آموزشکده علمی اوج
✨﷽✨ #یادت_باشد❤ ✍ #فصلهفتم[بیادرجمع یاران یارباشیم.] ( #اثاثکشی) #قسمتــ۱۰۴ از ساعت دو و نیم
✍ #Chapter 7 [Let's be friends together]
( #moving)
#Episode 104
From half past two, the movement of the clock hands on the reception wall became very slow and boring.
Every minute I was waiting for Hamid to come back from work and ring the doorbell.
Out of boredom, I sat at the computer and looked at Hamid's photos.
He was fond of taking pictures, that's why he had put all the pictures of his missions, workplaces and trips into the system.
Rather than having a photo with his colleagues, he took a souvenir photo with the soldiers.
The reason was that his relationship with the soldiers was completely friendly.
He never spoke in an orderly manner, it happened many times
He had to take a tool from his soldier, he didn't tell the soldier to bring that tool to our house, he said:
"Where are you? I will come and take it from you."Among the photos, he had made a folder for after his martyrdom. He told me that whenever he was martyred, we should use the photos in this folder for banners and ceremonies.
I looked at the photos, this time it was more late than before, I was worried.
I drew a lot of signs in front of myself to avoid Hamid's embarrassment when he came.
In order to calm down, I started walking, I counted my steps to pass the time faster, I measured the rooms and the kitchen several times.
Finally, after several hours of delay, he rang the doorbell, when I heard Hamid's voice, it was as if water had been poured on the fire, and I forgot all my worries and worries.When he entered, I noticed that his clothes were wet. I said:
"Hamid, I'm worried, why are you so late?" Why are your clothes wet?"
He didn't want to answer me, he was dodging. At the dinner table, when I was very stubborn, he told me that he stayed with the soldiers to wash the carpets of Hosseiniye Tip.
He had helped them step by step, so when he got home his clothes were wet.
He said: "We are all soldiers for Hosseiniyeh and good deeds, we don't want to join the army, let's go."
I asked with my eyes: "What is the difference between them?"
He answered: "The difference between go and come is that when you say go, you stand here yourself, you expect others to lead, but when you say come, you go forward yourself, you encourage others to move."
This behavior made him always have a good position among the soldiers, when he was working he saw himself in the uniform of a soldier and not someone who should give orders.He was so friendly and humble that some soldiers would call and say hello to Hamid even a few years after the end of their service.
I said: "So, from now on, I will also buy you according to the custom of the army!"
He said: "What do you mean?"
I said: "I won't say Hamid, sir, let's go shopping, I'll go inside the store and say, come inside, count how many I like!"
Kelly laughed at my interpretation.
I didn't like to sit at his table alone, even though I had eaten my lunch and I wasn't hungry, I sat next to him.
I eagerly sat next to him just like the first table I had laid for him and looked at him, the best moments that I wanted to come and be able to calmly look at his tired but kind face.
As always, he eats his food with appetite,
As I wanted to take a few bites, Hamid took the sauce container and poured it on the potatoes.He used sauce with every meal, from cutlets to potatoes and lettuce salad, maybe two or three times a month we bought white sauce.
✍ #فصلهفتم
( #اثاثکشی)
وسط غذا خوردنش طاقت نیاوردم و پرسیدم:
«عزیزم امروز برای شستن موکت ها موندی، روزهای دیگه چطور؟ چرا بقیه همکارای تو سر موقع میرن خونه ولی تو معمولا دیر میای؟»
در حالی که خودش را با ظرف شس مشغول کرده بود گفت:
شرمنده خانومم، بعضی روزها کارام طول می کشه، تا جمع و جور کنم می بینی سرویس رفته، وقتی دیر می رسم مجبورم خودم ماشین جور کنم یا حتی تا یک جاهایی پیاده مسیر رو بیام.
محل کار حمید از قزوین چند کیلومتری فاصله داشت، برای همین با سرویس رفت و آمد می کرد.
با اینکه به من می گفت کارش طول می کشد ولی می دانستم صرفا به خاطر کار و مأموریت خودش نیست که از سرویس جا می ماند، همزمان دو مسئولیت داشت، هم مسئول مخابرات گردان بود هم مسئول فرهنگی گردان.
هر جای دیگری که فکر می کرد کاری از دستش بر می آید دریغ نمی کرد، از کار پرسنلی گرفته تا کارهای فوق برنامه فرهنگی تیپ و گردان.
در واقع آچار فرانسه تیپ بود، خستگی نمی شناخت، مقید بود حقوقش کاملا حلال باشد برای همین بیشتر از ساعات موظفی کار انجام می داد.
تمام ساعاتی که سر کار بود آرام و قرار نداشت، در بحث مخابرات خیلی کار کشته بود، در ارزیابی های متعدد بازرس ها همیشه نمره ممتاز می گرفت و به او چند روز مرخصی تشویقی می دادند که اکثرشان را هم استفاده نمی کرد.
