasound and tests. He had brought them from Karbala and said: (the original).We had already chosen the name of the child: Amir Hossein, originally Amir Hossein was the name of our first child. We named him Amir Mohammad at the suggestion of one of Tehran's scholars.
He had said: Give Muhammad's name so that, thanks to the blessing of this name, God will consider and get healing.
He used to say: If I have four sons, I will name all of them Hossein
💔از فراقت به جوانی همگی پیر شدیم..
بی تو از وادی دنیا همگی سیر شدیم..
بی خود ازحادثه عشق تو دیوانه و مست
عاشق کوی تو گشتیم و زمین گیر شدیم..
🔲 خدا میداند در دفتر امام زمان(عج)
جزو چه کسانی هستیم؟!
◇کسی که اعمال بندگان در هر هفته
دو روز دوشنبه، پنجشنبه
به او عرضه میشود،
◇همین قدر می دانیم
آن طوری که باید باشیم، نیستیم ..😔
♡اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج بحق سیده زینب الکبری سلام لله علیها♡
💔 From separation to youth, we have all become old.
Without you, we are all fed up with the valley of the world.
Crazy and drunk because of your love incident
We fell in love with you and fell in love.
🔲 God knows in the office of Imam Zaman (AS)
Who are we among?!
◇ Someone who applies servants every week
Two days Monday, Thursday
offered to him,
◇ We know this much
We are not the way we should be
#Ait Allah Behjat (RA)
♡ O Allah, speed up Lulik al-Faraj by the right of Sayyida Zainab Al-Kabari, peace be upon her.♡
#آموزشگاه علمی اوج
📌 شهید زین الدین خطاب به خودش: مهدی؛ تو هیچی نیستی!
🔷️ چشمشان که به مهدی افتاد؛ از خوشحالی بال در آوردند دورهاش کردند و شروع کردن به شعار دادن: فرماندهی آزاده ، آمادهایم آماده ! »
◇ هرکسی هم که دستش به مهدی میرسید امان نمیداد، شروع میکرد به بوسیدن... مخمصهای بود برای خودش!
◇ خلاصه به هر سختیای که بود از چنگ بچههای بسیجی خلاص شد اما به جای اینکه از این همه ابراز محبت خوشحال باشد با چشمانی پر از اشک در گوشه ای به خودش نهیب میزد: « مهدی! خیال نکنی کسی شدی که اینا اینقدر بهت اهمیت میدن، تو هیچی نیستی، تو خاک پای این بسیجیهایی...!»
📌 Martyr Zainuddin addressing himself: Mahdi; You are nothing!
🔷️ Their eyes fell on Mahdi; They took off their wings from happiness and began chanting: "Commander Azadeh, we are ready, we are ready!" »
◇ Anyone who touched Mahdi would not let go, he would start kissing. It was a predicament for him!
◇ In short, no matter how hard it was, he got rid of the Basiji children, but instead of being happy with all the expressions of love, he was shouting to himself in a corner with tearful eyes: "Mahdi! Don't think that you have become someone who cares so much about you, you are nothing, you are the dust of these Basijs."
#commander of Lashkar 17, Ali bin Abi Talib
#آموزشگاه علمی اوج
❤️#قصّه دلبری ❤️۴۱
با کمک مادرم،داخل ماشین نشستم.راه افتاد.روضه گذاشت،روضه حضرت علی اصغر ع سه تایی تا دم در بیمارستان گریه کردیم برای شیرخواره امام حسین ع.
زایمانم در بیمارستان خصوصی بود.لباس مخصوص پوشید آمد داخل اتاق. به نظرم پرسنل بیمارستان فکر میکردند الان گوشه ای مینشیند و لام تاکام حرف نمیزند.برعکس،روی پایش بند نبود، هی قربان صدقه ام میرفت.برای کادر پزشکی خیلی جالب بود که آدمی مذهبی و این قدر تقلا و جنب و جوش.با گوشی فیلم میگرفت. یکی از پرستارها میگفت:کاش میشد از این صحنه ها فیلم بگیری،به بقیه نشون بدی تا یاد بگیرن.
