آموزشکده علمی اوج
سامری در فیسبوک #قسمت_نهم 🎬: چند هفته بود که احمد همبوشی تحت درمان قرار داشت اما متوجه شده بود همزم
Samari on Facebook
#ninth_episode 🎬:
Ahmad Hembushi had been undergoing treatment for several weeks, but he had noticed that at the same time as treating the wounds he received from the beatings, various tests were also performed on him, and occasionally, they injected him with painful drugs, and every time he The process of treatment of these strange injections asked questions or did not get an answer or somehow they told him to zip your mouth because everything they do is for the benefit of you and your health.
It was as if the other side of life had been shown to him, they had given him a residence that he had never seen in his life, they provided him with all the facilities he requested, his meals were regular and colorful, fruit, tea and coffee. And the snack was so surprising.Little by little, Ahmed felt that he was a person whose thoughts and beliefs should be respected and become his disciples. These feelings had just sprouted in him, so that once a soldier who had the authority to protect and welcome him came to him. Ahmad used to order and forbid him until one day when he had an argument with him about an unimportant matter, two new soldiers rushed to his dormitory and took him to a place where they promised to torture him again. He gave, as if day after day and day after day.
Ahmed made mistakes again and in the end they made him understand that he is a servant and has no right to command or forbid even in minor matters of life, he should listen to his orders, it is true that he still did not know who his orders were at all. Is he a compatriot or not?! But whatever happened, Ahmed Hembushi should have obeyed his orders and his people.A week had passed since Ahmed Hamboushi was beaten again, now he had learned to adjust his life with the ideas of those around him, he neither protested nor presented a theory, he just tried to somehow understand that in the grip What a group.
It was early in the morning when they knocked on the door of his residence and as always respectfully brought him his breakfast, only this time the dessert with the breakfast was different.
A cover of a book with no name written on it, the soldier put the breakfast on the table overlooking the window that opened to the green space and said: I was ordered to read a book that was sent to you, chapter by chapter. They ask you to do it and the source of your exam is this book.The soldier, who spoke Arabic like the others, but without an Iraqi accent, went out and Ahmed went to the table in question and before he had his morning coffee, he reached and picked up the book, casually opening the book. The book was in Arabic script, Ahmed started reading and the more he turned the pages and read the handwriting from each page, the more he was surprised.
📝 By: T_Hosseini
🌸فــرزنـــد دلیــر حیــــدر آمـــــد
🌸عبــاس امیــــر لشکـــر آمـــد...
🌸می خواست نشان دهد ادب را
🌸یـــک روز پـس از بـرادر آمــد...
🌱عباس آمد تا برادری را معنا کند، وفا را شرح دهد...ایثار را الگو باشد، شجاعت را تفسیر کند و دلاوری را مصداقی والا گردد.
✨ولادت با سعادت #حضرت_ابالفضل العباس، قمر منیر بنی هاشم را به محضر مولایمان #امام_زمان و منتظران حضرتش تبریک و تهنیت می گوییم.✨
Haidar's brave son came
Abbas Amir Lashkar came.
He wanted to show politeness
He came one day after his brother.
🌱Abbas came to define brotherhood, to explain loyalty, to be an example of sacrifice, to interpret bravery, and to exemplify bravery.
✨We congratulate the blessed birth of #Abalfazl al-Abbas, Qamar Mounir Bani Hashem in the presence of our masters #Imam_Zaman and those waiting for him.✨
هدایت شده از آیت الله آمیر سیدعلی یثربی(ره)
🌱🌸ویژه برنامه خانواده قرآنی🌸🌱
با حضور استاد ممتاز قرآن کریم
🔹 سیداحمد جلالی 🔹
✅ هفته سی و سوم؛
🔺 دوشنبه ۱۵ بهمن ماه ۱۴۰۳- بعد از نماز مغرب و عشا
🔺خیابان آیت الله یثربی(ره)- مسجد اعظم علی بن ابیطالب(ع)
🔰 دارالقرآن کریم 🔰
هیئت امناء مسجد علی بن ابیطالب(ع)
هیئت حضرت ابوالفضل(ع)
کانون فرهنگی هنری کوثر ولایت
پایگاه آیت الله آمیرسیدعلی یثربی(ع)
کانال ما رو در لینک زیر دنبال کنین👇
سامری در فیسبوک
#قسمت_ دهم🎬:
نزدیک یک هفته از زمانی که کتاب بدون اسم به دست احمد همبوشی رسیده بود می گذشت، یک هفته ای که او کلا گیج و منگ شده بود و حس کنجکاوی اش بیش از قبل تحریک شده بود که در چنگ چه کسانی گرفتار شده، درست است به او خوش می گذشت اما از اینکه نمی دانست با چه کسی طرف هست ناراحت بود، اما از اولین برخوردهایش که با بازجو داشت می توانست حدس بزند که سر این رشته به کجا می رسد، اما فقط در حد حدس بود.