برای شام منزل عمه دعوت بودیم، معمولا پنجشنبه ها شام خانه عمه می رفتیم.
جمعه ها هم برای ناهار خانه بابای من بودیم.
گاهی هم وسط هفته برای شب نشینی می رفتیم، خیلی کم پیش می آمد تنها برود،
به مردخوش تیپ خانه ام گفتم:
«نیم ساعت دیگه می خوایم راه بیفتیم تو از الآن برو آماده شو»
بعد هم رفتم جلوی تلویزیون نشستم تا حمید حاضر بشود، حمید در حالی که برای بار چندم موهایش را شانه می کرد به شوخی گفت:
«همین که می خوایم بریم خونه مادر من تو طول میدی! موقع رفتن خونه مادر تو بشه من عوضش رو در میارم!».
کلی خندیدم و زیر لب قربان صدقه اش رفتم، گفتم:
«این تیپ زدنت با اینکه زمان میبره ولی دل ما رو بدجور برده آقا».
سر کوچه که رسیدیم سوار تاکسی شدیم، راننده ترانه ای با صدای خواننده خانم گذاشته بود.
حمید با خنده و خوش رویی به راننده گفت: مشتی صدای خانوم رو لطف می کنی ببندی، اگر داری صدای مردونه بذاره، راننده از طرز بیان حمید کلی خندید و همان موقع ترانه را قطع کرد،
حمید گفت: اشکال نداره به چیزی بذار که خانوم نباشه.
گفت: انه حاج آقا، همون یک کلمه من رو مجاب کرد، صحبت می کنیم و می خندیم، این طوری راه کوتاه میشه.
بنده خدا مثل بقیه فکر کرده بود حمید طلبه است، تا برسیم کلی با حمید بگوبخند راه انداخته بود، وقتی پیاده شدیم حمید جمله همیشگیش را گفت: «ممنون! یک دنیا ممنون!»
راننده علی رغم اصرار حمید از ما کرایه نگرفت، موقع پیاده شدن از تاکسی همیشه حواسش بود که کرایه را به اندازه بدهد.
آموزشکده علمی اوج
✨﷽✨ #یادت_باشد❤ ✍ #فصلهفتم ( #اثاثکشی) #قسمتــ۱۰۵ وسط غذا خوردنش طاقت نیاوردم و پرسیدم: «ع
✍ #The seventh chapter
( #moving)
#Episode 105
In the middle of eating, I couldn't bear it and asked:
"Honey, today you stayed to wash the carpets, how about the other days? Why do the rest of your colleagues go home on time, but you usually come late?"
He said while busying himself with the six dishes.
Shame on you, my lady, some days it takes me a long time to pack, you can see that the service is gone, when I arrive late, I have to pack the car myself or even walk to some places.
Hamid's workplace was a few kilometers away from Qazvin, so he commuted with the service.
Even though he told me that his work would take a long time, I knew that it was not only because of his work and mission that he was leaving the service, he had two responsibilities at the same time, he was the head of the telecommunications battalion and the head of the cultural battalion.Anywhere else he thought he could do something, he did not hesitate, from personnel work to extra cultural activities of the brigade and battalion.
In fact, Achar was a type, he didn't know fatigue, he was bound to have his salary completely halal, that's why he worked more than the required hours.
All the hours he was at work, he was quiet and restless, he had killed a lot of work in telecommunications, he always got an excellent grade in the numerous evaluations of the inspectors, and they gave him several days of incentive leave, most of which he did not use.
We were invited for dinner at my aunt's house, usually on Thursdays we went to my aunt's house for dinner.
We went to my dad's house for lunch on Fridays.Sometimes we went for a night out in the middle of the week, it was very rare for him to go alone.
I said to the handsome man of my house:
"We want to leave in half an hour, go get ready now"
Then I went and sat in front of the TV until Hamid showed up, Hamid jokingly said while combing his hair for the second time.
"Just as we want to go to my mother's house, you take too long!" When you go to your mother's house, I will take off her clothes!"
I laughed a lot and went under the lips of the nobleman, I said:
"Even though it takes time to style your hair, it has touched our hearts in a bad way, sir."
When we arrived at the street, we took a taxi, the driver had played a song with the voice of a female singer.
Hamid said to the driver with a smile and a good manner: Please shut up the lady's voice, if you want to sound like a man.
Hamid said: It's okay to leave it to someone who is not a lady.He said: Haj, sir, he persuaded me with just one word, we talk and laugh, this way the path is shortened.
Servant of God had thought that Hamid was a student like everyone else, until we got there he had been chatting with Hamid, when we got off Hamid said his usual sentence: "Thank you!" thanks a lot!"
Despite Hamid's insistence, the driver did not charge us a fare.