قبل از اینکه بچه را بشویند،در گوشش اذان و اقامه گفت.همان جا برایش روضه خواند، وسط اتاق زایمان،جلوی دکتر و پرستارها روضه حضرت علی اصغر ع آنجایی که لالایی میخوانند،بعد هم کام بچه را با تربت امام حسین ع برداشت.
اصرار میکرد شب به جای همراه بماند کنارم.مدیر بخش میگفت:شما متوجه نیستین اینجا بخش زنانه؟دکتر را راضی کرده بود با مادرم بماند،اما کادر بیمارستان اجازه ندادند. تا یازده دوازده شب بالای سرم ایستاد .به زور بیرونش کردند.باز صبح سروکله اش پیدا شد.
چند بار بهش گفتم؛روز هفتم مستحبه موهای سر بچه رو بتراشیم.راضی نشد.بهش گفتم:نکنه چون خودت درد بی مویی کشیدی،دلت نمیاد؟میگفت:حیفم میاد...امیرحسین سیزده روزه بود که بردیمش هیئت. تولد حضرت زینب ع بود و هوا هم خیلی سرد و هیئت شلوغ.مدام به من میگفت: بچه رو بمال به در و دیوار هیئت. خودش هم آمد بردش قسمت آقایان و مالیده بودش به درو دیوار هیئت..دوبار عقیقه کرد:یک بار یک ماه و نیم بعداز تولدش که عقیقه را ولیمه داد،یکی هم برد حرم حضرت معصومه ع.
برای خواندن اذان و اقامه در گوشش ،پیش هرکس که زورمان رسید بردیمش.در یزد رفتیم پیش حاج آقا آیت اللهی و حاج آقا مهدوی نژاد.در تهران هم حاج آقا قاسمیان.حاج منصور ارضی و حاج حسین مردانی.با هم رفتیم منزل حاج آقا آیت اللهی.حرف هایی را که ردوبدل میشد،میشنیدم. وقتی اذان و اقامه حاج آقا تمام شد، محمد حسین گفت:دو روز دیگه میرم مأموریت، حاج آقا دعا کنین شهید بشم.هری دلم ریخت.دیدم دستشان را گذاشتند روی سینه محمد حسین و شروع کردند به دعا خواندن.بعد که دعا تمام شد،گفتند:انشاالله خدا شما رو به موقع ببره،مثل شهید صدوقی،مثل شهید دستغیب.
داخل ماشین بهش گفتم؛دیدی حاج آقا هم موافق نبودن حالا شهید بشی؟
سری بالا انداخت و گفت:همه این حرفا درست،ولی حرف من اینه:لذتی که علی اکبر امام حسین برد،حبیب نبرد.
روزی که میخواست برود مأموریت، امیرحسین ۴۷ روزش بود.دل کندن از آن برایش سخت بود.چند قدم میرفت سمت در،برمیگشت دوباره نگاهش میکرد و میبوسیدش.وقتی میرفت مأموریت، با عکس های امیرحسین اذیتش میکردم.لحظه به لحظه عکس تازه میفرستادم برایش،میخواستم تحریکش کنم زودتر برگردد.حتی صدای گریه و جیغش را ضبط میکردم و میفرستادم،ذوق میکرد.هرچی استیکر بوس داشت میفرستاد. دائم می پرسید:چی بهش میدی بخوره؟چی کار میکنه؟وقتی گله میکردم که اینجا تنهایم و بیا،میگفت:برو خداروشکر کن حداقل امیرحسین پیش تو هست،من که هیچ کی پیشم نیست.
میگفت:امیرحسین رو ببر تموم هیئتهایی که با هم میرفتیم.خیلی یادش میکردم در آوردن و بردن امیرحسین به هیئت، به خصوص موقع برداشتن ساک و وسایلش. هیچ وقت نمیگذاشت هیچ کدام را بردارم،چه یک ساک چه سه تا.به مادرم میگفتم؛ببین چقدر قُدّه.نمیذاره به هیچ کدومش دست بزنم.امیرحسین که آمد، خیلی از وقتم را پر میکرد و گذر ایام خیلی راحت تر بود،البته زیاد که با امیرحسین سروکله میزدم،تازه یاد پدرش میافتادم و اوضاع برایم سخت تر میشد. زمان هایی که برای امیرحسین مشکلی پیش میآمد، مثلا سرماخوردگی،تب و لرز و همین مریضی های معمولی،حسابی به هم میریختم. هم نگرانی امیرحسین را داشتم و هم نمیخواستم بهش اطلاع بدهم،چون میدانستم ذهنش درگیر و از نظر روحی خسته میشود. میگذاشتم تا بهتر شود،آن موقع میگفتم:امیرحسین سرما خورده بود،حالا خوب شده.
