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Don't blame me:)
1 دنبال‌کننده
17 عکس
3 ویدیو
0 فایل
مشاهده در ایتا
where was I?
Where am I?
Where will I be?
Don't blame me:)
Where will I be?
I"ll answer that asap
How much I miss my oldest memories! Why are they gone? I just want to experience my memories one more time.
Will today be another memory , too?
Well, I'm not ready for that...
هدایت شده از MBTI Vibe | ایما
Thankssss Eema:))))
۴۵ دقیقه سر حل یه دونه سوال ریاضی درحالی که انسانی میخونی:>>
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