«دنیا آدم را آهسته آهسته
در کام خود فرو می برد؛
قدم اول را که برداشتی
تا آخر میروی باید مواظبِ
همان قدم اول باشی»
"The world slows you down
sinks into his palate;
You took the first step
You have to be careful until the end
Be the first step"
#آموزشگاه علمی اوج
لاالهالاالله ۱۷.mp3
مجموعه صوتی #لاالهالاالله ۱۷
مسیر عشق، مسیر نفیِ همه إلهههای دیگر جز خداست...
و بزرگترینِ این الههها "خودمان" هستیم.
که گذشتن از آن نیز، دردناکترین زایمان است!
حالا این الهِ غول و سرکش را چگونه میتوان ذبح کرد؟
و چگونه میتوان الههای بنام خدا را جای آن نشاند؟
#آموزشگاه علمی اوج
✍ #فصلهفتم
( #اثاثکشی)
گاهی وقتها که احساس می کرد راننده کمتر حساب کرده می گفت:
«آقا کرایه ای که گرفتی کم نباشه که ما مدیون بشیم؟».
ورودی خانه عمه چهار تا پله داشت که به ایوان می رسید و بعد هم اتاق ها.
حمید این چهار تا پله را یک جا می پرید، چه موقع رفتن و چه موقع برگشتن، این بار هم مثل همیشه چهار تا پله را پرید بالا، گفتم:
«باز پدر و مادرت رو دیدی کبکت خروس می خونه، یاد بچگیا و شیطنتای خودت افتادی، شدی همون پسر بچه شیطون هفت هشت ساله!»
آقا سعید و خانمش هم آمده بودند، بعد از شام دور هم نشسته بودیم تلویزیون می دیدیم.
وسط سریال عمه برایمان انار آورد، چون می دانستم حمید بین همه میوه ها انار را خیلی دوست دارد.
برای همین سهم انار خودم را هم دادم به حمید.
آن قدر به انار علاقه داشت که هر وقت میرفت بیرون دو سه کیلو انار می خرید.
البته به خودش زحمت نمیداد، می گفت: «فرزانه من دوست دارم انار رو دون کنی، بشینیم جلوی تلویزیون قاشق قاشق بخوریم.
وقت هایی که می رفت هیئت با باشگاه ظرف بزرگ کریستال را می آوردم انارها را دان می کردم.
با دیدن قرمزی انارها غرق فکر و خیال های شیرین ناخود آگاه زیر لب شعرهای بچگی هایمان را می خواندم:
صد دانه یاقوت دسته به دسته، با نظم و ترتیب یکجا نشسته.
خیلی وقت ها مچ خودم را می گرفتم که لبخند به لب شعر می خوانم و از دان کردن
اناری که برای حمید بود لذت می برم.
چون گلپر دوست نداشت فقط نمک می زدم و می گذاشتم داخل یخچال، وقتی می آمد خانه امان نمیداد .
چون ترش بود من فقط دو سه قاشق می توانستم بخورم. ولی حمید همه انارهای دان شده ظرف به آن بزرگی را می خورد.
آموزشکده علمی اوج
✨﷽✨ #یادت_باشد❤ ✍ #فصلهفتم ( #اثاثکشی) #قسمتــ۱۰۶ گاهی وقتها که احساس می کرد راننده کمتر حسا
✍ #The seventh chapter
( #moving)
#Episode 106
Sometimes, when he felt that the driver underestimated him, he would say:
"Sir, shouldn't the rent you took be low enough for us to owe?"
The entrance to my aunt's house had four steps leading to the porch and then the rooms.
Hamid used to jump up these four stairs at the same time, both when he was going and when he was coming back, this time he jumped up the four stairs as usual. I said:
"You saw your parents crowing again, you forgot your childhood and mischievousness, you became the same mischievous seven-eight-year-old boy!"
Mr. Saeed and his wife also came, after dinner we were sitting together watching TV.
In the middle of the series, my aunt brought us pomegranates, because I knew that Hamid loves pomegranates among all fruits.
For this reason, I also gave my pomegranate share to Hamid.
He was so fond of pomegranates that he bought two or three kilos of pomegranates every time he went out.Of course, he didn't bother himself, he said: "Farzaneh, I like you to eat pomegranates, let's sit in front of the TV and eat spoonfuls."
When the delegation went with the club, I would bring the big crystal bowl and sprinkle the pomegranates.
Seeing the redness of the pomegranates, I was drowning in thoughts and subconsciously sweet dreams, reading our childhood poems:
A hundred ruby grains are sitting in one place, bunch by bunch.
Many times I would hold my wrist while reading poetry with a smile on my face
I enjoy the pomegranate that was for Hamid.
Because Golper didn't like it, I just salted it and put it in the fridge.
Because it was sour, I could only eat two or three spoons. But Hamid eats all the pitted pomegranates in that big dish.
#It has _adlama_