همبوشی تمام وقتش را صرف خواندن کتاب پیش رویش می کرد، کتابی که اسمی بر ان نوشته نشده بود اما بعضی احادیث شیعه را نوشته بود و بعد از توضیح حدیث با استناد به آیات قران سعی کرده بود حدیث را به سمتی ببرد که مد نظر نویسنده بود.
درست است که احمد هیچ وقت درس حوزه و دین نخوانده بود اما آنقدر می فهمید که این کتاب میتواند مشکوک باشد و کاسه ای زیر نیم کاسه است، هر روز محافظ احمد همبوشی به او تذکر می داد که کتاب را خوب به خاطر بسپارد و گویی قرار بود اولین امتحان احمد همبوشی از این نوشته ها باشد تا با مشاهده نتیجه این سنجش ببینند مورد قبول صاحب کارش قرار می گیرد یا نه؟ پس او هم سعی می کرد کلمه به کلمه کتاب را حفظ کند، گرچه بعضی جاها به واقع معنای مطلب را درک نمی کرد اما سعی می کرد آن را به خاطر بسپارد.
صبح زود بود و طبق معمول در اتاق باز شد و همبوشی در کمال تعجب متوجه شد محافظ اقامتگاهش تغییر کرده.
مردی بلند قد و استخوانی که سعی می کرد با نگاهش از زیر عینک، احمد همبوشی را آنالیز کند.
مرد وارد شد، سینی غذا را روی میز گذاشت و برخلاف قبل که بیرون میرفت، روی مبل کرم رنگ روبه روی احمد نشست و گفت: سریع صبحانه ات را بخور که باید جایی برویم.
احمد که در این مدت یاد گرفته بود که غیر از کلمه «چشم» چیزی بر زبان نیاورد چشمی گفت و سریع تر از همیشه مشغول خوردن صبحانه که خیلی هم مفصل بود شد، انگار طرف همبوشی کاملا اخلاق او را می دانست و پی برده بود که احمد همبوشی به شکمش خیلی اهمیت می دهد.
صبحانه صرف شد و او از جا بلند شد، به سمت کمد لباس رفت، او بارها کمد را زیر و رو کرده بود و لباس های رنگارنگی را که میزبانش دقیقا به اندازه قد و قامت او تهیه کرده بود، امتحان نموده بود و حالا برای اولین بار بود که می خواست بعد از مدتها پایش را از اقامتگاهش بیرون بگذارد، یکی از شیک ترین لباس ها را انتخاب و به تن کرد.
احمد همبوشی قد بلند خودش را با پیراهن آبی رنگ و شلوار لی سورمه ای داخل آینه دید و بعد به سمت محافظی که از او چشم بر نمی داشت رفت و گفت: من آماده ام برویم.
نزدیک در ورودی شدند و قبل از اینکه پا به بیرون بگذارد، مرد که شانه به شانه احمد راه میرفت،دست در جیبش کرد و با دست دیگر در را فشاری داد و گفت: صبر کن، باید چشم بند بزنی و با زدن این حرف چشم بند سیاهرنگی را که از جیب لباسش بیرون اورده بود به چشم های احمد زد.
انگار هنوز وقت آن نرسیده بود که احمد بفهمد طرف مقابلش چه کسانی هستند.
هر دو از اقامتگاه بیرون آمدند و مرد محافظ، همبوشی را به سمت ماشین راهنمایی کرد و بعد ازسوار شدن او در را بست.
ماشین حرکت کرد، از صداهای اطراف بر می آمد که در شهر هستند، بعد از تقریبا یک ربع از حرکت، ماشین متوقف شد و به او امر شد تا پیاده شود.
محافظ در حالیکه دست او را گرفته بود، از چندین پله بالا رفتند و بعد صدای باز شدن دری آمد و آنها وارد ساختمان شدند، کمی به جلو رفتند از طنین صدای قدم های آنها که در فضا می پیچید بر می آمد که آنها وارد جایی سالن مانند شدند.
کمی جلوتر، مرد محافظ چشم بند را از چشم های احمد همبوشی باز کرد، میز چوبی پیش رویش که چهار صندلی در اطرافش بود را نشان داد و گفت: اینجا بنشین و منتظر باش و با زدن این حرف به سمتی رفت.