آموزشکده علمی اوج
❤️#قصّه دلبری ❤️۴۱ با کمک مادرم،داخل ماشین نشستم.راه افتاد.روضه گذاشت،روضه حضرت علی اصغر ع سه تایی ت
With the help of my mother, I sat in the car. He started walking.
I gave birth in a private hospital. She wore special clothes and entered the room. I think the hospital staff thought that Lam Takam was sitting in a corner now and not talking. On the contrary, there was no bandage on his leg, hey sir, he was giving me charity. It was very interesting for the medical staff that he was a religious man and so active. would take One of the nurses said: I wish you could film these scenes and show them to others so they can learn.
Before they washed the baby, he said adhan and aqamah in his ear. He recited a prayer for him there, in the middle of the delivery room, in front of the doctor and nurses, the prayer of Hazrat Ali Asghar (AS) where they sing a lullaby.
He insisted on staying with me at night.The director of the department said: "Don't you realize that this is a women's department?" He had convinced the doctor to stay with my mother, but the hospital staff did not allow it. He stood on top of me until eleven or twelve at night. They forced him out. In the morning, he was found again.
I told him several times that it is recommended to shave the baby's head hair on the seventh day. He was not satisfied. I said to him, "Don't you like it because you suffered hair loss yourself?" He said, "I feel sorry for you." Amir Hossein was thirteen days old when we took him to the hospital. It was Hazrat Zainab's birthday and the weather was very cold and the board was crowded. He kept telling me: rub the baby on the door and wall of the board. He himself came and took it to the men's section and rubbed it on the door and wall of the board. He applied aqeeqah twice: once a month and a half after his birthday, when he gave the aqeeqah, he also took one to the shrine of Hazrat Masoumeh.
We took him to whoever we could to read the Azan and Iqamah in his ear. In Yazd, we went to Haj Aga Ayatollahi and Haj Aga Mahdovinejad. In Tehran, we went to Haj Aga Ghasemian.Haj Mansour Arzi and Haj Hossein Mardani. We went together to Haj Agha Ayatollahi's house. I could hear the words being exchanged. When Haj Agha's call to prayer and Iqama was finished, Muhammad Hossein said: I am going on a mission in two days, Haj Agha, pray for me to become a martyr. They said: May God take you on time, like the martyr Sadouqi, like the martyr Dastgheib.
I said to him in the car, did you see that Haj Agha did not agree to become a martyr now?
He raised his head and said: All these words are true, but my point is this: the pleasure that Ali Akbar Imam Hossein took, Habib did not take.
The day he wanted to go to the mission, Amir Hossein was 47 days old. It was hard for him to lose heart. He would walk to the door for a few steps, turn back, look at him again and kiss him. When he went to the mission, I would tease him with Amir Hossein's photos.I used to send him new photos every moment, I wanted to provoke him to come back sooner. I even recorded his crying and screaming and sent them, he liked them. He would send anything with a kiss sticker. He would always ask: What are you giving him to eat? What is he doing? When I complained that we are alone here and come on, he would say: Go, thank God, at least Amir Hossein is with you, I have no one.
He used to say: "Take Amir Hossein to all the delegations we used to go together." He never let me take any of them, be it one bag or three. I used to say to my mother: Look how big he is. He won't let me touch any of them. When Amir Hossein came, he filled up a lot of my time and my time was much easier, of course a lot. When I was dealing with Amir Hossein, I just remembered his father and the situation became more difficult for me.Whenever there was a problem for Amir Hossein, for example cold, fever and chills and these common illnesses, I messed up the calculations. I was worried about Amir Hossein and I didn't want to inform him, because I knew that his mind would be busy and he would be mentally tired. I would let him get better, then I would say: Amir Hossein had a cold, now he is fine