احمد دستی به چشم هایش کشید و در کمال تعجب خودش را در مکانی یافت که به نظر میرسید کتابخانه باشد، قفسه هایی زیاد در اطرافش به چشم می خورد که مملو از کتاب بود، اما از ظاهر کتاب ها بر می آمد که کتب قدیمی در اینجا نگهداری می شوند و چیزی که برایش عجیب می آمد این بود که نام هر کتاب با زبان عبری بالای آن کتاب چسپانیده شده بود.
احمد هنوز مشغول دید زدن بود که صدای قدم هایی که از پشت سرش می آمد در فضا پیچید
ادامه دارد..
📝به قلم:ط_حسینی
براساس واقعیت
آموزشکده علمی اوج
سامری در فیسبوک #قسمت_ دهم🎬: نزدیک یک هفته از زمانی که کتاب بدون اسم به دست احمد همبوشی رسیده بود م
Samari on Facebook
#Part 10🎬:
Almost a week had passed since the nameless book had reached Ahmed Hembushi, a week when he was completely confused and his curiosity was stimulated more than before as to whose clutches it was. He was having fun, but he was upset that he didn't know who he was dealing with, but from his first encounters with the interrogator, he could guess where he would end up in this field, but it was only a guess.
Hambooshi spent all his time reading the book in front of him, a book that had no name written on it, but he had written some Shia hadiths, and after explaining the hadiths, citing the verses of the Qur'an, he tried to take the hadiths in the direction that the author intended. .It is true that Ahmad had never studied the field and religion, but he understood so much that this book can be suspicious and that it is a bowl under a half bowl. Every day, Ahmed Hambooshi's bodyguard warned him to remember the book well and as if it was a date. The first exam of Ahmed Hembushi was to be one of these writings, so that by observing the results of this assessment, they would see whether it would be accepted by his employer or not. So he tried to memorize the book word by word, although in some places he didn't really understand the meaning of the text, but he tried to remember it.
It was early in the morning and as usual the door of the room was opened and Hamboshi was surprised to find that the guard of his residence had changed.
A tall and bony man who tried to analyze Ahmed Hembushi with his eyes from under his glasses.
The man entered, put the tray of food on the table and, unlike when he was going out, sat on the cream-colored sofa in front of Ahmed and said: "Eat your breakfast quickly, we have to go somewhere."Ahmad, who had learned during this time not to say anything other than the word "eyes", said "eyes" and started eating his breakfast faster than usual, which was very elaborate. Ahmed Hembushi cares a lot about his stomach.
Breakfast was served and he got up, he went to the wardrobe, he had searched the wardrobe many times and tried on the colorful clothes that his host had prepared exactly for his height and now for the first time There was a time when he wanted to step out of his residence after a long time, he chose one of the most stylish clothes and wore it.
Ahmed Hembushi saw himself in the mirror with a blue shirt and dark blue pants and then he went to the bodyguard who kept his eyes on him and said: I am ready to go.They were near the entrance door and before stepping outside, the man who was walking shoulder to shoulder with Ahmed put his hand in his pocket and pushed the door with his other hand and said: Wait, you have to wear a blindfold and by saying this, he put the black blindfold he took out from his pocket on Ahmed's eyes.
As if the time had not yet come for Ahmed to understand who his opponents were.
Both of them came out of the residence and the security man guided Hamboshi to the car and closed the door after he got in.
The car moved, from the surrounding sounds that they are in the city, after about a quarter of the movement, the car stopped and he was ordered to get out.
While the guard was holding her hand, they climbed several steps and then there was the sound of a door opening and they entered the building, they went forward a little, the sound of their footsteps echoing in the space was heard as they entered a hall. became likeA little further, the protective man removed the blindfold from Ahmad Hembushi's eyes, showed the wooden table in front of him with four chairs around it and said: "Sit here and wait" and after saying this he went to a direction.
Ahmed put his hand to his eyes and to his surprise he found himself in a place that seemed to be a library, there were many shelves around him that were full of books, but from the appearance of the books, it appeared that the old books were here. are kept and what seemed strange to him was that the name of each book was pasted in Hebrew above that book.
آموزشکده علمی اوج
سامری در فیسبوک #قسمت_ دهم🎬: نزدیک یک هفته از زمانی که کتاب بدون اسم به دست احمد همبوشی رسیده بود م
Ahmed was still looking when the sound of footsteps coming from behind him echoed in the air
📝 By: T_Hosseini
Based on reality